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WIP: Ki Adi Mundi


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Originally posted by morphius_doh

Not to be rude, but where are the changes or additons? The face still has the same look as the previous update and so does the body and clothiing.


Well, I added some hjuge details to the back of his head. Added highlights to the clothing. If you mean not updating the mustache, as you said, it's a modeling issue.

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i gotta tell you guys that the model and skin are absolutely




i'm still pushing for the hat idea i brought up a while ago ... no pressure though. lol


but seriously Psyk0Sith, would it be possible for you to "animate" mundi's ponytail so that it moves while he's running? aayla secura's lekku move, albeit slightly, as she's running. that way it's not this static tumor-sticking-out-of-his-head thing. just a suggestion.


keep up the great work fellas!


:kiadi:KI-ADI-MUNDI ROCKS! :kiadi:

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Excellent likeness!!

Both the model and skin are looking tremendous.

Thank you so much for the work you have put in.


One possible source for Mundi's sounds would be Jedi Power Battles, the playstation and/or Dreamcast video game. There are some dialogue scenes when you use him as "player one" and advance through the levels. There may also be some pain and jumping sounds. Come to think of it, there may be sounds in the xbox game, "Obi-Wan". I do not own any of these games though, so I cannot source them for you... otherwise I would.


Best of luck with the rest of the work.





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Oops, He's not in the playstation version,

but he IS in the Dreamcast version. I forgot about that. Blaize1234, good call, thanks for reminding me. My freind picked up the Dreamcast version not too long ago and he used Ki-Adi Mundi while I used Plo Koon. Sorry about the confusion, I forgot that he wasn't in the playstation game.


So if you could get your hands on the sounds from the Dreamcast JPB you might be able to get some good sounds for him.



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The model should be ready for you Grafox, later tonight (keeping my fingers crossed...)


I've made slight adjustments to the beard and mustache, but let's consider this a beta phase...i will try to make something that works better for alpha shaders.


Grafox i just noticed something: there is nothing red in ki's outfit (by looking at the pictures i have) take a look at this pic:




so maybe you should re-paint that red line.


once again, i almost fell off my chair...after looking at the update!


but seriously Psyk0Sith, would it be possible for you to "animate" mundi's ponytail so that it moves while he's running? aayla secura's lekku move, albeit slightly, as she's running. that way it's not this static tumor-sticking-out-of-his-head thing. just a suggestion.


Good suggestion: i was also thinking how the heck can i animate that ponytail???


at first i thought i could link it to the feet and legs...so when he's not moving much, the pony tail wont be flying around like crazy.


if you have any tips on how i should do it, please let me know!

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Originally posted by Psyk0Sith

if you have any tips on how i should do it, please let me know!


i don't know the exact way to accomplish it, but there's a thread about a "tokien-ish elf" in which the creator wanted to know how to animate the hair. cheshirekat responded saying that he learned a trick from spacermonkey. in order to animate aayla's lekku he weighted parts of them to different body parts, but at a percentage as it went to the end of the lekku. or something along those lines. see here for yourself ... cheshire's post is about 2/3 down the page.


maybe you can contact either cheshirekat or spacermonkey about this. i'm sure if it meant making an incredible just that much better by adding those little touches, they'd be more than happy to help you out ... cuase that's what communities are for, right? hope you can get it to work ... good luck

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Comparing to the picture shown by Psyk0Sith, the colors seem way off. And I agree with Darth-Nasty, His skin tone is more pink than tan. Also, it almost looks like hes wearing makeup!(lipstick and blush). Not to be offensive, just trying to help.

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To elaborate, the color you have his pants in this pic...




should be the color of his shirt(or what have you). The outer garment color is also a much darker brown.




Also, only his bottom lip shows under his mustasche, that may be why he looks young with your skin.


The belt design is a little off as well, and I imagine that his boots are as dark as his outer garment.


Finally, his skin is more pinkish than tan.

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good news, weighting is done, xcept some bugs that need to be fixed...like the shoulders and between the legs.


for the ponytail, i tried to link the clavicles but it produced very bad results, so instead i linked it to the lower lumbar with little abs. It moves slightly and causes less distortion (which will be adjusted later).


so now Grafox can check out the skins (i wanna check em out too bud!). In the meantine i'll try to fix things up.


Since this is my first fully skinned character, it's not perfect, but i must say i'm very pleased with the results.


one thing to note:


he will slice through his skull when jumping in the hair or bringing back the saber when using strong style, i cant change that, after all he's got 2 heads!.


This also happens with kyle (only noticable when facing the model, not from the back.)


Grafox, check your mail please...

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