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anyone else agree that CMI wasn't that great?


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Originally posted by Oystein

Ok, I've played MI2 now and I've found a very clear reference to Guybrush's disgust of porcelain. As mentioned earlier in this thread, it's in Elaine's Mansion bedroom on Booty Island. If you try to open the chest in the corner Guybrush responds with: "It's just a porcelain replica of a chest. I hate that knick-knacky junk."

This proves that the porcelain thing is not something the guys behind CMI made up, although maybe they made too much fuss about it in CMI.


I doubt that's related. What he's referring to is the replica part, and that he doesn't need junk like that. The whole joke in CMI was that porcelain freaked him out.

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

Amen to that!


btw, just edit your post next time!


Hey, I know how to click edit. I just submitted it, and while it was going, I decided to stop and edit. Obviously I accidentally posted twice, because I didn't cancel the other one in time.


I apologise, It was an accident, please forgive me.

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I thought CMI was a great game, it just wasn't a Monkey Island game, its was too bright and colorfull too comiclike. MI1 and MI2 had a pirate feel to it, it felt alot darker and mysterious/spooky.


CMI was just too cheerfull to fit into the line of MI games, EMI was a lot better but still not up to that level yet but close enough.


CMI was a great game don't get me wrong but for me it just doesn't qualify as a Monkey Island game.


God i hope ron gets the rights pirate.gif

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He's more than that he's......he's a..........big old bed wetting doody head.


However we must remember that moldy crows come and go. I once was cursed with the moldy crow user status but I broke free from its deadly shackles, slowly increasing my post count. Till I got where I am today, with a custom status of....................'Happy Helper'?


Having said that anyone who doesnt like MI1+2 is asking for trouble. Be afraid Manny you mouldy crow, be very afraid........

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I'm glad this discussion got started. I'm usually on my own when I debate why EMI is better than CMI.


CMI is my least favorite MI game. As someone already pointed out, EMI is much more true to the original games. CMI is a great adventure game, but it's only ok as a MI game. First of all, the look of Guybrush - Why the change? Totally wrong, I never feel like I'm controlling Guybrush, it's like Guybrush was ill and they had to use an inferior replacement, who looks completely wrong. EMI fixed that. (Thanks Sean and Mike.)


The story in CMI is unimaginative and a bit boring. Someone turned into a gold statue....yeah, that's never been done before. The story is very week and doesn't involve LeChuck at all (except it was his ring) and he is just trown in, in the last two (very short) parts. Also, Monkey Island turned into an amusement part is sad, it ruins the whole MI universe. EMI also fixed that. (Thanks Sean and Mike.)


LeChuck was a wimp in CMI. In MI1/MI2 he was evil and cunning, in CMI he is just a wimp without a hint of evil. EMI fixed that. (Thanks Sean and Mike.)


I won't say much about graphics - I don't judge adventures on their graphics, but I like the graphic in all the games even though the graphic in CMI/EMI is very bright and colorful, the graphics in MI1/MI2 is darker and has a more "pirate" feel to it.


I have many more arguments, but I'll stop now or this post will fill 9 pages :)


I had the same opinions when CMI was released and I have maintained them, I didn't suddenly fall in love with CMI when EMI was released, because IMO EMI is a much better EMI game. It fixes many of the things CMI destroyed (which proved Sean and Mike felt the same way I did) and I don't mind the 3D - It's a change. I don't think it's for the better or worse, it's just different.


CMI also had many good points, like the music, the singning, and some nice new characters. I also like it very much as an adventure game and I enjoy playing it, but as a MI game, it's the worst in the series. MI2 still remains at the top.

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MI and MI2 are my joint favourites. I hate EMI though and CMI isn't brilliant. No amount of polished graphics can make a mediocre game good. The graphics are part of the charm of the first 2 and MI2 especially is very atmospheric.


Just don't get me started on the CMI/EMI voices .... *grumble* Damn Armato *grumble*...

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NO, no, no, no, no, NO

There are so many things in EMI that I hated compared to many things in CMI that werent that great but I could put up with. However to draw up that list i'd have to go back and play EMI again and there aint no force on earth that can make me do that.


But just to take your LeChuck point as an example, I didnt feel that he was a wimp in CMI, he had a bit of the 'cartoon villan slightly-stupid' air about him, but that was fine, it fitted with the game and he was still recognisably evil. There were quite a few times he made me laugh with his conversation and the new 'comedy' aspect to his character made for some really funny interactions between him and Guybrush, I really liked that.


In contrast, LeChuck in EMI isnt even the main bad guy!

In EMI he doesnt really HAVE a personality, hes not funny, yes hes 'cartoon villan' but he isnt funny, he's wooden. Another thing - he can suddenly morph between ghost/zombie/flaming lechuck! For starters his ghost/zombie forms are pulp and even if he could do that all the time its...rubbish! His different forms look rubbish(apart from the CMI flaming form maybe). I mean for christs sake, we've SEEN zombie lechuck and he doesnt look like some resident evil style crap mishmash of body parts, for starters in EMI zombie LeChuck isnt even green! Also the Charles-l-Charles 'form' was awful too, it wasnt funny, evil or something that would reasonably happen in any other MI game.


I could go on.......

I have always thought that CMI captured the tone and atmosphere of a MI game and EMI just.......doesnt. Ignoring all the plot flaws and irregularites, the basic feel and tone of it is wrong. Thinking of the bit where Timmy is trying to tell Elaine and Guybrush something and then they both say, in unison "There's trouble at the mansion? lets go." it just FEELS wrong, its not something tangible that I can put my finger on, its just wrong. For me EMI just doesnt have the 'MI feelTM'.

</Rant Off>

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Just to add my two cents - I feel that all of the Monkey Island games have something going for them, but if I was forced to pick my favourite between EMI and CMI, I'd have to go with EMI. I don't think CMI ruined anything at all, I thought it was a great game (also a great Monkey Island game), but EMI has more of the Monkey Island humour that I was used to from the first two games, as well as more MI1-ish dialogue. I'm not saying that EMI is miles better than CMI, just that it's marginally better.


In the end though, I don't really like comparing them, as I like them both, and that's enough for me.

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I'm half and half here.


In all fairness, CMI did screw up a bit with the plot, so EMI can't be blamed for any gaping plot holes. If you miss out CMI I -guess- it can make a bit more sense.


Puzzle&Graphics-wise, CMI was king.


I like the 3D interface.


I agree with Remi about the humour.


And Lechuck...I agree completely with BGBennyboy. What the hell were they thinking by making him morph? And giving him the ability to become a giant stone statue! Tsk.


Monkey Kombat was EMI's major, MAJOR Bad-fing. :)


ALl in All, I liked CMI better, because it was a better Adventure Game. Although, if you judge on dialogue, plot, and humour, then yes, EMI is triumphant.

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All of monkey island games have terrible plots. Compare it to Grim Fandango and all you've got is a bare-bones story completely supported by jokes--ther isn't actually any substance in any of the games.


Mi is all about humor. if you've played any serious adventure game with a serious story you'd see that MI's plot is so weak its useless comparing them--the funniest one is the best one. In my opinion I think CMI was the funniest--Guybrush had amazing animations and a voice, truly one of the funniest games of all time.


It might not have been in the dark style or whatever, but when it comes down to it, the style is thin anyway. So CMI easily the best.




Since I'm going to be flamed anyway I think I'll stick in more of my Anti-British rheotric in this post....





meh, maybe next time

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I loved your comparison of wearing spandex and whether you even should compared to EMI's graphics.



I think that everybody agrees with Monkey Kombat and the feeling of "What the hell..." and "Do I really have to go through with this?


But Ron Gilbert did originally plan for a Ship battle like CMI in I think it was the first one, but couldn't for lack of Engine abilities.


What do you mean about being able to also use the Root Beer Seltzer Bottle in the end of MI1. It gets blown somewhere into the Caribbean waters.



But if you pick up the vase before you go into the fight in the mansion, Guybrush will pause during the fight and come back out and place it back on the stool saying it will be safer to leave it here.

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EMI fixed Guybrush's look? The EMI guybrush is nothing like the MI 1&2 guybrushes, and takes the slightly exaggerated hair of CMI and blows it up to insane proportions. Guybrush's hair in EMI is the worst thing in the entire series.


And if LeChuck is a wimp in CMI, then he's just Ozzy Mandrill's lapdog in EMI. (Frankly, I'm sick of LeChuck. I hate it when the same villain keeps coming back over and over again.)


But to rank the Monkey Islands, I think we must rank the pirateyness of their plots:


MI1: Become a Pirate - very piratey

MI2: Search for Pirate Treasure - very piratey

CMI: Remove a VooDoo Curse & defeat a demon pirate in a hellish theme park- slightly piratey

EMI: Run a political campaign, obtain legal documents, defeat a business magnate, and fight kung fu battles in a giant robot monkey - yes, well.


Somehow monkey island went from a pirate game laced with some anachronistic humour, to a game full of anachronistic humour and very little to do with pirates. And Guybrush went from a naive wimp who solves problems with brains rather than brawn to an idiot who solves problems with dumb luck (As if to underscore this, the catchphrase even went from "The only thing sharper than your sword is your wit" to "The only thing duller than my sword was my wit")


CMI and EMI are both okay games, but they both lost the plot.


If someone wants to make Monkey Island 5, they should tattoo on the back of their hands the words "Is It Piratey?".

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What in the name of an insane manatee are you talking about, Dalixam?! Did EMI fix the weak plot in CMI?! I don't think so! The plot in EMI was even weaker. I mean, a crazy Aussie turning the Caribbean into a tourist-heaven! If that doesn't ruin the MI-universe then what does?

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