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Read any good books lately?


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I'm reading a lot of misc junk at any given time. ;)



Rereading The Fellowship of the Ring


Rush Limbaugh: The Way Things Ought To Be


Idiots Guide to Understanding Islam


C++ for Dummies


The Tolkien Companion


Rich Dad, Poor Dad


and, of course, a Far Side book or two. :D

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I've read:


"Emotional Purity" by Heather Arnel Paulsen


I started several SW novels, but the writing was so bad I put them down. Ah well. Not everyone can be Timothy Zahn or Brian Jacques.


Right now I'm reading "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer. Its huge.

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Originally posted by Jedi Kyp Durron

The Amber Spyglass and the Subtle Knife are good. Forget the autor's name though. Phillip something. There was 1 more to the trilogy but I forget the name.


Lord of the Rings was really good. And one read any of his other works?


The Amber Spyglass and the Subtle Knife are good, and so is The Golden Compass. All three of them are written by Philip Pullman.

(Yes, it is with one L)

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Cold Sassy Tree (ENDING SUCKED)

To Kill a Mocking Bird (Pretty good actually)




*outside SW*

Discworld Series- Terry Pratchett (GREAT HALARIOUS BOOKS...I'd reccomend them to anyone who likes a good laugh in their books)

20th Century Alternate History- edited by Harry Turtledove (Good book of short shtories that really make you think)

Great War: Blood and Iron- Harry Turtledove (Good book in the Great War series. A really must read series for fans of Alternate history)

*/outside SW*


*Inside SW*

Ep. II (Yes...I read it before watching the movie...so what :p)

NJO series (oh yeah...just picked up Traito and can't wait to read it)

*/Inside SW*


And that was just a bit of lite summer reading;)

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The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien


its about vietnam, its a quick read and is really good.


i also recomend these 3 books (in order)

X-Wing: Wraith Squadron

X-Wing: Iron Fist

X-Wing: Solo Command


These are also some excellent books to read (in order)


Dune: House Atredes

Dune: House Harkonnen

Dune: House Corino


and then the original book, Dune.

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