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My new worst fear


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OK, I just heard about this, it's called IOP, or intra-operative awareness. It means that during an operation (aka "surgery") your brain doesn't shut down, and you can feel everything that happens while under the knife. And the worst part is that because of the muscle relaxer and sedative you cannot do anything but think. You cannot signal anyone in any way shape form or fashion, but you can feel every aggravating cut and poke.


Doesn't this make your skin crawl. :eek:


Good Lord, I'm gonna have a nightmare about this, I just know it.

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Or maybe they DO want to do it.


"Mr. Rhett we have not recieved you bill for that checkup."


"Oh don't worry I still have a few days left to make the payment"


*mumble*"Well Mr. Rhett. If you refuse...then....heheheheheheh"*/mumble*


*Horror music*




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Originally posted by Artoo

OK, I just heard about this, it's called IOP, or intra-operative awareness. It means that during an operation (aka "surgery") your brain doesn't shut down, and you can feel everything that happens while under the knife. And the worst part is that because of the muscle relaxer and sedative you cannot do anything but think. You cannot signal anyone in any way shape form or fashion, but you can feel every aggravating cut and poke.


Doesn't this make your skin crawl. :eek:


Good Lord, I'm gonna have a nightmare about this, I just know it.



*shudder* It's a new form of torture...


...That would be awful.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

To everyone here: Show that thing to the next girl you know who is planning to get breast enhancement surgery.


*slaps sher repeatedly*


SNAP OUT OF IT, MAN! Big boobies are a good thing :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Did Eets just say... boobies? :eek:


It can only be all downhill from here! :p


BAHAHAHAHAHA! That's one of my favorite words, Havoc ;) I just don't post it much :D


Originally posted by Tie Guy

Are you like a nudist or something Sherack?


No, he just likes Homely girls :D

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I'm sure that doesn’t happen to everybody, I mean they do a lot before surgery; they have to stop certain blood flow, they put you to sleep *of course*, and they numb all parts of the body they work on, and continually numb them as they do surgery to keep the pain away.


Unless I read it wrong, I think it's a bunch of BS.


Where did you hear of this anyway?

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Originally posted by Ansible

I'm sure that doesn’t happen to everybody, I mean they do a lot before surgery; they have to stop certain blood flow, they put you to sleep *of course*, and they numb all parts of the body they work on, and continually numb them as they do surgery to keep the pain away.


Unless I read it wrong, I think it's a bunch of BS.


Where did you hear of this anyway?


Its just something that happens a very small portion of the time. I highly doubt he made it up, why would he?

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Originally posted by Ansible

I never suggested that he made it up, I just find it somewhat hard to believe, and that surgeons would allow something like this to happen.


Obviously no one wants it to happen, it just does. Its like waking up during surgery. The doctors don't allow it to happen, it just does sometimes. Both are beyond anyone's control.

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I'll tell you right now I didn't make this up. And consider the circumstances.


There are normally 3 different anesthetics that your anesthsiologist uses. One to relax the muscles, one to slow the body down and put it into a "sleep", and one to dull the pain and erase the memory. Now what if the container they were taking the third part from was empty, and they didn't know it. And what happens now? You are totally paralyzed, and your body is slowed down, but your mind is fully active. You can't see anything (muscle relaxer = eyelids closed) and you can't say anything, you literally can't move a muscle, but the brain still functions, and so you can feel the entire surgery. People said that the pain was comparable to their chest being ripped open and a blowtorch shoved in and turned on full. :eek:


Hope this satisfies your curiousity, cause I hate talking about this more than I have to.

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I did some searches on google for any articles related to Intra-Operative Awareness and found some interesting stuff. This one women awoke during surgery, as they were removing her baby. She said she tried to scream out but couldn't even open her mouth, she said she felt like she was in hell.


After that she told the doctors but they didn't believe her, and told her not to mention it to anyone else. She had to get psychiatric help.


She says after 10 years she still has nightmares about it.



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