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Get a clue, Kill Tracker is...

Rad Blackrose

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f'ing annoying! I don't give a goddamn rats ass about how many kills you have, how many times I have whipped your ass with a flawless victory, etc etc. What, is your ego so large that you have to flaunt a damn program saying how many times you get your ass kicked in a daily basis? Binding says are one thing, but kill trackers just need to roll over and fricking die. As I normally say to those I kill using Kill Trackers...


You are the 12049th n00b I have killed using a KILL TRACKER.

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I totally agree with Rad on this one.... I can't stand Kill Tracker... I even left a server after about three people seemed to be using it....


Maybe I'll bind a key to say "You are the 24th idiot to think KillTracker's K@@L or L33T!"


I was going to use a six digit number, but that'll just inflate their ego more.




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Its a great idea thsi kill tracker, but yes its annoying, I remember this dude had 21 kills and i was up next to duel him. I says to him 22 is my lucky number, he better get ready to lose. hehe he freaked out and went to pieces. He couldnt even land a shot.


To be honest it just adds another incentive not to get killed in a duel. when folk have it runnning when they join our server I ask them to change name so it doesnt work, most indulge us and all is well again. If they insist on using it we kill them horribly until they leave. Nuff said.


If anything it could be useful to keep track of how many kills you have, being as you can turn off the messages, but i find that ot makes you concentrate more on winning than on having fun.


Just my thoughts...

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Good for nothing they are. Most dumbest thing I have seen. And you are right Jah, takes all the fun out of it. At your place, there are times we screw off forever and don't even fight :D


Thats almost better than the dueling (I said almost ;))


And I also agree with skin and druid, who gives a flip how many people you have killed? Do these people have plaques on the wall with removable numbers that they change everyday and look at 'em and say "heh heh heh, killed (insert number here) so far...pat my self on the back :) Now I can start the day off right"






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I wouldn't mind a skill ratio tracker based on actual skill, ie. one that worked out how long the duel took, how much health the other player had etc etc. It would read something like...


Lexx's skill ratio is now 45%.


That wouldn't be too bad IMO.

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Well, I know on my server I don't tolerate it. I ask them to shut it down(rename, whatever) and if they don't I kick them. This program has caused problems on my server, I don't know about other people's servers though.


If you want to have a program track this kind of stuff, then get one that only saves it to a log file on your pc. Not one that broadcasts it to the server. I truly hate these programs.

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I use it, I'm a good player, so ?


but my is mostly for knowing the current time, I have full screen on, so....


and guys, you don't even know how to use it right, here is how to make it that it says how many times you've died...


^3GOOD FIGHT, you've killed me ^7%u ^3times.


my is different, it says the name, the time, different colors...




%s = total kills

%d = total deaths

%n = person you've killed / person who killed you

%i = number of times you've killed that person

%u = number of times that person has killed you

%t = the time


before trashing, at least know all the options...


and this is for fun, I'm not a serious player most of the time, I just chill on the server and mess around, I've gotten many fun things started on servers, I remember this one time when it was the release night of JediMod 1.2 by me and Dest, we did so much fun **** on that server, no one even wanted to fight, we just messed around for few hours....


if you're a serious player and don't want to see kill trackers...find a good duel server and stay there, don't tell us what to do, you don't like it....don't play in the servers with it...and admins...if you kick people for stupid things like that then I wouldn't even want to visit your server, that's so retarded... I can understand if the message has bad words or insulting comments that can offend someone really bad....but things like a kill TRACKER?? grow up, just don't look at the message(s)...I personally don't even look up if I'm fighting


and you guys have those messages "You are the 24th idiot to think KillTracker's K@@L or L33T!", "Hello Dath Max you have died 12341585729430671906591036542918671984761984671946

198461709348671903467 times in the last 3 days"...how does that make you different from "us" ? makes you look dumber and immature, that's about all....


how is kill tracker "for idiots" ? it is convenient and a lot of people I've seen don't even know how to use it (set it up), you have to have some brain to use it...it's all mostly for fun anyway...


Messy_Dwarf, looking at one right now.


I don't really mind. I never listen to chat messages.


teutonicknight, there should be more people like you, people with common sense...don't like it...don't read it ... "nuff said"


this "evil program" is not much different from a bound message key or a script, just a little bit more advanced (and no, don't start a whole "I hate scripts" deal)


in conclusion...don't liek it....don't read it or leave the server (and if you say something like...) "WHy should I leave the server!?!?!? wtf!?!?!err..."......why should we turn them off then ?? they have same rights as you, don't think you're any better.

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and admins...if you kick people for stupid things like that then I wouldn't even want to visit your server, that's so retarded... I can understand if the message has bad words or insulting comments that can offend someone really bad....but things like a kill TRACKER?? grow up, just don't look at the message(s)...I personally don't even look up if I'm fighting


:mad: Excuse me!! Remark, most people(not all) who run this program do exactly that, nasty insults galore.


As far as kicking people, I never said I kick them immediatly, I ask them to please shut it off first and if they can't be bothered to abide by the rules, then I kick them. If they can't listen, then I don't want them on my server. Btw, I'm actually pretty tolerant about most things with my server, but this isn't one of them.


The reason I don't tolerate these programs is because I have seen them crash the server and cause other problems just like the scripts and binds you mention when used repetitively.


And Remark, as far as being "Grown Up", you have a ways to go yourself from what I've seen of your posts in these forums regarding the fiasco with BOFH, regardless of whether you were in the right on the matter.


I hate that you made me make my 100th post my first flame.



Ok, now that I'm a little more calm(caught me on a bad day), let me be a little more specific about my concerns with this program.


I have seen people using this program cause massive message overflows in the server; now, whether this program is at fault I can't say positively, but it seems to only happen with people running this. And as I stated before, the other reason I don't allow this program is because the majority(not all) of people using it have very nasty insults on it to the point of crossing the line in common respect.


Remark I obviously took your response a little personal yesterday and I was perhaps a little harsh in my response, for that I apologize. But please, next time actually read my reasons for my comments before you tell me to grow up, especially when I'm probally your senior and before this, have never disrespected you before.

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before trashing, at least know all the options...


Good point, but I still stand on the side of the fence that views killtracker as annoying. I don't get too bent out of shape over it though.


As far as having fun... I'm down with that. I would probably really get into a server where we're all running killtracker using the options you pointed out to make little funny comments, etc.


The only time I've ever seen the thing used, however, is by some dick running around trying to rack up his kills and the last guy that had it set up to make a very rude comment. I ignored it for the most part, but ended up leaving the server after getting tired of it.


Now, I've never run my own server, so I can't really comment on it's ability to crash one. I don't see how, though. The script seems to be client side only except to ultimately pass a message to the server. If I did run a server, I'd be concerned if players that I liked ended up leaving because of it, however...... just food for thought.


By the way, Remark... I really appreaciate the info you've passed along in the scripters thread, I've used quite a bit of it to reorganize my keyboard/mouse layout... I just happen to disagree with you here ;-)




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Easy remark! Just chill guys...


Just because we don't know how such a script is made, doesn't mean I can't say that I find the kill tracker only to be an egoboosting tool.


I won't flame a guy using it in any way, and never have done, but I'll merely think to myself that the guy using it must have some self-confidence issues. Also, I've never seen kill trackers with nasty insults in them, though I suspect they could easily exist.


Use them all you want! I just think a "death tracker" as described before would be seen as less hostile since it jokes about yourself in a funny way, not reassures your all-powerful position of the ultimate jediknight2-player as some folks perceive the kill tracker as.

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Say your dueling someone you who has kill tracker and you beat him or her 90% of the time, after he wins it says I've killed you X amount of times but after you win, it says nothing, which makes it look like the other person is somehow better than you to anyone just joining the server! :mad:


I still say they are annoying !!!!!

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blackfire, that post is like any other normal post, I don't know how you see that as a "flame" :D


and this (alone) can't crash a server, unless the host is like 56k...and if you don't want the message too many times, don't get killed, motivation to stay alive ;)


personally, I only use it in FFA (I'm almost never there), on duel servers I never turn it on, here is my messages...


^5GOOD ^5FIGHT ^3%n^1, You are the ^3%s^1th person killed since I got this damned thing. ^4[^607/15/02 ^4]


^5Haha, ^3%n, ^5I have just ^7KICK^5ed your ass!!! ^7:p


^5G^7O^5O^7D ^5F^7I^5G^7H^5T, ^3%n, ^5it's ^7%t ^5and you've killed me ^7%u ^5times.


don't copy my messages, I know they are original and I'd like to keep them that way :)


I'm original about everything I do, I try to stay as different as possible, it's more fun for me that way ^_^


blackfire, the kid ripped our mod so to speak, took JediMod, changed 2 or 3 things and released it with the same name (JediMod++) but with a higher number (ours was 1.0 and he made 2.0), all the people downloaded that, replaced Dest's mod with this thing, they thought it was an add-on...what could I do ? telling the people and flaming his was the only way (well, I could of got him hacked...but that's too mean..right? hehe), the admins don't really give a damn, took the matter into my own hands, I've changed a lot of things, my posts made a BIG difference, now at least the story is straight.


Online I might not be the best of character when you piss me off but ask around, all the people who really know me know that I'm a really helpful guy, I do way more good then I do bad AND I'm just starting to get into the community of JK2, these are my first steps.


I'm coming from the Q3, BFP, artwork, mod, TC, and all other kinds of communities and I'm very well known there, I've been part of many big and popular projects, the only people that hate my guts are the people I flamed and then never tried to be good to them again, all the others have no problem with me what's so ever :)

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I use kill tracker only because I had some cool Idea's for the message.




You are the (number) person to pay for their lack of vision......



The force is with you young (person's name), but you are not a Jedi yet.


These are rad quotes from Rotj and Esb respectively, not intented to hurt anyones feelings and I've had no complaints. If you are offended by something like that, well, I'd turn my chat off because it isn't half as bad as just the normal chat that a real 1337 14m3r can come up with. Kill tracker's can be amusing when used properly, a "Fuc* you!" bind, now that is stupid.

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