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Screenshots make great Wallpapers!


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I just got done reading the Heros threads. Some people just want a reason to complain. :rolleyes:


NEway. I like the 2nd pic too. What service are you using to upload those pics. I use tripod, but they don't let you post pics.




And thanks for the map. It looks cool. :cool:






EDIT: It just seemed to me like everybody got the wrong idea about the heros. It was supposed to be out of fun, not for favoritism. I haven't been here for a while so I think I missed a few things. :D

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i have paint shop pro 7 and it has a sun beam option like that its esay you just place it down and choose the colors etc etc. Yea they can make nice wall papers but i always run my desltop at 1280x1024 and i dont run the game that high so it wouldnt fill the screen entirely. You should turn off the HUD

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