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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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The Monday Night Report :


TO be honest, there wasn't a whole lot of pregress today in terms of new areas mapped. However...


1) Recieved permission from the maker of the Naboo Hanger Map to make use of his brown brick and door textures. The door one was slightly modified, and then applied. Also, the doors were widened slightly, and the door speed slowed (for, as Kal_El suggested, dramatic effect). Currently in the works also is a replacement for the side door textures (the big doors).


2) Completed mapping the "Reactor Room Foyer", which is the long room just as you pass through the big door from the hanger. Began getting the initial layout for the beams.


At this time, We are EXPERIMENTING with putting all twelve beams into the map. However, and take CAREFUL note of this, while we do want accuracy to the drawings and visuals, we also want a playable map. If FPS is too low, and can be assisted by removed some of those beams, that WILL be done.


3) The first platform, it's two small control platforms (the circular ones) and the beginnings of the main catwalk are mapped. In addition, I have created the circular platform that surrounds the beams. I'm rather proud of it, since it took 16 patch meshes to make it look right. It actually IS round, and not the octagon that LDJ used in the original map.


That's about all I had time to do today - between taking care of my family and my REAL job, I was just a busy person today. I hope, with luck, to have initial screenshots of the room by Wednesday at the earliest, assuming I have the time I need to do it.


Now, to address Keo's comments. :)


First, Keo, thanks for the constructive criticism and the comments. They've really pushed me into seeing what I can cram into this map. That said, however...


A) The distances between platform levels does vary, but only slightly from what I can tell. The one exception to this is a level somehwat lower that the others, which I mentioned in my post concerning the reactor room.


B) As I just mentioned, I'll give 12 tubes a try. But as much accuracy as I want to put in it, I want it playable too. That was one of the goals I had in mind when I started this, and that hasn't changed. However, when I was poking into the map, I found a reason for part of the FPS problem in that room.


Those beams are, in this map, made up of FOUR seperate cylinders, one within the other. The outer three were all partial see-through shaders. We all know that looking through glass kills FPS somewhat - multiply that by 3 PER BEAM. In an effort to lliviate this, I have WhiteShdw working his magic again, creating (If it works...) a "meta-shader", combining the effects of those three see-through shaders on one texture, in a similar way to the Hyperspace texture in the DoomGiver Texture set. Results are being awaited on this, and if successful, we hope to improve the FPS with that alone.


And Finally, C) The discussion about the number of levels of platform to be used in the reactor room. Here, for the time being, anyway, I'm going by the drawings given me by LDJ, which came from a book on the subject. That means, at the current time, one level above the main catwalk, and three below.


OK, now for some recent reactions :


LDJ: "OMG :eek: That sky looks so REAL!" (No kidding! He said this this morning.


THink that puts the issue of the skybox to rest, eh, T3rr0r? :)


Talk to you tommorrow, guys. G'night.

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It's a real shame about the whole frame-rate issue. I think most people will agree that the best thing about the Naboo reactor room is its size. The first shot in the scene after Padmé and her guards shoot through the window on the throne room level of the palace is spectacular. It starts looking straight down into the reactor and then pans up to the fight. 'Brings warm feelings to my heart' every time.


Anyway, shame, but Shadriss' plans sound great.

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I'm doing a single player version of the map but i have a lot less time in my hads than shadriss - so please can i use you custom skybox or something? it would help loads and youll get added to the credits etc - post here if so and ill give you my email (i need a sky texture cos im PLANNING on making a movie where the naboo fighters fly out of the hanger)

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Well Merritt... you're really asking the wrong person. I may be making the map, but the skybox (along with a few other new textures) were created by WhiteShdw and LDJ. You'd have to go to them. The credit would be thiers, not mine. :)


I've started putting in the beam assemblies, and already, I can see that 12 beams will be FAR too many. The room would be larger BY FAR than the original, and it had FPS problems as was. So, I'll be cutting two beam, for a total of 10, the same number as used originally by LDJ.


More on that when I have it... :)

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Oh one thing about reactor


You have main catwalk

then 1 below that obi wan gets knocked to..


theres another one above main catwalk that they all jump to before he knocks obi wan down again, Thats 1 big fall :eek:


Now below where obi wan falls theres a huge gap to next set of platforms.


Basically top set and big doors are duplicated below not sure how many times but in film we see it only once


Oh by the way ive taken DVD screenshots and in the film the go the wrong way in the core room to get to red doors, its one of those Movie Mistakes that most starwars films have :D

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I'm doing a single player version of the map but i have a lot less time in my hads than shadriss - so please can i use you custom skybox or something?


Hey it's ok by me. :D


How's your work coming on your map Merrit? Maybe you should work more closely together with Shadriss. Wait for him to complete his rebuild and then base your SP map on that.

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Promising development.


I did a fastvis 1/2 this morning, once I had all ther platforms in, to check initial frame rate in what, suprise, is a trully massive room.


Now, keep in mind that the beams themselvers are not in yet... nor is a great deal of the architecture... but fps was 70s to 80s. :)


more info as it comes in...

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Depending on where you stand, the FPS is anywhere from mid 50's to 90s. That in the hanger room, obviously. As for r_speeds and tris, I havent tested in the SP engine, so I couldnt say. :)


Now, keep in mind that the beams themselvers are not in yet... nor is a great deal of the architecture... but fps was 70s to 80s.


Hm... what are your computer specs? :)

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Ah, My prim. Rig is


AthlonXP 1600+ running@1531MHz


GeForce4 Ti4200

WinXP Pro

60 GB Ultra/ATA100 7200RPM

40 GB Ultra/ATA100 7200 RPM

GeForce4 Ti4200 128 MB DDR

Sound Blaster Live! X-Gamer

SSI 5.1 Surround Sound System

24x10x40 CDR/W





14GB ATA66 5400RPM

Voodoo3 3000 (yes, it can run JO at 50FPS)

Integrated Audio




AMD Athlon 900

A-Open Ak73 Series

448 MB PC-133

6GB ATA33 5400 RPM

14 GB ATA66 7200RPM

ATI Radeon 7200 64 MB DDR

Sound Blaster Live! X-Gamer




So my machine could handle it. I was just wondering the FPS because I might do a review on the map for JKII.Net, and just was wondering which RIGS of mine I could test it on for performance vs Gameplay, etc... That way people can read and see first-hand what the map will run like on various machines.

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oh shadriss i was wondering if you would like to help me on my map when i start it i plan on a map in the forest with ships in the air and some people will jump out of the ships to the ground a start to fight and things like that i started a map called gundam forest but my comp got some viruses and couldnt be fixed but i plan on starting it again but totally revamped http://www.geocities.com/sirfobos2021/Gundam_Forest.html?1032920567217 <--- some pics i posted on my site before my comp got screwed up if you cant help me when you finish this map maybe you can tell me who can.

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The last two days have been frustrating. As I feared, the Reactor beam room is a killer. Both in terms of patience, and FPS.


The big issue we have right now is that each beam consists of 4 seperate cylinders, ,one inside the other. WhiteShdw is working on a replacement shader texture so we can take that number donw somewhat, but my original thoery about that room seems to be correct. The room itself isn't killing FPS - the beams are.


Sith, I'm flattered at the offer, but when the project is done, ,I'm taking a vacation. I think, by then, I'll have earned it.


I'll be sending a pre-beta to LDJ a little later today for some initial feedback from him. Aside from a couple problems I already know about and am working on solutions for, I expect that to go off without a hitch.


Aside from that, nothing new to report. Aside from the fact that I HATE that room... :)

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

oh shadriss i was wondering if you would like to help me on my map when i start it i plan on a map in the forest with ships in the air and some people will jump out of the ships to the ground a start to fight and things like that i started a map called gundam forest but my comp got some viruses and couldnt be fixed but i plan on starting it again but totally revamped http://www.geocities.com/sirfobos2021/Gundam_Forest.html?1032920567217 <--- some pics i posted on my site before my comp got screwed up if you cant help me when you finish this map maybe you can tell me who can.


Uh... hmm... that maps a little... how do I say... boxy. Yeah, boxy is the word. Linear also comes to mind. As does strange. That and your entire post was one huge run-on sentence, lol. Not that i'm a english teacher or anything, I just love to see good grammar.



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List Of Mappers that I even Know :


WhiteShdw - Has his own projects, not to mention all the shader work that he's been doing for this.


LivingDeadJedi - Currently working on the new version of CarbonFreeze. Dont think you'll have too much luck there...


WesMerrakesh - On vacation from mapping. School got in the way, and, to be honest, he's not big into detail maps, though he's good at general layouts. :) (Sorry, Wes. I calls'em as I sees'em.)


RC_Gual - Only does clan maps for RC.


Everyone Who Has Posted In This Thread - Well, there is ONE guy, InsaneSIth I think his name is, who might be able to help you. As for any of the others, well, ,they can speak for themselves. :)


I know - a totally unhelpful list for you, Sith. BUt then, my circle of "friends" is pretty small.


Oh, BTW - I took the day off from mapping. And, I think, the rest of this week, due to family concerns. I'll get back to it on Monday, I think. Honestly, I'm not losing heart here... just have the real world to deal with for a few days.


Catch you all later. :)

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Actually if I might make one suggestion about the door leading to the series of forcefields (also a suggestion I made to LDJ ages ago). Make a switch for it off to the side a little. No timer, just it once the door is open. Hit it again closed. That way those of us are willing to deal/live (and perhaps die because of) the framerate drop have a choice in order to achieve the most movie-like experience. When the switch is in it's 'default/closed' position the door acts like it did in LDJ's release of the map (normal door).

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Let me just make sure I understood what you wanted to suggest :


You want that last door before the energy corridor and the pit room to be a door, operatied by a switch. It should only open or close when trriggered BY that switch.


If what I just wrote IS what you meant, ,then I know why LDJ didnt implement it - he can't. Nor can I.


One of the oddities on the MP engine vs. the SP engine is illustrated here. In the SP game, you CAN set up doors to do that. But, for some reason, in MP, you cant. The closest you can come is setting the door to have a LONG closing delay. Dunno what else to say - I understand the reasoning for the request, I just am not able to do it.

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Originally posted by keo718

JEDI_Anakin_S, I must admit, that avatar is rather nice. Is that Tercero's model?


Thanks Keo. And yes, it is Tercero's model. His model is the reason I joined the forum, and it's the model i've been waiting for since I got the game. I'm working on another avatar using his model. I kinda like creating avatars, oddly enough, so if you ever want me to make you one just ask.



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