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I think a jk3 would be great only.....


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  1. 1. What do u think

    • Keep kyle
    • Go with yadu\'s idea

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KYLE HAS GOT TO GO! he had his chance as a jedi, he blew it then went back and now hes about 50 years old! they could do something smart like make kyle get killed in the first level and create an adventure from there! the j2k style of game is great but they have got to get a new character! thats my opinion what do u think?:fett:

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I think if a new character was necessary, a Metal Gear Solid 2 type approach of tricking you in all the previews to think it was 100% Kyle, then you play a few levels into the game and papow! New character. I'm thinking the first few levels I speak of being Kyle telling some stories to his son/young padawan, but you don't know that until he finishes. Cutscene ensues, his Son/padawan grows up, does the rest of the levels. Kyle shows up near the end and you team your way through a level or two. It'd be the greatest thing ever.

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I think that they should definitely keep Kyle for the expansion pack for JKII.


However, for JKIII, I voted to "Keep Kyle", but on thinking about it, it would likely mean they'd have to come up with some new lame excuse for why he's starting the game with no saber or Force skills and two lousy weapons. JKII I could deal with - he severed himself from the Force after MotS and handed his saber to Luke, and they were on a 'blue milk run' so he only had his blaster. OK ... I can deal with that. But I whooped Dessann with boat loads o' Force power and Saber skill. I don't want to lose that, but I also think that the game benefits by growing you into the role by gradually increasing your force skills.


So maybe there is another way - Kyle's apprentice or something (yeah, I know, just like Mara in MotS).



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i agree...


kyle is an old geezer.

i replayed the single player and cringed everytime i saw his grey hairs on his head.


a younger lead character should be the hero for jk3.

heck, have an ensemble of young jedi (male and female).



also...i think the saber combat system needs to be slightly redone.

too many people complained about the saber combat system of jk2 which ended up nerfing the entire system to hell.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Dude, he's like,...... 60 or something. Nature's gonna kill him off soon anyway :)


Nah, think of the Emperor and Ben Kenobi.


They are all old timers but can still whoop arse. Though Kyle sure has seen alot of action.. maybe he should settle down with Jan or something.

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They need to make a Sith vs Jedi campaign game with dynamically generated missions instead of the scripted type In JKII. A campaign generator and mission builder would be awesome. Also, being able to play either side would be a must.


Doubt they will do it, because it would be to good of an idea and take some really talented programmers.

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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

They need to make a Sith vs Jedi campaign game with dynamically generated missions instead of the scripted type In JKII. A campaign generator and mission builder would be awesome. Also, being able to play either side would be a must.


Doubt they will do it, because it would be to good of an idea and take some really talented programmers.


To an extent, it is just an extension of the Soldier of Fortune II RMG (Random Mission Generator). That is nice, but I agree that it would need some serious extensions for Jedi Knight use.


That has been something I've been hoping for since seeing it in SoFII ...



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Originally posted by Jon'a

i agree...


kyle is an old geezer.

i replayed the single player and cringed everytime i saw his grey hairs on his head.


a younger lead character should be the hero for jk3.

heck, have an ensemble of young jedi (male and female).



also...i think the saber combat system needs to be slightly redone.

too many people complained about the saber combat system of jk2 which ended up nerfing the entire system to hell.


... perhaps it is my own quantity of grey hair - paired with my own vitality - that makes Kyle's age not bother me ...


As for the saber combat system, I think that the major complaints were about damage levels, although a new game could improve on the 'direct control' vs. 'scripted control' balance.



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Yes, the civilians in the original JK added such a lot of atmosphere, even though they were as wooden as furniture. Imagine how much atmosphere they'd add if they were more interactive? The mind boggles!


And Kyle is the star of the DF series, there's no getting rid of him. He's a classic computer game character, and we've all grown used to fighting his darned battles for him. Kyle's the man.

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Officially, Kyle returned to the Jedi order and became a Combat instructor to the young Jedi Knights at the Luke's praxeum... He also took on several apprentices, but as they rose to Jedi Knight status, pretty much all of his former padawans were killed fighting the Yuuzhan Vong invasion...


With the destruction of the Jedi academy on Yavin IV and the death of many of his former students, Kyle is losing hope that the Jedi could ever emerge victorious. (That's all pre-SbS information, though.)

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they should make the expansion starring Tavion, dagnabit


shes perfect for the role, she could start off still pretty darksidey but her powers change during the game to lightside


therefore you would get the thrill of earning new powers without having to wade through the crappy no force gun battles bits


plus you could experience using darkside powers without it contradicting every other bit of star wars info (canon and non canon)about jedi and the acceptability of using the DS


by the end, through whatever personal journey she undertakes and with the aid of whoever's guidance (insert Kyle or Luke or kyp or mara or whoever, here)

she would be a proper lightside jedi with no lingering dark side powers.


see how thoughtfull and suprised she was when kyle let her live?

that woulda given her pause to think about her opposition to the jedi etcopening her to the lightside



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I would really, really love to see a two-sided expansion pack ... one side would have you play as Kyle, the other as Tavion.


The whole thought of a converted Tavion was very much left open, but I've always been bugged by this EU sensibility in which Dark and Light are so fluidly gone between (among other things ... the whole NJO premise is so ST derived, let's take the Borg, but make it anti-technology rather than total technology, and blind in the force rather than adaptable to weapons). I believe that the Vader thing was a singular event, so I don't know how I'd feel about Tavion becoming a light Jedi all of a sudden ...

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