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Jokes about suicide are no jokes.


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ThunderPeel2001 you disquest me. "??? God, you're stupid, CM!!!"


I agree with Charsi_Morgha, let's face it EMI sucks to the extreme. CMI was an "in the name of only" sequal and was a good game but not a good ammendment to Monkey Island. EMI was a bad game and a bad addition to the MI series.


Do any of you think MI5 is going to ressurect our old MI1/MI2 Guybrush hero - or even the demented CMI version? No we're stuck with a stupid puppy dog.


Well back on topic: the joke was insensitive and misplaced.



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Lucasarts didn't really make EMI, Meksilon! It was all a huge cover-up! Look at the way Guybrush's shadow was cast in the opening cutscene! That just can't happen with the angle of the lighting! Also, how could the pirate flag be waving if it was on the ocean where NO WIND EXISTS!? Don't believe what Lucasarts tells you, you simple minded fool. Think for yourself for once.

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Originally posted by Meksilon

CMI was an "in the name of only" sequal and was a good game but not a good ammendment to Monkey Island.


You've so completely offended some of the most creative people working in gaming for no reason at all. CMI wasn't bad. Why do fans have to be such asshole bitches all the time? Sheesh.

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At first I thought I wouldn't like CMI. But I love it. It's funny, beautiful (video [nice comic style, good animations] and audio [music, voices]) and a worthy Monkey Island game. Good puzzles most of the time, nice characters, a lot of good ideas...


Mercatfat is right. I've always suspected something, now with this new evidence I can finally prove it. *off, takes EMI box from the Monkey Island collection and places it in a dark corner of the room that smells strange*

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Okay...good. We can get it off our chests that EMI sucked in the worst way. I must say that the jokes weren't even funny. The only thing I liked was Guybrush making passes at various people. That was it. The islands were okay to explore, but towards the end of the game, it became a major and total suck fest. I can't even bring myself to play it again to see if I find it more amusing this time.

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Originally posted by raVen_image

Hahahaha ... random, misplaced cursing is soooooo funny.:rolleyes:


You've done it again, lil' Jake.


pfft. someone had to try and shut Meksilon up. arguing with his points does nothing but make him stream off into a series of random only half-related tangents, after which he mysteriously declares himself the winner of the argument. sound familiar?

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EMI did not suck to me. And If it sucked to all you, why are some of you on the EMI forums when you don't like the game? Anyway, To all those EMI bashers, well, I don't know why I'm saying this and I know this shouldn't offend me but, WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU GUYS SHUT UP ABOUT IT!!!!?? We've all herd it before, okay? EMI's story was no different from any other MI game! Do you people have a short term memory or something? Don't you remember you've all said that 20,000 times now? I know it's difficult to remember that you hate the game but try to remember, okay?

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Originally posted by SeaWitch

Oh completely! Like I said, I found it hysterical! I can't find fault with Guybrush. I know where you're coming from AG. But then, how can I trust a guy who has "the smoking man" as his picture?




GTA Vice City. Get with the time.

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Yeah, I don’t think that joke was “insensitive and misplaced” at all. I’ve seen similar jokes used countless times in other media forms. And many more serious than the one used in EMI. Although it *is* true that suicide jokes – real “jokes” – are usually not funny at all. It’s all about how you handle very serious situations. I mean, people make light-hearted jokes about death all the time.


Originally posted by SeaWitch

Okay...good. We can get it off our chests that EMI sucked in the worst way. I must say that the jokes weren't even funny. The only thing I liked was Guybrush making passes at various people. That was it. The islands were okay to explore, but towards the end of the game, it became a major and total suck fest. I can't even bring myself to play it again to see if I find it more amusing this time.


I honestly couldn’t disagree more. Well, maybe I could. But I thought EMI was a really fun game, and very well made. It’s not the best game ever, but it was very funny and it was a huge pleasure playing through it.

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Well, at first, I thought that EMI was a rather good game. Sure, the puzzles were a little unclear in places, and the story had a few holes gouged in it either side, but it was funny, it looked fine, the dialogue was up to its usual standards, and I enjoyed it.


Upon playing it again though, I realised that the makers of this game had been truly insensitive including this horrendous joke about the act of taking ones life.


"Good-bye cruel adventure game! Eh, forget it."


I immediatly broke the EMI CDs into several million pieces with a tofee hammer, and then tossed them into the oven and made them burn at Gas Mark 7 for six hours. I then took the EMI box and fed it to a pack of rabid geese, who pecked it into pieces, which I then submerged in water for 11 minutes.


What a disgusting, offensive game.

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RemiO, this isn't a total response to your last post, as I understand where you are coming from. This is just a response to this particular thread in general.


Its all good....We, as human beings have a right to have an opinion. So some of us didn't find EMI funny, and some of us didn't find CMI funny. As the old saying goes, "You can't win them all."


I found nothing offensive in any of the games, however, I understand that some people might, and that's fine. Be that as it may...whatever....etc.


I will make a comment in my defense, though.



"Get with the time?" Sam, was this some pretentiously snide comment regarding something that I may or may not have heard of? (Which I have, as was recomended to buy Grand Theft Auto by my brother.) Oh pardon me if I am not as enlightened as some people!!! I was making a funny comment, rehashing an old joke, playing upon an old theme.


So I will say this: Don't you respond to me with condescension, as if connecting the reference to GTA makes you someone worthy of the utmost esteem! In fact, don't patronize me at all, for any reason! Tell me when I'm wrong, call me out for being cruel, but DO NOT EVER talk down to me because you have experienced the pleasure of an animated guy smoking a cigarette in video game. Oh, that makes you so superior, pssht! :snear:

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I was going to do that with my cds, but I said "Ah, forget it" at the last moment. I'm with SeaWitch on this one. Having been suicidal a number of times (and hospitalized once), having had a mother that was suicidal for many years (and hospitalized several times), having known people that commit suicide, and I honestly say that I didn't find this joke the slightest bit offensive. Fact is, it's one of my favorites in the game. Maybe I'm just morbid, or maybe I just like the fact that Guybrush is nuts and people shouldn't have to get upset when he does things like that.


If you're offended or concerned about people who are at-risk, maybe you should devote your energy to them instead of taking it out on a game. It's like arguing that various types of music or role-playing are the central theme behind people commiting suicide, and focusing energy on getting said music/games banned instead of helping out individuals with their problems. (And if you ARE the kind of person that does look deep enough to discover the real problems behind someone's depression and you're willing to take steps to help said person recover, then thank you).



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Originally posted by SeaWitch


I will make a comment in my defense, though.



"Get with the time?" Sam, was this some pretentiously snide comment regarding something that I may or may not have heard of? (Which I have, as was recomended to buy Grand Theft Auto by my brother.) Oh pardon me if I am not as enlightened as some people!!! I was making a funny comment, rehashing an old joke, playing upon an old theme.


So I will say this: Don't you respond to me with condescension, as if connecting the reference to GTA makes you someone worthy of the utmost esteem! In fact, don't patronize me at all, for any reason! Tell me when I'm wrong, call me out for being cruel, but DO NOT EVER talk down to me because you have experienced the pleasure of an animated guy smoking a cigarette in video game. Oh, that makes you so superior, pssht! :snear:



Hey, hey! Sorry, I was just kidding. I didn't think you would take it so seariously! It was a cool avatar, too. Not because it has a tobbaco product, but because the smoke, you know, it moves.

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Originally posted by Porky

As a matter of fact, Guybrush says:

'Goodbye cruel world! Eh, forget it.'

and plus, don't be such a loser. It was just a joke!



No. He says "Goodbye! Crule ADVENTURE GAME







It's a joke! It's not real life! It's an ADVENTURE GAME!!



P.S. I also think people who think other people will kill, or kill themselves and blame it on video games are real stupid ****s

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