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Will warp drive ever become a reality?


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Einsteins theory of relativity states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, however, he does not dispute the fact that space itself cannot travel faster by bending or stretching. If we could find a way to bend or stretch the space around us in order to propel us through space, then we could in theory travel faster than the speed of light.


This is impossible atm because you would need a way to contain yourself within a gravity field and you need an energy source greater than the whole lifetime of the sun in order to propel yourself in the first place.


Scientists believe that the solution may lie in a yet untapped source of energy known as 'Zero Point Energy'. This energy is the force that contains an atom. If the atom was somehow prevented from being contained by this force, the atom would explode at a force stronger than a million atom bombs. This is the force that contains everything from electrons orbiting atoms to galaxies and planets. It keeps everything in its place.


If Zero Point Energy is ever tapped, warp drive could become a reality, as well as countless other things.


Do you think this energy will ever be tapped?

Do you think there are any other ways to achieve warp drive?

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huh, I was gonna add a poll, but I cant seem to do that... huh.



anyways, sure, why not? it might not be in the star trek manner, but how many other things have we made, that 20 years before were unthinkable?


I nknow thats kinda short, I will post a more indepth reply later... damn "job":D

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i suppose its possible....i dont kno much about 'warp drive' but if its the same thing as hyperspace (fom star wars :D) then i suppose its possible, because we have broken the sound barrier, so it is possible to break the light barrier. we just have to find out how and we have to discover how to make an engine to make this possible AND we have to make a ship of some material that can resist breaking apart into little pieces when the pressure resulting from that speed and those G-forces hit it and flinging us all into space (which would suk real bad).....but i guess its possible.

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We would first have to master the graviton particle. Without something preventing the effect of G-Forces to the folks inside the ship you would be nothing more then a sack of flesh when you tried this space bending manuever.


Also you wouldn't need a force greater then the sun, you need a gravitational force similar to that of a black hole and a ship that could survive the voyage.


Also please note that on first attempting this we would probably kill everything in our solar system.

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Question if you are going the speed of light and you turn on a flashlight aimed in the direction in which you are moving, what would happen?


One more question, if you hit something going the speed of light, would the force of impact cause a whole new type of explosion? Keep in mind that nothing of any measurable weight has ever been documented to move much less hit anything at the speed of light.

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Originally posted by leXX

This is impossible atm because you would need a way to contain yourself within a gravity field and you need an energy source greater than the whole lifetime of the sun in order to propel yourself in the first place.


FatalStrike > Read this again please, carefully this time!


I did say you would need to contain yourself in a gravity field.


Yes you do need an energy source greater than the whole lifetime of the sun. How do I know this? I just watched a program about it on Discovery Sci Trek.

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Originally posted by leXX


FatalStrike > Read this again please, carefully this time!


Don't get snippy! So I missed something, big deal!




Originally posted by leXX

Yes you do need an energy source greater than the whole lifetime of the sun. How do I know this? I just watched a program about it on Discovery Sci Trek.


Ah, the fountain of knowledge that is cable television! I still don't agree, but I won't burst your TV bubble.

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That would mean finding a wormhole or being able to produce a wormhole at will. I don't think that will ever be possible.


That is the basis to the series Farscape btw. Crichton found a way to produce a wormhole at will by skimming the surface of a planet in a certain way.

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Ah another thought,


If the replicators or whatever those things are work by braking down the molecular structure of an item or person and then 'Transmitting' it to other co-ordinates via some sort of microwave or radio wave, (assumption there) surely that would constitute travelling at the speed of light, to the best of my knowledge transmissions of that nature travel at the speed of light.


I dunno just a theory.:confused:

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under current understanding of science, i think the usage of 'wormhole' or similar shortcuts is much more feasible than travelling at the speed of light as a form for intergalactic travel. Though there're no doubt that in the future, after significant scientific breakthroughs, lightspeed travel might be possible, it does not seem the most practicle solution, as even the nearest star require a 4 year journey. This means the starship must be able to support a self sustainable community of a substantial size. also there are every chance that a better developed concept, further down the track that would shorten the timespane of travel, would reach the destination before the near-lightspeed vehicle would, thus isolating the community aboard in time and space. As for the relative slowing of the time aboard a spaceship to 'the' time on Earth, this would only occur during acceleration, so when the 'ship' travels at a constant speed, there would be no such time dilation.


The reason i think it would be much more feasible to use wormholes or similar devices for travel is that the universe is not the 3D space as we experience everyday. to manufacture such a wormhole, though also requiring enormous amount of energy is not as far fetched as it may seem, and theoreatically there should be existing examples of this in the universe. This would also make travelling much more efficient as compared with near light speed travel.

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