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How did you come to find LF?

Boba Rhett

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This is a pretty cool thread over at jkii so I thought we should do it here too. :D




Back when the world was young, great earthquakes rocked the ground, whilst the sky rained mighty bolts of lightning upon the distant fields and rivers.


One day, during these turbulent times when I was but a wee lad, I was out hunting with my brother when we became seperated. The day grew dim and I found myself lost. Panicked, I started to run wildly into the darkness, tripping on fallen branches and stumbling over countless unnamed objects until I tripped over that last fateful object. I began to fall. Seemingly forever. Then with a great thud and a very fast stop, I hit the ground. I managed to look about me before my vision grew fuzzy and my eyes dimmed.


How long I layed there I do not know. When I began to wake I did not awake with a jolt. The ground was warm and soft wherever I was, and I felt safe. I began to open my eyes and try to get up. It was a slow process and the world had not yet come into focus for me. As I look around while getting to my knees I saw what appeared to be the darkened shapes of people approaching me. Closer and closer they got until they stood right before me and reached down, to help me up. Their faces came into focus, the darkness was swept away and in a calm and soothing voice, on of them spoke unto me, "Welcome to the land of jediknight.net, brother". At that one moment, I knew. I knew that I was home.




True story.

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My internet access was Bellsouth, and 56k (no way!) and I played some Rogue Squadron when it came out, and i got an N64 in february, and eventually got Rogue Squadron around May, and was looking for some code to activate all ships in speeder levels, so i did a search at excite.com for Rogue Squadron, and i found roguesquadron.net, and so i went there, looked at all the screenshots, saw an X-Wing at Fest, so i thought the cheat was available, looked through the gamecodes section, it wasn't there, so I joined the forums like on July 6, 1999, and posted a little. I kinda miss that old ubb, and html being activated, but i like my avatar better...and eventually i bugged the **** out of chris3po and aristotle to upgrade the forums to vbb (since they did it to these forums) and the rest is history.

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I had been visiting jediknight.net (the site, no the forums) for about a year. Then I saw a link to Obi-WanKenobi.net on the network page. Went there, took a peek of the forums. I've been in lurk mode there until around E3 2001 when I finally posted. Shortly after that (a month or two) the site went down and I moved on to the Jediknightii.net board. There I posted a lengthy article about consoles and ChrisC3PO hired me to run a project they had in mind (which of course would become LucasConsoles). Since I was in the staff I got to learn about the upcoming launch of GB.com in July so they appointed me as a Super Moderator there when it went live. So I'm here since the beginning ^_^


By the way Chase, your brother is only the all-powerful guy here because I DECIDED to make him be that way ;)

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Late July, 2001, Had just come back from vacation and decided to check out what Lucasarts was working on at the moment, I came across GB, thought it looked cool, and I found a link to these forums.. And through my actions civilization as we know it will be doomed in 2145

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when i was a diehard age of kings fan, i was looking around gamespot and saw the preview of this game that was supposedly aok with starwars...being a big fan of both, i clicked the link and followed the links all the way to geebee.com :D


Then i registered, but didn't get the idea of forums for a while.


THen when the demo came i came here often to look for games...unfortunately my firewall forbade that...


either way, i became more active talking about the game and a spammer was born...


such is the history of krkode :D

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It was during the school year of either 2000 or 1999, probably closer 2000. I was looking for some cogs i could edit for Jedi Knight and found jediknight.net. I joined the forums and went there alot but didn't post very often. Thats where i met Rhett and 15 and alot the others that aren't here today. Anyways, i started looking at the network and saw roguesquadron.net. I started posting there some, and then alot. Then, one fatefull day over a year ago i read a thread posted by 15 no less, that lucaforums had just opened GB.com. He actually wanted to invade it, that was a fetish of his at the time. Anyways, i went over there and they were really nice so i signed up. That was the first night they were open to the public. And that, as they say, is that.

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Right when I heard about some Tournaments on the official GB site (I think) I thought I would look around to join the community abit. Of course the game still had not become popular or anything, so I stuck around here although I didn't really seem to fit at first and problably still don't :p. Oh well, it's good to be hear sometimes :).

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As an inexperianced newb in the ways of forums I stumbled slowly into the forums...


At first I checked out google for some info on this new SW game. It was gonna be an RTS which was some great news because I had been an avid Rebellion player and an avid AoE player. I loved SW and I wanted to check it out. So I came to Gb.com...at first I was really messed up. I went into the chat program we had then. I sat there for 10 minutes or so and saw NOTHING. So I tried a few more times...got mad and looked again on google. I found Mr. Fixit's forum. So I went there and nobody posted. But then I saw Jay VizIon posting there about GB and the community there. So I went back and checked and checked until I accedentally clicked the forum button (it really was an accedent). So I registered in the forums and started posting...BUT ONLY IN GALACTIC DISCUSSION! The Off-topic forum creeped me out...all you wierdos! I eventually started posting there. Mostly because of Havoc and his "quote" threads he made. I think there was make a story out of quotes and best SW quotes and stuff...I looked at his avatar in awe...it was a rotating stormie helmet...I stole it! MUWHAHAHAHAHAH...I never used it though...but from there avatar storage was born! I passed 1000 my third week (because my second week the forums were down for a good deal of the week and I lost 300 posts etc) and of course to commemorate the achivement I established the Overposter's thread (fun times) :) GB was my summer. I could spend 5-6 hours a day or more durring the summer on GB. We all posted a ton durring the day. Just post after post after post. I frequently ran into the "do not post until 60 seconds have passed" sign. GB was my doorway to the internet. It cahnged my life and changed me from a casual gamer (manly a consoler) to a computer geek and it's all your fault if I turn out to be the whitest man on the earth because I havn't seen the sun in 10 years.;):p

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I still have my plans, and none of you shall see them, well...thanks to the scheduled maintenance of lucasforums that made me rethink my strategy, otherwise they'd be up for grabs and i'd be imprisoned. mwhaha nothing shall stop me. *begins Invasion* :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat:

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I had read about GB on Gamespot, and was really excited about it... on one of my searches (for more information, I was obsessed) I found Jk.net (they had a sub-forum for GB). I registered sometime in April, I believe. Posted there for a few months, then one member posted a link to a new LF forum coming up... it was GB.com.


PS> Yes, I know my register date isn't right... but I'm sure SOMEBODY can remember me posting on JK.net at that time.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

The Off-topic forum creeped me out...all you wierdos! I eventually started posting there. Mostly because of Havoc and his "quote" threads he made. I think there was make a story out of quotes and best SW quotes and stuff...I looked at his avatar in awe...it was a rotating stormie helmet...I stole it! MUWHAHAHAHAHAH...I never used it though...but from there avatar storage was born!


Ahh, those were the days. That was back when I was worse than Eets about my avatar. I would change it nearly every hour! :p


I miss those quote threads! :(





I stumbled here in July, after looking for what new games were in the works from Lucasarts, I managed to hit GB.com and found teh forums. I lurked for a day or two (I wanted to make sure nobody was crazy here or anything, apparently I didn't do enough homework! :p ). Then I signed up on Aug. 1 or July 31st depending on Daily Savings Time settings ;)


I posted for a month or two, then due to work I disappeared for a while, only lurking from time to time, then in December, I resurfaced again and the rest is, as they say, history.

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Well one day I was walking down the sidewalk in my town, and I stopped to pet a puppy that was being walked by an old lady. The old lady needed to get across the street, and when I helped her across, she thanked me kindly.


But that has nothing to do with how I found LF :D


I used to play Starcraft ALOT. When one of my friends told me that there would be an RTS based on Star Wars, I peed my pants. After that, I went to the LEC E3 website nearly everyday, and when the official site for GB finally came out, I went to the community page and found GalacticBattles.com.


Eventually, I had a question that I couldn't find the answer to, no matter how hard I browsed these forums. So I posted for the very first time! :D

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I'm sure SOMEBODY can remember me posting on JK.net at that time.



I do! Someone had to teach you people how to put pics in your sigs :D




Here's how I stumbled onto the scene.



One day I was surfin the web in my youth, I just bought JK, etc.

I typed in Jediknight.net, I saw the word "forums."


I went there, and seen little golden r2-d2s. i thought that was pretty cool. Anyway, I stayed there for a while, had comp probs, left, came back a while later, only to discover this lucasforums crap. Don't get me wrong, I like the forums, but it startled me. :)

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One day, I was sitting in my dorm room, bored and waiting on my pizza. I began to think to myself, "Why do I do such cliched things as order pizza for myself every other night while in college?" I put the thought in the back of my mind as my pizza had just arrived...mmmmmm....extra cheese....


After supper, I was feeling a little heavy and decided to take a walk. As I strolled around the campus I noticed that only a few people were out that night. Maybe it was because it was literally freezing outside, or maybe it was the large, glowing object just ahead. Wait, what? I decided to check it out and to my amazement, found a saucer-shaped object in the middle of a field. A door slid open silently and figures were visible inside. These figures appeared to be humanoid, but I couldn't see well enough to make out any features.


I moved closer to the craft, careful to keep out of sight. I peered into the void to see the science club and the engineering team all busy at work on their latest project. Dejected at not finding alien lifeforms that might have wisked me away, I returned to my room.


Once there, I plopped down in my chair to surf the web for awhile. I hit upon a little-known site called LucasForums and decided to take a closer look. I found many forums, but the one that appealed to me the most was the Galactic Battlegrounds forum, a game that I was currently enthralled with!! I scrutinized the legalese and after the headache subsided, joined up and was elated to discover that I HAD found alien lifeforms that night.



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