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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Now before this topic gets out of hand and I am forced to close it till a thread relates to the model, and not about modeling skills, wouldn't it be possible to say that -Tercero- has a great potential for being a great JK2 modeler. Because everyone has their own valid points here and there. but what's the point? Sure- Tercero hasn't released any models as of yet, B) People who have copies of his meshes and who are modeleres themselves recognize talent when they see it, and C) use appropriate comments and feedback, and not senseless bickering.


Anyway, we want screenies!!! :D


And I agree it will be hard Tercero, I know, after dating a girl that was a little out of my league for a short period of time, I spent all of '01 trying to get back with her, which ended up one big 365-day headache. So finally I moved on, met my current and hopefully lasting girlfriend, and my life went from **** to grins:) So really, just find something you like and are good at it, and just do it.

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And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for...




Sorry I took so long getting to this point - I've had a lot going on lately. I'm going to be working on the model a lot more now, though, so progress should speed on up again from here on out.


Here's a link to what I have done on the new model so far:



or, if that's down:



I still have to color the robes and and texture the arms and give him a lower half... but it's progress at least...


Please give me some feedback - if you see anything that can be improved, I'd be happy to know about it.

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the mesh on this looks really good, and the texturing isnst bad either, but this is just temporary textures right? they just look a little 'off', thats all

but what everyone has been saying about you is true, you do have some talent, most other modellers in this forum either cant model, cant texture or both (sorry to everyone who this may apply to, but you really need these skills to make FULL models)

sadly my friend The Librarian who was also making an anikin model was learning the whole way, the mesh was great, and finished, but he didnt have the time to unwrap/texture and weight it.


But it looks like you're definitely on the right track! have you had any education on modelling or 3d work?

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Really good modeling Tercero.:yeldance:


Maybe you could add a feature of his lightsaberholder. I mean that if you have a gun of something else it would have a saber in it but when you use the saber it would be empty. What do you think of that? I don't know but I think it requires some animations maybe coding. Maybe it's possible maybe not. But there is one thing I know: it'll be very freakin cool! Really good Modeling.:D


Maybe you could also make a skin of Anakin wearing only black (refering to the Darkside). And maybe he would be using Vader's saber. And maybe a robe with a hood of somekind.Maybe use it as a teamplay/darkside skin.


Hey modders this is for you:


Just a thought but has anyone ever tried editing the force powers animations? Maybe to change the light blue/white color of the force to black or gray (more sith like). And maybe make push, pull and lightning a bit stronger.:sithm:


Also it would be very cool if you could use Desann's force grip(little resembelence of Darth Vader's very strong grip). I'll show you what I mean:

1. He starts to grip me and I push

2. I start to come out of the grip and to fall.

3. He catches me with grip. It's just like he would be using force speed or something but there's no sound of speed starting to work.

4. The same sequel will be repeated for about 3-5 times and I'm almost out of lives. And with his next hit I'll be like



Well if I don't write the things I want to see in the game I probably won't ever see them there.;)

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Looking good, Terc. A couple of things here : The sleeves should definitely be opened up by the wrist. As Anakin's robe doesn't have sleeves (since it's closer to a cape) I think they made the sleeves larger to compensate. The clothes are looking nice, can't wait to see them colored, but perhaps consider removing some of the wrinkles from the inner layers and the part underneath the belt... just looks a little too busy in those areas (the cloth tabards look fine though).

Oh, and are you going to use a shader of some kind on the leather tabards to make them look more like leather?



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Originally posted by phantom827

wait, didnt the tunic that the model had used to be the brown-redish leather that he uses all throughout the movie? cause in the pics, he has a padawan tunic on, and i wanted to kno y.....


That's because Tercero hasn't finished that part yet. :)

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oh.........sry, my bad! well, i must say, its definitely the coolest model in WIP stage at the moment! i luv this model, and as soon as it comes out, im gonna hug my computer! :D:D just kiddin bout the comp thing........dont think the girl i like would like me much anymore if she found out that im huggin a comp.........can u say byebye lovelife? :D

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Originally posted by phantom827

wait, didnt the tunic that the model had used to be the brown-redish leather that he uses all throughout the movie? cause in the pics, he has a padawan tunic on, and i wanted to kno y.....


I think that the current tunic color is because Tercero want to use this model as a template for his other future models, and with this kind of color he can modify it to any color he want.

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