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Is this not the FUGLIEST!


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Well Michael claims that it was some "disease" that turned him white. Uhuh. And how did he turn female?? I don't know. You know that guy that rhett posted a little while back that turned blue? I think Michael did something STUPID like that and turned himself white. He is just too ashamed to admit it. The guy is a very vain man. I mean...he's so sick that he's altered his face to the point of ....i can't even explain it. :(

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I wouldn't describe the guy as vain.


It's more like a mental disease, an obsession. A very unusual one, perhaps, but after all not many people in the world have as much money (and are as famous) as him. It's gone beyond the simple search for beauty, it's something he can't stop doing. The guy needs help from a psychologist.

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