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Ouch. (Star Trek: Nemesis Review)

Boba Rhett

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Go here. Weep and repeat. :(


Just a little piece from it:

The lighting in this film is bad, the makeup is bad, the acting is bad, the story is bad, the action is adequate, the space stuff is cool but uninvolving beyond eye-candy, this is just a waste of resources, time and money.



Harry mentions a whole lot of things in his review that I agree with. I'm going to wait until after I see it to make any final decisions but this really gets me down. :( He had bad things to say about almost every single character and aspect of Star Trek: Nemesis.

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I'm getting the feeling that Nemesis will be so-so, not utterly bad like described in so many reviews. I don't expect much from it, and that's the key.


It's a good thing this is the last TNG-based movie. Let's put Star Trek movies to rest for a while and then come back with something more original (and no Rick Berman!).


EDIT: Berman, not Baker... *shoots self*

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Ah, I never listen to critics anyway...their entire job is to judge other people's work...the worse a review for a major film, the more people look at them and buy what magazine/newspaper their in....the guy from the web site sounds like he was being a tad extreme in his utter hatred for this movie...he says that it's better than inssurection and I thought that was a pretty decent movie, I'll probably go see it despite what reviewers say....remember, a lot of critics panned Ep2 as well...

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Well ... I didn't expect much of it anyways. Insurection was pretty bad too. It was just a long episode with Special FX.


Generations was Okay, First Contact Ruled! ... Insurection plain sucked and Nemesis will not impress me either ... Maybe I will not even rent it (kinda lost my interest in ST)

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Oh, Ithought the show sucked and stopped watching it after the 2nd season. I didn't realize they had a final season, and consequently, didn't know they got back home. Apparently, neither did my information's source :rolleyes:


I'll have to have a little chat with my source ;)


Well, one things for sure, I'm glad to hear the show's finished! :D

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Honestly, I read one of those pieced together versions of Nemesis (Basically the whole movie based on interviews and such) and I wasn't as happy with what I've read from the compilation, but I still think it'll be a good movie. The problem is that as the years pass, people keep raising their expectation bar.

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i read the script of Nemesis when it leaked, and i must say that it seemed like a pretty thrilling, dark movie to me. Kind of like First Contact (which, incidentally, was just on Dutch tv :D )..

So i got my hopes up, knowing that i don't remember a thing about Insurrection except for the face-stretching thingy, and that says it all i guess..

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I just saw the movie at 2 pm today. I (not really a TNG fan) Liked it. My fiance who is a TNG Fan said it was okay and he never expected it to be as good as the other movies. So I guess he thought it wasn't as good as the other movies. I thought the story line was fairly predictble...however I could easily keep up with the charectors even though I really had not seen any of the TNG shows. My fiance did mention that the Captain of the Voyager was on once...briefly. I think he liked that acknowledgement. I liked the special fx and thought it was a pretty good show. Nothing amazing...but still good.




I just read that cheap ass review that Harry gave. Okay....mah god. The movie was not that bad!!! I liked the car they use on that planet. It looked like a kewl dune buggy! I thought it was pretty tight. As for him not liking the Nemisis guy and the lighting being poor. Okay....the movie was supposed to have poor lighting...did he not pay attention to the story line??? And I liked the ship ramming the other ship. My fiancee did not understand why Picard did that but I totally got it. It was the last thing that Nemisis guy thought Picard would do and of course that's what the audience would think. Picard why are you ramming that. Duh...I dunno...sacrifising his ship for earth. Lets see....I don't know. They always have to destroy the Enterprise somewhat so they can redo it for the next one ;)

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I thought it was a pretty good movie as well. I saw it last night. I am not a big Trek fan, but the people I went with were. They enjoyed it too and thought it was one of the better ones in the series.


There biggest complaint was

when Data died

But I knew it was going to happen. At least, I thought it was pretty obivious...and they said it would not happen. :D


Oh well, if you like the Trek series, then by all means, go watch it. I liked it pretty good and I thought the space battle was one of the best ones they have had (better than Wrath of Khan).

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