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Meaning of Life


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LMAO I was about to start a thread on this very topic!


Great minds think alike.



I have been pondering the same question, I used to be a christian and believed in heaven but now, I just don't know. I get confused about life sometimes and am scared of there being nothing after death if this is true. I kind of believe the meaning of life is to live our lives to the fullest, and trying to make the best out of a world filled with evil.

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Ironically, the harder we try to make this world a little better, the worse it gets. I don't know whether any of you from the UK saw 'Jonathan Ross Tonight' when he interviewed Richard Attenborough (famous animalist and nature show presenter). The presenter asked this guy what the purpose of us living was, and he replied...


"Well, I don't want to seem disbondent, but if all humans suddenly vanished, the world would carry on just fine."


Although you laugh at it then, it gets you thinking of whether our race is a hinderance towards the world. And I agree that we are as a whole. IMO, religion makes no sense to explain why we are here. If we are put here to follow in God's footsteps, if he made us in his image, then why doesn't he correct our wrongs? I don't want to turn this into a religious debate, but that is my view.


I believe, on a more positive note, that we might be here to broaden the knowledge of our culture, to understand more about the world and universe around us.


Alternatively, the answer could be 42...



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There is no One Meaning of Life.


How could the meaning of the life of Gandhi be compared to an ant's?


If the life of humans have a meaning, the same goes for animals too, right? ;)




Imho we all make our own. It depends on circumstances. It doesn't have to be some amorphous, everlasting, supreme goal like "spiritual enlightenment".


My meaning of life AT THE MOMENT is taking good care of my wife, finishing my studies and doing my very best at work.


Do you share this meaning of life with me? I doubt it. And you know why? --> because (f.ex.) you don't have a wife!


My point: it's all circumstantial AND it changes from time to time. It's not something given to you from "outside". You make it.


EDIT: Nah....on second thought...it's really 42. :D

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Originally posted by Dark Warrior

am scared of there being nothing after death if this is true.


Why is this scary? :confused:


If you hold on too tight to things which pass away, you'll make a hell out of your life, and a fear out of death.


and trying to make the best out of a world filled with evil.


Why is it filled with evil? There is only you, and your perceptions.


If the life of humans have a meaning, the same goes for animals too, right?


Humans are the only animals to have the consciousness to make a "meaning" out of their lives. All other animals act on instinct.


-As for my meaning of life:


It's all in the mind.

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

its not the meaning of this life but what happens after ur dead, if u believe in Heaven and Hell. for right now im making sure i get to where i want to go.


You'll all go to heaven. Everyone. Every last one of you.


Did that make you feel good or what?

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"The meaning of life is what ever you chose for it to be." - Me, when a dear friend asked the same question...


the truth is: If you convince yourself that life is pointless and meaningless... my friend, you will have a pointless and meaningless life.

and vise versa.



Cjais... you seem to be a very nice guys... but some times I feel like drop-kicking you right through my monitor.

Even if you dont believe in heaven/hell, god/no-god, that doesnt meen you need to go around and try to crush the hopes of the people who do.

(excuse me if that sounded like a flame)

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Originally posted by ZDawg

"The meaning of life is what ever you chose for it to be." - Me, when a dear friend asked the same question...


the truth is: If you convince yourself that life is pointless and meaningless... my friend, you will have a pointless and meaningless life.

and vise versa.


but still there has to be a meaning and there is no point if all we do is die! that makes no sense being alive and then dying. that would mean life is usless. thats why i belaive in god but i also believe that people who deny him will basically go to hell, theres no nice way to say it. why would god let u live in heaven forever if u were unloyal to him, it makes sense that he will punish u.

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I'm a Christian, I believe in God and I attempt to serve him with all that I have… If God punished me for every time I sinned I wouldn’t be here right now. The bible doesn’t say “I’m GOD! Love me or die!”… no, It says “It is Gods *Goodness* that leads man to repentance” (I’m not saying non-believers will go to heaven, I’m just saying show a little of what God has shown you… grace)


When I said The meaning of life is what ever you chose for it to be." what I was saying is if you look at life in a negative way (I.E we are monkeys who "POOF" came from nothing, here we are yipppeeeeee) your going to get a negative outcome on the way you live your life.


"If you look at the world through a red piece of glass what color will everything be?" -Me... Talking to the same person.

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Our only 'purpose' is reproduction and good health. It is all about survival of the species. There is no other meaning apart from that imo.


Religion has only evolved from man trying to understand why we are here. There are many theories as to what we should do to reach happiness etc after death, and these theories give us a purpose and hope instead of thinking that we just die. This is why there is no meaning, there is no right or wrong, we believe what we want to believe but at the end of the day we are just here to reproduce and keep our species alive the same as every other living thing.

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Originally posted by leXX

Our only 'purpose' is reproduction and good health. It is all about survival of the species. There is no other meaning apart from that imo.


Religion has only evolved from man trying to understand why we are here. There are many theories as to what we should do to reach happiness etc after death, and these theories give us a purpose and hope instead of thinking that we just die. This is why there is no meaning, there is no right or wrong, we believe what we want to believe but at the end of the day we are just here to reproduce and keep our species alive the same as every other living thing.




Very sad to think we as in living creatures are so insignificant.... Almost like a big waste....

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Originally posted by leXX

Our only 'purpose' is reproduction and good health. It is all about survival of the species. There is no other meaning apart from that imo.

So... Life: Live, Have Sex, Die?

You honesty believe thats the meaning of Life?


If you do... thats all it will be for you...


once again... it is what you believe it is.


There is no right answer.
The correct answer is what ever you chose it to be... If you believe that you know the meaning of life than noone can tell you diffrent, even if they themselfs dont believe it.
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If you just look at the human aspects of existance (i.e. asking what the meaning of life is), the answer is infinitely complex. But if you broaden your horizons and look to the BIG BIG BIG picture, the answer is quite simple.


We are but a amall part of the eternal struggle to have order and balance in the universe. We are a different form of balancer and a quite complex one, but the overall goal is to balance all forces and flows in the cosmos. Every action has a reaction, and while soem thigns seem totally unbalanced, they are a counter for the greater balance being sought elsewhere in the universe.


That's my take on it though, make of it what you will. It doesn't really matter, except to you... and that's what's important.

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Originally posted by Scotchy

We are but a amall part of the eternal struggle to have order and balance in the universe. We are a different form of balancer and a quite complex one, but the overall goal is to balance all forces and flows in the cosmos. Every action has a reaction, and while soem thigns seem totally unbalanced, they are a counter for the greater balance being sought elsewhere in the universe.


This explains my original post saying the closest I have come to an answer is chaos theory.

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Originally posted by leXX

I think you need to read my post again ZDawg, and this time read it as a whole, not just select portions.

I did... basically what you said is:

We all lie to ourselves and believe there is a God/after life so that we can be happy and its all in our mind.


That’s what you said... basically... we make up lies so we feel better.

must I explain why I believe in God?

I Chose to believe in God because Event in my life tell me that if I rejected what I know to be fact that I would Ignore my very purpose for life.

Ever seen an eye grow back into its socket? ever seen a blind mans cloudy eyes brighten up with sight as you pray for him? Don’t go off telling me I believe lies.

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