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Is war good or bad?


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I would like to discuss war


Is it wrong to go to war with another county?

Is it wrong to fight for our country?


I would like your comments on this..


In my opinion I think war is wrong, but if we have to go to war to defend our countries, I would.

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Peace is always a better road to take then full scale war. The loss of lives is always unacceptable; even if it is only one life that is lost. That life could have been saved.


However, sometimes it takes war to bring peace.

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War is never a good thing in my eyes. It brings too much death, hatred and rivalry in the world, and splits our species apart in many ways. However, I do agree with Obi, that sometimes war is inevitable to preserve peace (the contradiction is clearly visable). I of course do not agree with people who begin wars for their own gain, which is diabolical. But if a country must go to war to defend themselves, I feel this is the right thing to do, even at the cost of lives.


But in the end, war = bad

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I believe that there is such a thing as a Just War, but the requirements for one are very strict:


-The damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave and certain. This would describe WW2... Hitler was a very real threat to the entire world and the damage would have been "lasting, grave and certain" with millions more people killed in every country the Nazis invaded. Hitler needed to be stopped for the good of the world.


-all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective. Basically meaning that if you can get away with resolving the crisis through diplomacy, then that should always be the road taken; war should always be a last resort.


-There must be serious prospects of success. This one seems a little ambiguous... but I read it as meaning, you don't throw everyone in your country at an enemy that is sure to shoot them all down.


-The use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminatied. The power of modern means of destruction weighs vert heavily on evaluating this condition. Don't use nukes, avoid killing non-combatants personel in the crossfire, don't use overwhelming force that can only destroy innocent people... example: don't bomb the hell out of Baghdad, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.



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War is never a good thing. Any soldier will tell you 'no sh!t sherlock' when you say this. The thing is that when you go to war for a defensive purpose, whether to protect the innocent of other countries, or to stop a bigger war from erupting, you're working for peace, not power, and that is what justifies the war. In this case, war is a necessary evil. If no truly diplomatic means can solve the conflict, and one side goes to war, the other side has to defend itself, and goes to war in a defensive measure, and yes, the war is evil, but it was a necessary evil.


The question always lies in "Which is more evil, going to war, or letting this evil continue." When rightfully justtified, war is the lesser of two evils, and one of two options.


Is war good or bad? Bad, but in the righeous sense, it is justified if it is to prevent and defend further harm of the innocent.


That is my 2 cents on the issue.

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Originally posted by vegietto

the only war to get true peace is too have a full-scale war against anyone who hate the usa





Hey dude, what if other countries were in a full-scale war apart from the US of A


It seems that Americans these days only think of themselfs if someone can say that. :tsk:

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Originally posted by Flanders




It seems that Americans these days only think of themselfs if someone can say that. :tsk:


Watch it, bud. I am an American, and I am not going to say anything like that. Just because one person says it, doesn't mean we all do. Watch your stereotyping from now on.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Of course, war is terrible, and must be avoided as much as possible. I agree with fighting to defend themselves, but not to start war for "defending". To start wars is never acceptable.



now i disagree with you, if there is resonable evidence and the country keeps breking laws and treties then i think in some cases yes you can start a war for defending, the point in war is to protect your country's people and land, if those are in danger or some one is going to put them in danger then yes that is a just reason to start a war


war may bring death but more death may come if there is no war

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war may bring death but more death may come if there is no war


Very good point. This is how one determines whether war is the lesser of the two evils. WWII was evil, no one will dispute that, but if you ask someone which would be more evil, to start a war to defeat Nazi Germany (who wanted to conquer all of Europe and possibly the world) or to not go to war and let Hitler do what he wanted, then most people will say that to start a war was the lesser of the evils.


If one side refuses to debate, and continues to do whatever evil it is doing, then how is one to peacefully put an end to the evil? This is when war is acceptable. Lets be frank here, folks, sometimes you just can't debate or talk somebody evil into stopping his/her evil actions unless you bring with you a promise of physical harm. Do you think Hitler would've ordered a halt to the holocaust if the U.S. approached him and 'debated' with him in a 'civilized manner' (this is assuming the U.S. DID know about the death camps, which is a point that is still debatable, since its not clear if the U.S. did know or not) to stop? NO! War was necessary to halt Hitler in Europe and Japan in the Pacific. When oneside refuses to debate or abide by the termsn in the agreement, then diplomacy has totally failed, b/c that side will not listen.


War is evil, yes, but it is a necessity from time to time. This fact has been proven countless times, the prime examples being WWII, the UN intervention in Bosnia to rout out Milosovich (sp?), and Operation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm.

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War is not good. But Peace is unreachable almost everyday. So war is mostly used. Other note: USA isn't people who just wanna kill, I'm so sick and tired of people saying that. We try to get peace also but since so many people love to bash America it's very rare for us to achieve such a thing. Back to the subject War basically keeps things in order these days. *sigh* I just think we all gotta look in diffrent perspectives.

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War is ineveitable regardless of anything. I think it's wrong but still has to be done. Like pretty much everyone else has said, sometimes war needs to happen in order for peace to happen. I mean, have you ever seen a typical day for a peacekeeper in a former war-torn country, doesn't look all that peaceful.


And as for going to war for my country, ehhhhhh, I dunno. I'm okay with it but I'm not all that eager to go get shot.

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