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Cantina 9-The Last Hope


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Ivan: *calmly* "We should try and bring out every piece of weapory into service. Update the old, and create new ones as fast as possible. Even if they are destructive enough to destory us. Becuase as it seems now there isn't no other choice but to either try our best to defeat them, or they humilatingly destory us..."

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Ulna Shardes


Tarl: Create new ones? They will be here in hours. Or less.


Councilman: They have their entire fleet coming after this one planet...they weren't interested in that before...why are they...


Ghenn: The time for wondering is past! We must prepare while we still have time!


*A hologram appears in the middle of the table. A military-uniformed man appears* What are the Council's orders?


Tarl: Begin powering the planetary shields. Prepare the planetary ion cannons and turbolasers. Deploy all available warships and starfighters. Order all remnants of the fleet deployed to join the CSII to come back here immediately. Do it now! Hurry!






*Rwos lands on top of Deac* No! *angrily* Deac, listen to me. You've got to understand that you're too important to this universe to keep trying to throw your life away!


*Demons rush at them. Rwos blasts them back with more red balls of energy from one of his hands, and with his sword in his other, continuing to speak* Ever since you became a cyborg you haven't valued your life. You've tried to kill yourself how many times now? *blasts away a particular vicious set of demons* And just look at yourself. You look like a grizzled hermit of the junk shop. When was the last time you ate? *slices off a demon's head* Shaved? *stabs another* Why are you doing this to yourself, Deac? There are people in this world who care if you die!


*turns around, and yells just as angrily, still fighting in place* As for you Lokiphet, you're doomed. You weren't a match for us before. What makes you think that will be different now? These demons? You'd need legions more to threaten a galaxy this big. I'm sick of all you Darkstars and your arrogance!


*Rwos comlink buzzes loudly* No...Not now!

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Hal: It would appear however that you haven't heard of us. This sword isn't exactly normal.


So tell me, have you ever heard of the BattleDogs?


(The BattleDogs were a legendary race of warriors from the Planet Aguma, who gaurded the gates between heaven hell and the material world.)

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*Deac hears what Rwos says, and for a moment stops. He thinks, and then sees Lokpihet laughing*


Lokpihet: You cannot win this time, Starkiller! It is over...




*Deac deactivates his lightsabers, grabs Lokpihet and begins to choke him*


Shouldn't have let me stay a cyborg, eh?


*He throws Lokpihet back through the portal, screaming. The demons, terrified their dark master has gone, gush in after him. Terisaan begins to cry softly in a corner. She is quite clearly shaken by everything.*


Terisaan: I've only been awake a few hours...I...


*She collapses. Deac activates his sabers*


Deac: Rwos, if this portal goes down, there might not be a way for you to get home...this is one of the main junctioning points for extra-dimensional travel. Do you really want me to do this?

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((OOS: BD: Since in this universe there isn't a heaven and hell with gateways in the real world...I'll assume that means hell dimension, and one of the much-vaunted higher planes))


Coruscant, Alley


*Kvana glances over Hal's armor again and narrows his eyes in recognition. He whispers-speaks to Vertmor, sensing him still in listening range* We may need your help after all. *to the two vampires* Retreat. We are leaving.


Lilan: Master...?


Kvana: I said, we are leaving. These are not the quarries I intended you to fight. They are too dangerous. *reads from the book* Homa retine avoca! *A wall of blue fire surrounds Hal and Kal from all sides a brief few seconds. Then it clears, and the vampires are gone*




Coruscant, Rooftops


*The woman is already flying away as Goll's warning echoes on the rooftops. Once a safe distance away, she activates the small cloak on her vehicle and presses the two tatoos above her left eye. The tatoos expand and form one half the familiar axe-shaped eye mask of a Blade. She takes out a small white lense and slips it over her eye.


Through the mask, the Valkyrie's ship appears, hovering in midair* Wow. I almost jumped into that! How embarassing.


*She takes out the lense and retracts her mask again* Still, now I can ignore them without any twinges in my conscience. Next up...




Ulna Shardes


*The Imperial fleet emerges from hyperspace right above Ulna Shardes. Immense Interdictors began powering up their ship-trapping fields. Thousands of ships launched towards the planet's surface. Starr sat in Cracken's seat, coordinating the attack with his mind as his master had before him. Tojo had planned the battle already. With almost the entire Imperial fleet atop one planet, it had been rather easy. Not that he hadn't protested taking the entire fleet to one small planet...but his words had fallen on deaf ears. Starr acted like a man possessed.


Ulna Shardes' planetary shields had not yet powered up. The SSD Paen targeted the main generators from orbit and blew them to pieces*


Starr: Crush them.




Portal Planet


Rwos: You don't need to worry about that, Deac. All the old junctioning points for extra-dimensional travel between our dimensions were walled off long ago, from my dimension. Like a set of doors with one side locked. Only recently has technology been created to get around those dimensional walls. Thus, I don't need those juncture points...go ahead, destroy it.


*Rwos' comlink insistently buzzes* I thought I had turned this thing off. *picks it up* Hello?


*A woman's voice speaks from the other end* Rwos? It's Blake. Why haven't you been picking up for the past day?


Rwos: *to Deac* A friend. *into comlink* Uh, I think I had it off. And just now I was trying to...do something important. What is it?


Blake: The primo apocalypse headed your way, that's what. Scrolls of Blood, Troklon, prophecy girl with eyes of fire and ice, mysterious crossing, you know, all that crap I've already been telling you about?


Rwos: Yes.


Blake: Well. We've deciphered more of the Troklon prophecy. And guess what? You're in it. Not just you. Your friend Deac. And several other of the um, associates you've got in that dimension.


Rwos: *startled* What?

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*As Rwos talks, Lokpihet's hands appear and begin to pull out of the portal*


Lokpihet: Grrrraaaah!


*Deac sabers the portal, causing it to collapse around Lokpihet. After a small explosion, only Lokpihet's charred skull remains*


Deac: Darkness to dust...


*Deac crushes the skull under his boots*


Now I think I've earned a nice holiday...


*Notices Terisaan mumbling in a corner*


But what about her? I think the experiment went wrong and frazzled her brain...pity...should we take her with us?

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((Redwing, Uh.... yeah.))


Hal: Ah, they ran away. Well what say we pick up dad and go hit a nest.


Kal: Well it'll be more interesting than have a conversation with the brain undead.


Hal: Not funny, really not funny. Come on.


*The two remove their helmets and re don their robes. They make their way back to the Temple, following the back roads. On the way they behead 7 vamps.*




*Back at the Temple Taklin leaves Ivrine in the care of the healers, who are barely keeping him alive. He dons his own Armor, chest, thighs, shins, forarms and shoulders, as well as taking his own sword, similar to Hal's, but with a saphire set in the hilt. Flax also takes a shield, a disk aproximatly 1m across with a pommel made of the same metal as his blade, and the image of the Battledog emblazened in gold on a blue field.*


*Flax puts on his helmet and lowers the viser, he leaves the temple viar a back entrance.*

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((BD: If I'm correct the pommel you are talking about is part of the shield? If so then the correct term would be umbo/(boss). A pommel is part of a sword connecting the blade to the hilt. If you are curious I'll post a link of a long list of terms I wrote for another forum))


*Goll and the other Valkyries enter their ship and go to the small lounge, there they remove their helms. The ship flyies randomly through Coruscants skies*


Goll: A pity that we couldn't capture it. More importatnly though, was the test informative?


Valkyrie: Very, by slowing killing it I was able to judge how effectivly these creatures are. They should prove to be a good advisary against the jedi.


Goll: Good, write up a detailed report later. For know we will watch this conflict, and see if the Jedi can eliminate this threat without our actual aid.

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*Kur awakens, head throbing, and not sure what to recall his experence from the last few days.*


*The room in oddly empty, along with his weaponry had been placed on a nearby table. The door into the room was also oddly open.*




*Vertmor vanished along with the other vampires.*


((okay, red you tell me where they went too :)))

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((Interesting, I notice you didn't mention the sabre, or the way angleo-saxon swords were made.


At any rate, back to the RPG))




*A castle sits at the edge of a steep cliff, the castle is made of white and black stone, in the castle is a church, this church is partially cut into the rock of the cliff, to walk from the great doors at one end to the atler at the other a man must cross over 250m. Along the walls there a plaques, one foot above the ground, made of polished gold. Above each name is a sword, Long Swords, and Medieval Swords, although there are rapiers and sabres mixed in as well.


Above the alter is the largest sword, a sword so large theat an ordinary man could not lift it, Over 60 inches long the sword has the same black blade as all the others, however, where the others are inlayed with jewels this one is plain, all black.


Below the sword is it's name, and the name of it's master:




Lord Malken Flax,


Prince of Aguma.




*Flax stalks though the streets, a grim expression on his face, his armor clinks as his feet fall.*

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((Actually I did, well I basically did. The terms of Folded and Temper are common for all swords. I didn't go into exact methods since that wasn't the point.


As for the saber, after writting around seven pages I thought that was enough (To be honest there are a few types that I left out) ))

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((;) @ Battledog


btw, careful on the vamp killing. They're really Scar's and my characters, firstly, and I think I've indicated quite a bit that even "baby" vamps are not so weak/stupid that Hal and Kal could casually kill seven on their way home...(Scar's vamps may be different but...)


Scar: Um. Vertmor was not affected by the book's spell, if that's what you meant.))



Portal Planet


Rwos: *distracted* Uh... *looks at Terisaan* we can't just leave her here, can we?


Blake: *on comlink* Rwos, you're listening to me, right?


Rwos: Yes, yes, yes, apocalypse, got it. What else have you got? *to Deac* I think you might want to put off that holiday for the moment...


Blake: *on comlink* Rwos, I'm not finished!






*Kvana and the other two vampires reappear violently, crashing against a house door. Kvana grabs the book immediately and then stares behind him*


Kvana: That wasn't supposed to happen! What is this? *looks at the book, then at the crashed door. A shocked mother and kid stares at them. Kvana starts to move towards them.


He comes up against an invisible barrier. As if the door was still in his face, and not cracked on the floor.


Kvana swears viciously. He picks up the book and chants a spell. The group disappears in a flurry of light, leaving the mother and child still staring in disbelief.


He reappears in front of Vertmor and angrily strides towards him* VERTMOR! We have a problem.




Ulna Shardes


*The Loyalist bomardment of the planet breaks through the last defenses. Imperial forces swarm the ground.


On board the main SSD, an admiral walked up to Tojo and Starr with a report*


Admiral: Sir, the Separatist Council has holed up in the main city of the planet. Their defenses are too strong for our bombardment to break. Their defense forces are heavily concentrated in that city protecting them. Our forces haven't been able to break their border...


Starr: *picks up his cloak and lightsaber* If that's the way they want it done...then that's the way I'm going to do it. *his eyes burn* This is the end. I will take care of the Council myself.


*Starr's ship streaks for the surface*

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((Red: I thought that the book spell sent him too


Yeah BD, my Vamps aren't weak. Their vampirc powers are stronger, but their overall magical powers are weak. On the other side, Red's vamps don't have as strong vampiric powers, but it make up with stronger megical powers.


remember Vampires aren't supposed to be easy to kill, unless your Whesley Snipes (:p)))


*Ravan awakes in his hospital bed. Healed. He notices a lightsaber and a note on next to his bed.




What ever you got yourself into, try not to get into again...

The lightsaber was one of the ones that nephew's got in his quarters. And the set of clothes was from your room. Enjoy.




*Ravan picks up the saber, ignites it.*


Ravan: "Hmm, blue."


*ravan stands, he senses Starr bound for planetside, he peers outside, the shields holding the bombardments that shake the room. He throws on the set of clothes, and jumps out the 4 story window. He lands with a small grunt, shortly after he begins to run at starr's direction.*




*Vertmor walks up to Kvana.*


Vertmor: "Let me guess, your magic still isn't strong enough yet in this world?" *Rubs the handle to an interesting sword.* "We might have to things the old fasioned way... Spectar, before he told me that he'd be banished or something like that, gave me this."




*Vertmor stands above Kvana and his children, bound to faceoff agenst Hal and Kal.*


*A sword appears infront of Vertmor, with a note attached:


Vertmor, this sword was your master's. As you know it's own essence won't allow itself to be destoryed, infact it was left dorment for serveral millina, waiting for someone to wield it again.


This is the last gift i can present you, it seems the plane I have crossed into was a mistake, I'd be most likey banished into a lower plane further then where you and your kind were.




Vertmor: "The reaver!?"



((Bone Reaver == a Flamberg that is possesed with a vampiric essence. the handle is made of an iron coated Vampiric 'Bone'. Literally indistructable, that includes sabers (becuase the essence won't let itself be destoryed)))



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((Scar: ...Why would it have?


Also, um, Scar, that would be the reverse. My vamps do not have any innate magical ability (unless it carried over from the human like Kvana) while your vampires have Dark Gifts, and magic abilites like teleportation, shapeshifting, etc. Your vamps need lots of time to grow to full strength while mine start up much closer to full strength. Thus my vampires would actually be the better fighters when young... A typical vampire of your race at full strength however would be much stronger than a typical vampire of mine at full strength.


(also Kvana is not a good example of the typical vampire of his race. Hey, wasn't my pick to bring him in here to represent ;))


Final note: My vampires are everything the human was, memories and abilites intact, except without a human soul. For me, it's much of the entire point of them... Just pointing this out cuz apparently it's different for Scar's))





Kvana: *distracted and rage lessened by the sight of the weapon* You may need that. The deluded yet dangerous warriors of Aguma - the Battledogs - have survived the ages as well and now wish to come up against us. However our larger problem is this. The Invite Carmene is again in effect.




Ulna Shardes


*Starr flies his ship through the energy shields outside of the capital city. He cloaks as the Separatist forces open a barrage of fire at him.


Invisible, he streaks for the Council tower.


Inside, the Council debates*


Councilman: The Loyalists are overwhelming our defenses!


Councilman 2: Perhaps we should surrender...


Beron Ghenn: Are you insane? We would all be executed!


Jun Tarl: He is right. Our only hope is to hold out till reinforcements arrive!


*Farran sits with his eyes narrowed, silent. Then the doors burst in.


Starr Hailfire leaps into the middle of the Council chambers, landing on top of the central table, saber glowing blood red.


Several of the Council members start to run, but with a gesture from Starr the doors slam shut and weld together*


Starr: None of you are leaving. And if you do not answer the question which I have to ask...none of you will live.




Portal Planet


Rwos: Sorry. And yes, I think I have one...


Blake: What?


Rwos: Talking to two people at once. *following Deac* Okay, what else have you got?


Blake: We're late.


Rwos: What?


Blake: The Troklon has already started. By my calculations, around a month ago.


Rwos: I thought it started with the birth of the fire and ice girl.


Blake: No, not quite. That was connected with the Troklon, and she is part of the Troklon, but her birth wasn't. The sequence of events really kicked off...around the time you ran back to this dimension and got distracted with Fork-Saber guy.


Rwos: Lokiphet?


Blake: Uh...sure. Anyway, it says two will rise, a hunter shall be awakened, a promise fulfilled (or debt repaid, I'm a little fuzzy on the tenses here), and the jewel will bleed. All I've got so far, besides the eyes of fire and ice thing. Trafeda cueniform is a bitch to translate. When you get to the transitive tenses...Rwos, you're listening to me, right?


Rwos: Two will rise, hunter, promise, jewel bleeding, bitch to translate. Got it. Don't understand a word of it.


Blake: *disappointed* Well...I figured someone who's actually at ground zero would be able to shed some light...


Rwos: Wait...two will rise?


Blake: Or pass. Or cross. Or travel. I'm not sure with this---


Rwos: About a month ago, the day I meant Lokiphet, two major dimensional crossovers occured.


Blake: Um...major?


Rwos: They gave off alot of energy, sometimes a sign of something very powerful crossing. Not even trying to hide its presence. That could be the "two" in the prophecy.


Blake: What about the rest?


Rwos: Hunter...no idea. Promise...same. Jewel bleeding...same.


Blake: It says "the" jewel will bleed. As in the only one of its kind-type jewel. It's got a set of prefixes on it that could denote "really big" or "really important" or both. I think we're supposed to think of this jewel as a center to something. Also...it has a sign before it that may mean this jewel is metaphorical; a nickname.


Rwos: What about me, Deac, and my other "associates"?


Blake: Beats me. I just found your names in here. Trafeda specially marks names. "Rwos", "Deac", "Flax", "Odin", and a few others maybe. Haven't finished. If I were you, I'd go find these friends of yours and figure out what makes them so special...

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((Well when i mean magic, i ment it to be more spellish and not so Dark powers/gifts, forgot to mention them ^_^


but I ment my vamps to be more normal typical strengths when they are first turned, and eventually become even more powerful, hence 'evolving'. So basically i ment that (i guess you can agree) that our vamps start out the same strengths, and with time those strenths fork out, mine get more powerful in vampiric powers and no much as magic, while yours get more powerful with magical energies and maybe a much slower change in appearence.(?)))


*Council Chambers*


Ivan: "I see it now, Cracken's dog! Come here by his orders to kill us! What was this also what the republic had in mind!? First your people destory a battlemoon that wasnt even remote from being finished! Now you confront us to finish it all!"


*Doors burst open with yellow energy, standing behind the collapsed doors is ravan holding out a hand, showing the he preformed the act. He keeps the lightsaber ignited, as he casualy walks in.*






Vertmor: "Yes, how ironic that I wield such weapon, that Vorador wielded. However the Invite Carmene!? How is it possible?"


((Refresh me on this red :D))

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*Coruscant, jedi Temple.*


Angel-like being: "Oh bloody well..."


*The angel extends her arm, and twists her hand, this causes RH Irvine to spring up, how ever he saw himself semi transparent, while his body still laid. He saw the being.*


Angel-like being: "Irvine, the 'clone' that you have met eariler, he will destroy meny lives. When you awake, you will permantly cured and those in this room of the Raging Death."


*Kur runs into the room.*


Kur: "Irvine!? Whats wrong?"


Irvine: "It was the Raging Death!?"


Angel: "Yes, but it was a new strand, becuase your clone was infacted first, it mutated due to his bodies genetics. But regaurdless it can still kill as potent as the normal Raging Death."


*Irvine gets pulled back into his body, and awakens, everyone is shocked, including Irvine.*


Irvine: "It was the Raging Death... Don't worry, we dont have it, anymore..."




*Several hundred miles away form the temple, but a few from flax's position*


*Fused Irvine amits an aura, that absorbs the light around him, he is still seen clearly, as waves of dark energy begin to heavly flow from him.*


Fused Irvine: "I shouldn't be calling myself this name 'Irvine' anymore, thats not me..." *ponders a secound* "Darth... Grendal... Yes, that sounds like an interesting for a title and a name for myself... Time to create it..." *slowly* "heh heh heh"


*Now calling himself a new name, he levitiates himself out a window and stright into open traffic. He extends his arm, and creates an massive amount of force lightning to destory several chains of vechles in an instant.*


*The burning reckage falls on moving vechiles causing a vast chain reaction of more reckage falling, and falling.*


((waits for red, deac and admiral to red flag him...))

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Red Flag No. 1: Ravan isn't an Uber Jedi. You've made that extremely clear. However remembering what happened with Kur, (normal Jedi to godlike in two breaths) this merits a red flag ;)


Red Flag No. 2: Your 'angel-like beings' couldn't have... Never mind. I don't care. One bit. If someone else cares, they can yell at you.


As for vampires: Everything carries over from the human in mine, remember? However they don't automatically get spell skills. Like I said Kvana isn't a normal run of the mill vamp.


I know you meant that the vamps start out with the same strengths however judging from the scenes in PtH, this just isn't true...especially since your vamps don't keep the person's learned skills, and have more emotions that could get in the way (depression, etc).


My ordinary vampires get NO automatic magical energies. If they already have it, it will grow like normal, but otherwise no. That's what I wanted in the beginning and I'm sticking to it... Thus yours would automatically be more powerful at an extreme age, while mine may or may not be. Besides, that was the point of the way the social order Vorador instituted worked. My vamps generally looked up to yours because the oldest ones were so powerful.


This should probably be in the vampire thread))




Kvana: Vorador was said to have destroyed the source of the spell...but he must have only blocked it, made it dormant. With him dead for so long...it must have come out of its dormancy. It is the only explanation I can think of.


Lilan: What is the "Invite Carmene"?


Kvana: It is a spell designed eons ago by a great power to trump the existence of vampires. Under its effect none of us can enter the habitation of a living human without an invitation.


*Second vampire* So? It isn't too difficult to get someone to invite you in to their house...and with our power, we can simply destroy their habitations if we really need to. It will not interfere badly with hunting...I myself have yet to need to enter a home to get a meal.


Kvana: That isn't the point, you young fool. You are but two days old. This spell could create an infinite number of problems for us. Also, we still do not have the power necessary to perform the most valuable of the spells in these books. *to Vertmor* My kind are useless for this task. They have no intrinsic power I can draw on. You and yours need to create as many more of your kind as possible! *looks around* Where is that useless sibling of yours...




Ulna Shardes


*Starr telekinetically slams Ravan into the wall, causing his lightsaber to clatter across the floor. He continues pressing* Foolish, lost, weak Jedi. You wish to challenge a Lord of the Sith? *with his other hand, he raises Ivan into the air by his neck* Scum. You think to fool me? I know what you pack of snakes have done. If you do not tell me now what you have done with my master and his daughter, you will all die!


*In his mind, Farran sets off the telepathic trigger that alerted the Vanguard. Starr senses the action and drops Ivan and Ravan. With a telekinetic blow, he knocks Farran out of his chair*


Starr: You! What have you done?




Portal Planet


Rwos: *as preparing fighter to take off* Obscure prophecies. My friend only read your name. So...I don't know, yet. By the way: A jewel, one-of-a-kind, really big, really important, center of something, might be a nickname, might be bleeding. Er, will be bleeding. Ring any bells?

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((Ravan isnt uber, I guess I could have made Ravan breathe slightly heavy, instead of walking casualy, after he 'opened' the door.))


*Ravan force pulls his saber back into his hands, and reigniting it. He stands with slight difficulty.*


Ravan: "I don't care how powerful you are. You are a Sith Lord, it's my duty and responibility to defeat what ever your kind stands for!"


Ivan: *catching his breath* "We were the backbone of the Empire before your master split it up. After that we'd rather would like to do anything less with your Master and anyone from his family, it was you who came here and made actusations that we killed anyone."


*Ivan stands.*


Ivan: "Maybe the republic double crossed your Master, and killed him... Or maybe your master and his daughter went to our unfinished battlemoon and died in that explosion... Or maybe you killed him and his duaghter after he claimed that his daughter would be heir to the throne, and not the student! Who knows! We had nothing to do with it!"

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