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Cantina 9-The Last Hope


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Deac: Run for it!


*The three of them run out of the cantina and into the street. More stormtroopers appear*


Issk: Take this. *Hands Deac a pad* It'll tell you what you want to know. But beware. Someone else is looking for that portal. Now, if you don't mind...


*Issk fires on the stormtroopers*



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((BD: Since when did you have scouts finding the Vampiric hideouts?))


*Vertmor approches Kvana in the library, quickly he sees the vast array of books.*


Vertmor: "I trust you found what you needed? One thing I must ask for a spell, an ability to conseal my children's and myself's presence through telemphathy."




*RH Irvine arrives at the Jedi Temple. As RH Irvine exits the rented speeder, guards quickly come and greet Irvine, seeing Irvine is doned in typical Jedi cloaks.* ((something like what obi-wan wore in Eps II))


RH Irvine: *To guards* "Oh yes, thank you. Can you have someone lead me to the Jedi council chambers?"

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*Chavo enters the NRI building, giving his blaster to the gaurds, and going through the usual security procedures*

Gaurd: any electronics?

Chavo: This *holds up PDA and gaurd looks over it*

Gaurd: Wait in that room *points at door*

Chavo: Thanks

*chavo goes into room and sits down.*

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((OSS: Redwing, ok. I got a bit muddled with time.))


((OSS: Scar, since now.))


*Ivrine is shown into a small room, with a balcony facing eastward.*


*A cloaked figure stands on the balcony.*


*The figure turns.*


Sophae: Welcome to the bright centre of the universe, Ivrine Cracken.


((Gone till Monday.))

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Kvana: I do not know if any such spell is still here. I haven't had a chance to read these books.


*Kvana picks up several books and puts them in a pack*


Kvana: Not many have survived. A good amount are here, however. *picks up the pack* I'll need to take these to a place somewhat less...public. Before the sun comes back up.




Farran: Heh. I doubt it. But still, they're the people who threatened to turn me over to them...


*Farran enters his quarters* If anyone comes by, Kioet, tell them I'm not available.


*Farran find the Valkyrie's message*


You have 24 hours to deliver the information. Leave the information on the computer system, we will then pick it up. If you fail to do so then we will hunt you down and kill you. If you leave the planet and the information is not on the computer system, then you will be hunted down and killed. We are watching you.


*Farran's eyes narrow* Interesting.




Rwos: Wait! *grabs Issk's shoulder* Are you sure you don't need our help?

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Goll: The Jedi appear to be their primary threat, and this being your base of operation is a prime target for them. Currently your security is terrible. My team had no problem gaining access to the temple.


I recommend, that you guard every entrance, preferably sealing the lower ones. Then restrict access to the temple. I assume you know who should be allowed in.


We hunt them day and night. Once a sanctuary is found it will be destroyed. These creatures must not have a place of saftey.


Now your orbital mirrors, can they be used to refeclt sunlight onto the nightside of the planet. If this is possible then we can basically reduce or eliminate night. It will also limit them to the lower levels of the planet.

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Issk: I've got a cause, Gargoyle. You wouldn't understand...


*He drops his gun and is shot at. As the first drops of blood leave his body, a beeping is heard. Deac reacts to this and goes into force speed and grabs Rwos, pulling him away from the blast that was caused by Issk's death. The two land not so far from their docking bay*


Deac: We have to start moving.

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Vertmor: "Well you would understand if finding such spell should be first priority. Our exsistence on this world is in stake."




Irvine: "Greetings. How ever I must ask, I don't believe I mentioned my name at all. But I'm sure thats not an important issue here, may I ask your name? It'll make discussion alot easier."

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*chavo gets called in*

Chavo: I got the acsess file, sir

Vice Admiral Greer: Excellent, with all the vampires running around I almost forgot about this

Chavo: Vampires?

Greer: Long story, anyway you given any consideration to our offer

Chavo: still thinking about it sir, I got a job

Greer: Oh?

Chavo: yeah, I'll give you my answer when i get back

Greer: OK, Same pay plan?

Chavo: Yes sir.

Greer: well then, anything you need, call me.

Chavo: yes, sir.

*chavo exits Greer's office*

Greer *through intercom*: send some guys to follow Chavo around town, find out who his next client is

Secretary: Yes, sir

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((OOS: Taking some liberties withe the Coruscant library here, as I don't know exactly how one works in Star Wars))



Rwos: Well, at least we know he was legitimate... *Rwos gets up and stares at the crater left by Issk, eyes narrowing* He called me a Gargoyle. My species doesn't exist in this galaxy...not naturally, at least. The only way he would know that name is if he'd had some contact with another dimension...or someone who'd come from one.


*thinks about that for a moment* Or, of course, he could have just heard of me.




Kvana: *grimacing at the pun* I understand that. But don't ask the blacksmith to shoe a dragon before he knows how to do it. I will do whatever I possibly can.


*Kvana exits the back rooms and starts to leave the library when a droid attendant stops him*


Droid: I'm sorry, sir, but you can't take those.


Kvana: *startled at the robot speaking to him* What on earth are you?


Droid: Droid library attendant 21G-R. I'm sorry, sir, but you can't leave with those. *the droid pokes the books Kvana has in carrying pack*


Kvana: What are you talking about? This is a library.


Droid: Yes, this is a library. You may scan the archive book pages on your datapad, or you may take them to the reading lounge. But you may not leave with them.


Kvana: A datapad? Scan? I'm not going to...*thinks better of it* Can I speak to another library attendant? A human attendant?


Droid: One moment please.


*The droid wheels off. Kvana watches it go, fascinated*




*Farran considers what to do* They probably have this place monitored...and some way of breaking and entering. Too bad I don't own this building, so I have no way of finding out how... Ah well. Let's try something.


*Farran opens a file and starts writing a message*


Message: This is to the spies, the women from Tatooine...whatever I should call you. I received your threat. Who are you that you want this information so badly?


*Farran leaves the computer on and leaves the room, going to find Kioet* Let's see how they react.




*Starr's ship emerges from hyperspace at the prearranged meeting place with the Loyalist forces and hails Tojo's flagship, where the admirals were meeting at that very moment*


Cracken and Alys should be here.


*Starr realized that he would have to lead the Loyalist Empire now. Cracken and Alys were missing...not dead, no, not dead, couldn't be...just hidden somewhere. Kidnapped by the mysterious Vanguards who had given up chasing him for no apparent reason. Ysalamiri used to disguise their presence. Yes, that was it.


He had to find them. And he knew where to start.*


The Separatists...

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Vertmor: "Yes, it has been several millina since our kind roamed freely on Mrear. Technology has advanced an incredible amount across the galaxy. To us its hard to understand, but to the simple commonfolk, its common sense..."

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Vertmor: *In a more human appearence* "Yes, me and my friend here wanted to borrow some books, you see we are researchers of ancient text and we translate the scripts. We need to oringal copies becuase of 'historical' feel. It helps us translate...*

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*The two head into the back rooms, the attendant still grumbling*


Attendant: You can just scan the pages onto your datapads. Now what book are you looking for?


Kvana: I don't have a datapad.


Attendant: Then get one.


Kvana: Where can I get one?


Attendant: *by now very annoyed* Look, I don't have time for jokers. Just get a datapad, come back, and scan them. We can't just let people walk off with old, valuable, historic books. *notices something* Hey, how did you get in here anyway? This room stays locked unless a librarian...


Kvana: Well, you see, I broke in. Now look, human, I need these books, themselves. They have magic in them I will need to power their spells.


Attendant: *confused* What? You broke in? *Too late, she notices that the door's latching mechanism has been pulled out. She turns angrily to Kvana* I'm calling security!


*Kvana morphs into game face* Sorry. I can't allow that.


*The attendant starts to scream. Before she can let more than a squeak out, Kvana has clamped a hand over her mouth and trapped her with his other arm*


Kvana: *through his now extended teeth* I need a convenient guide. And I haven't fed in, well, millennia...


*Kvana sinks her teeth into the woman's neck. The woman's eyes widen. She is too stunned to struggle as her lifeblood drains away*

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*Vertmor stands in front of her, as he resumes his normal demonic appearence.*


*Vertmor simply laughs.*


Vertmor: "I have a few glasses here, mind if we toast on your return to a more deluctant feed ground then we were back on Mrear!?"

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*message originating from Irvine's quarters*


We are the guardians of this galaxy. Why we want this information is of little importance to you. You have given your word to provide it. Fail to do so and we shall seek compensation. Prove to us that you are a man of your word and it could be beneficial to you.


Time is ticking away....

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*Farran returns to the room after a couple minutes to find the message on his screen*


From Irvine's quarters. *amused* Clever.


"Guardians of the galaxy"? Sure. I wonder if they really expect me to believe that, or they're simply playing with me.


*Farran writes a reply*


Message: You may not have realized that promises made when a person has no choice but to make it aren't promises that a person may feel obligated to keep. But that isn't the point. Firstly, your questions are rather vague. Secondly, I have little reason to help you, only empty words of assurance and threats that you might have difficulty backing up.




*Kvana drinks the human's blood, feeling her hapless struggling become weaker and weaker as her life drained away. Suddenly he jerks his head away from the her neck. He slits his wrist and holds it over the gasping woman's mouth*


Kvana: Drink, little human, drink. Drink if you want to live...


*Blood dripped into her mouth. Vampire blood. Kvana pressed his arm to her mouth, as the dying creature drank his blood*


Have to give her enough blood so she awakens as fast as possible from her death...can't leave her body here. Who knows if they still even bury bodies...

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The questions are simple. Tell us everything you know about the blades. What are their objectives? How powerful they are? Their history? Anything else that would be pertinant.


Look at your monitor. You will see a fly land there. It will then move onto your arm then to the keyboard and finally fly away. That fly could easily have been carrying posion and injected you with it.


Whether under duress or not, if a person isn't true to their word then they do not deserve to live.

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*Farran swats the fly and types a reply*


Message: So you are monitoring my quarters. I suspected as much.


The Blades have many different objectives. For one, they are guardians. They are very powerful. I can't tell you how powerful because no one Blade is the same. They all have the same basic power inside them, that makes them a Blade, but everyone's ability is different. Similar to the way Force sensitivity makes one a Jedi in this universe. They have powerful magic and technology at their disposal, neither of which are things you can fully understand. As for their history, they were formed for several different reasons; mostly to guard the magic world of my home planet.


As for your threats, well, since you know very little about me, I doubt you could accomplish something as subtle as to poison me. Besides, I don't think you will. Not while you still have questions.

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Vertmor: "One thing I haven't been told about your version of our race. How long does it take for a vampire of your age to fully turn a mortal?"


((red: im sudjesting that it doesn't take long for vertmor's race to turn a mortal.))

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Your right, we wouldn't posion you. There is no honor in doing that.


Answer these last fewquestion and you will have fullfilled your promise.


Do the blades have any plans for this dimension?


Who are the executioners, and what is there purpose/role in the Blades?


Are there branches to the Blades and if so what are they and their role?


Finally what is the objective of the Blades

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((OOS: Deac, unless they switched ships, only Rwos knows how to fly it, and they wouldn't be using hyperspace...just so you know ^.~))



*Farran raises an eyebrow, surprised*


That's all the questions they have? Interesting...


Message: I don't know what plans the Blades have for this dimension. Last I knew, none. That is why I came here. However that seems to have changed.


The Executioners' purpose is solely to capture and kill. They are unique among Blades in this way.


The Blades have many different sects; five and one major sects and a varying number of smaller sects. Most are based on schools of thought, although some were created for a specific purpose like the Executioners.


There is no single objective for all Blades. As I said, there are many different schools of thought. I suppose the closest thing to an overreaching objective would be to protect that which they consider themselves responsible for.


*Farran saves the message* What will they do now, I wonder...




*Kvana bristles at the question but answers anyway* It has nothing to do with our age. It depends on the amount of blood the dying mortal takes.


*The woman finally stops twitching and lies still*


Kvana: She is dead now...soon she will rise.






*Rwos and Deac emerge from warp space above a familiar dark planet*


Rwos: Back here again...back where I was possessed by the Darkstar, back to the place where we had to leave Syrnl in another universe. One of the places we came closest to dying...


What does our informant's pad say?

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