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I actually didn't like TTT :(

Jon Snow

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Hey all,


Now I know because of the title on this thread I can expect all kinds of insults and this'll get deleted by mods... OH WELL



Seriously, the movie was great, but I was so lost... there seemed to be so much going on, and I haven't seen the first one except for once in the theatre (I won't buy them until all 3 come out and then buy the newest biggest 15 DVD set :rolleyes:) and I haven't read the books. So both my dad and I agreed that it was extremely confusing.


I basically realised that there were two main plots: Frodo and everyone else.


Everyone else was just trying to prepare for war and defend that big fortress, made sense although it seemed more like 5 stories horribly put together.


Frodo's though was what really annoyed me, and is why I posted this thread... it seemed like Frodo was getting "visions" from the ring b/c he had some scenes where he was with Sam and THAT ANNOYING SCARY CREEPY UGLY SCRAWNY EVIL SKINLESS FREAK and they were going towards Modor with those tree thingies; but then above characters would be involved with everyone else in the war. How can they be at two places at once.


I admit that maybe I should look into it a bit before blasting it, but I think it's the point of the director to make a movie non-fans can enjoy too... cause I was completely lost at times.


On the other hand... AMAZING MOVIE, LOVED the scenery, the music, the quotes, the battles (except for the last one in one scene at the beginning where the bad guys were climbing the ladders and seemed to be from the bottom of them to the top in one second ... as if they took out bits of the filming) and ESPECIALLY THOSE F***ING HOT ELVEN GIRLS...

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I was going to say that you sound like my friend Kyle but you aren't that bad. My friends told him about the little diffrences that were in the movie and he was like then the movie sucks just because in the Books there are no elves at Helmsdeep and in the Movie there are. He won't even go see it. :rolleyes:


I haven't seen the movie yet but I already understand the plot. My friends are always talking about so I pick up stuff and then there are all the wonderfull post's about it here at LF. I also have not read the book.


Just watch the Fellowship a couple of times and pay attention to what each character does and says and it will all piece together. ;)



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honestly, i think fantasy stories like Harry Potter and lotr are hard to make cuz there's SO MUCH to put in. Understanding the movie might be a piece of cake to someone who's read the books, but to someone who hasn't, it might not be easily graspable - cuz there's so much info thrown at you in so little time. In that respect Harry Potter is a worser (;)) movie than lotr in that somebody who didn't read either book series would still understand lotr better than he would harry potter.

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I have not been able to go see TTT due to christmas shopping mayham. NE ways u sound a lot like me when I saw FOTR. From what I read in the reviews the director does not rehash the first movie in order to keep the viewers who need a refresher on the first movie - in the know. He assumes you know everything and dives right into the movie. I for one think that is okay because he really doesn't need to re-hash a three hour movie...before he starts to show another one. I think too there must be something said about reading the books first and then watching the movie. Because if you don't do this (which I haven't) you are pretty much completely lost and lose all the "special" meaning to everything. You don't appreciate it as much. I know I had little respect for a movie FOTR that would not get to the point and took 3 hours to tell a story that with a little bit of cutting of boring scenes might have made a really exciting 2 hour action packed movie. BUT the reality is...he didn't make this to splice up a novel - he made it to - whats that word - honor? the novel and keep it VERY close to the book. That's VERy hard for a director to do...since it seems practically NONE of them can ever do that without messing it up! ie Jurrasic Parks..!! NE ways my two cents. Not everyone is going to think this movie is the greatest thing that has ever happened and I do not understand why so many people are gggaaa gaaa over it either.

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*aims shotgun at Jon Snow and STTCT* U were saying?










It's very hard to keep it close to the book. Some book-movie transitions don't work out, escpecially if it's an old book. I believe that in the book Aragorn was like 80 yrs old (?). An old man character just doesn't fit the style of action blockbusters today.

If the "boring bits" were cut out, then the film would actually be a major disappointment. There would be less character development, and less emphasis on story. Event Horizon was a good film in terms of atmosphere, scariness and gore, but failed in terms of characters and story. Had the story made a little more sense (why did ship return from Hell anyway, was it to collect the scientist? What's with the distress signal bieng in Latin?) and more character development (only 3 characters got any kind of background) it would have been a little more succesful.

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they were going towards Modor with those tree thingies; but then above characters would be involved with everyone else in the war. How can they be at two places at once.





















Spoiler Alert:




Frodo and Sam and Gollum were proceeding to Mordor.


Merry and Pippin were the hobbits with the tree thingies called Ents, and there were proceeding to Isengrad.


Gimli, Legolas, Aragon (sp?) and company were DEFENDING Helm's Deep from Saruman's 10,000 Uruk-Hai, who were bent on the destruction of the people of Rohan.


These 3 events happened at about the same time, therefore, no one was at 2 places at 1 time. Probably you mixed Merry and Pippin with Frodo and Sam:confused:

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Originally posted by krkode

During my post-reading appendix exploration i also found that according to subtraction aragorn got out to be somewhere really old, forget the number - 84, i think.





Wasn't aragorn's mother an elf?



No the elves after Similiarn or something got to choose mortal or eternal(elves) Aragorn is part of the mortal line


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Originally posted by xwing guy

He lived to be that old, but he wasn't that old in the books was he?


*sigh* As Silenthunter said, he is of the race of Dunedain, wich have a lifespan on about 200 years. This makes Aragorn about 32 "normal" years, even though he is really 80.

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Well everyone, sorry it's been so long...


I was over at Phil's place two days ago, and he explained to me the whole plot... now it seems to make perfect sense and I'll prolly go tomorrow to go see it again.


BTW, sorry I don't post very often but I'm very busy and haven't had much time... is there a minimum that I have to post?

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