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Age in Relationships


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hey guys, id just like to get some advice from ya'll. im 16, and in grade 11. i like this gurl in grade 9 but shes 15...she failed grade 3 [lol dont laugh:p] shes really cute and i like her alot, shes all mature and everything so thats koo and thats why i like her. but, the thing is, everyone at skoo is raggin on me sayin that shes to young and everything. see i went out wit this gurl for 2 years and she was my age, but we broke up about 5 months ago. so everyone knew me wit that gurl, and when we broke up everyone just started hatin on me when i went with this new gurl. see my friends r kool, like the guys, they think shes hot any everything, lol. but its all the other gurls in my grade...there all givin me bad looks when im with her and stuff...it sux, wut should i do?

btw, im not goin out wit her yet, were just kinda...seein eachother.

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after a while age doesnt mather anymore. ive been dating girls who were 4years younger then me (im 22).


as u like here and she likes u, thats all that matters. ;)


and besides once u become 20 or more, the age different is even less important.

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Forget about them they are just jealous becuase they can barely get anywhere. Just go on and think their not there. I used to like this girl and then everyone gets angry and try to get in fights with me (won them all). Just go on and if they wanna fight Fight with all of your might. They're less of a importance just go on and pray that it works out.

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tell them you know why they dont want you to see the other girl, its because they want you for themselves!! they are jealous!!!



and let them know that they'll get their turn someday, just be patient :D:D:D




or umm... just tell them its only a 1 year difference for gods sake, tell them its none of their business, you and this other girl like each other, so whats it go tto do with them!





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heres my motto:



"old enough to pee, old enough for me."



no i'm just screwin with ya. ok heres the real deal.



theres an extent on age in relationships.


as long as she's legal its all right. and if you're 20 and you're going out with a 17 year old, thats ok. but if you're 20 and you're going out with a 15 year old, thats going over the line. theres an extent but you go over board.

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