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Joe Millionare


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I just watched this show. For me it comes on Mondays at 9pm.


The show is about an average joe construction worker who is transformed to look like he is worth 50 million dollars. They set him up in a castle, teach him how to behave and give him a good clean shave. Then they send 20 woman to the house under the impression that Joe Millionare has inherited $50 million dollars and is looking for a girl. He will choose "hopefully" the right lady - who might just forgive him when he reveals that he isn't a millionare - and is nothing more than a construction worker who makes $19,000 a year.


The chicks are evil and coniving. Some I'm routing for and I really like the Joe Millionare guy. Not for his looks of course, but he seems down to earth and he doesn't like lying to these girls. He wants to know if people will like him for the real him.


Anyone else watch Joe Millionare?

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Heh, this is one of the best reality shows yet. Much better concept than any of the other ones. I haven't watched it, but I believe it to be quality fox programming**!









** hehe, now there's an oxmoron if there ever was one. :p

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I agree with Clefo. I may tune in for some of the other episodes but I'm only really interested in seeing the final one where the truth is revealed. Lets face it, any woman that would be involved in something like this is porbalby just after the money and will totally freak out when she finds out how much he is worth. Then again, after this serries is over I'm sure he'll be worht a whole lot more. He's probably getting paid a decent ammount to do this.

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Originally posted by Eets

I didn't see it, but look at the facts..


Once all is said and done with this series, (actor fees, royalties, etc..) the guy WILL have $50,000,000!!


They probably won't tell the women about that until the very, very end. Just to mess with their heads. :p

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Originally posted by Clefo

I am personally just going to watch the final episode so I can see the look on the face of that Materialistic Biatch when she finds out that secret... Good stuff

That is what I'm gonna do. But there might be a catch to this. The show could give him the 50 million at the end without him knowing it.:)
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Originally posted by Chewbacco

That is what I'm gonna do. But there might be a catch to this. The show could give him the 50 million at the end without him knowing it.:)


Hey, that so works:


Girl thinks he's rich


He picks girl


She finds out he's not rich


A) She stays with him or B) she leaves him


She finds out he may not have been rich before, but he's rich NOW!


Perfect, either way. :D


Watch, something else totally weird will happen. :p

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eh maybe the girl will go...


"Its okay honey - I'm worth 50 million myself!"





he will end up sad lonely and back to his 19,000 dollar a year job with no girlfriend...


but all the woman will feel sorry for him who watched the show and he will get flocks of woman after that!

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Originally posted by STTCT


but all the woman will feel sorry for him who watched the show and he will get flocks of woman after that!


This is always what happens on stuff like this. All those women will go gagga for him. The first chick from The Bachelor now has her own show with 25 guys trying to get with her so I am sure there are plenty of women who are wanting to get with our buddy the construction worker.





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Alright - so we watched the show tonight (apparently there is going to be a two hour re-run of the first two episodes on Thursday).


Our Joe Non-millionare took, i think there were 12, so 3 sets of 4 girls out on "dates". The girls got all dolled up in their cutest little outfits and to their surprise....


The first set of girls had to go pick grapes from a vineyard in the rain!! Second set of girls had to shovel horse manure!! Then they got to ride these raggedy ass horses (aww). One girl PRETENDED that the horse scared her and started crying so that Joe Millionare would "save her". What a coniving little.... anyways. Another girl was trying to ride a horse in these 3 inch high heels which was pretty funny. The next set of 4 girls were takin to a train in which they had to shovel coal into it!! That was funny - watching them strip outta their cute (no not litterally) outfits and try to stay clean. After they all got back they found out that they would only be selecting 5 girls to stay in the morning. So let the gossip begin!!!


One girl admitted she had a boyfriend back home. The witch that I did not like. She's 23 - my age - and she looks like she's 30 and acts like she's a 14 year old stuck up school girl. So all the girls are of course pissed because they all came to Joe Millionare as single women! They didnt' think it was fair! So they all hated the witch.


Then in the morning Joe selected 5 girls. 3 of which I would have picked. The witch did not get picked and she was pissed. She kept saying "WAt-EvEr" the whole time. Pack your bags evil gold digger! My fiance was upset because Joe didn't pick his girl - which I also felt was a better pick. Even joe gave reasons as to why he kept some of the girls....like a dumb ass..."she's hot". Nothing more...just that! He also picked this ugly girl - I don't like her attitude and the way she's so fake...I think that's what makes her so ugly to me. I want Joe to fall in love with the straight haired brunette because she seemed the nicest.


NE ways - next episode he will eliminate a couple more and then I would think that they'd have a final episode after that.


OH also the witch who had to leave. Just sat on the ground complaining to the butler to get her luggage...she wouldnt go get it herself and the butler said he couldn't find her bags fast enough!!!!


Good tv.

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  • 2 weeks later...

resurrected my joeho millionare thread is.


Have any of you been watching the show??? Its right after the great fox line up of BRIDEZILLA. Can we say Trash TV? NE ways


To keep you up to date on Joeho I will give you a recap of the last show this Monday and why I think you guys would enjoy watching this trainwreck of a television show.


I've determined that Joeho is nothing more than a dumb idiot who only thinks of sex, beer and is picking the women according to their breast size. The whole premise of the show is for him to find out who really likes Him for Him and not the millions. So far Joe has not given me any reason (other than maybe his muscle) to see why anybody would want this man because so far he has the personality of a 40 year old drunken man at hooters. Complete with drool.


His decisions of the woman are completely beyond me and I still believe he is using breast size to determine which ones he will keep. His explanations for keeping the woman range from "i picked her cuz she's hot" and that's about it.


He had 4 girls left. He took them each on their own little dates. The first date was with a blonde slut named Sarah. They went to a wine tasting. Of course any idiot knows that when you go wine tasting you taste the whine and then you spit. What did they do...down a crap load of wine of course. And what happened...Sarah the twig couldn't handle it and he started swallowing her face!!! For future reference never kiss a girl like Joeho did. You practically need a towel afterwards! So then they bike ride back to the Chattue (sp) house, castle whatever pimp house...and they decide to "ditch the camera crew"...they hide in the bushes and Fox playes this "boom chica bowow" music along with subtitles that included "Slurp" "gulp" "would it make it easier if I lie down".... That is why I call Sarah a slut...well no..it gets better.


Next Day its a girl named Melissa's turn. She is a poodled haired girl with buck teeth. Everytime she thinks someone has a good date with evan she gives them this glare. Bitchy ass glare! She asks them if they kiss him and the other girls are honest and then this look of disgust crosses this womans face! Anyways so she dresses up all pretty meanwhile talking about having Joeblows future children... Joeblow is meanwhile dressing up in a t-shirt..some sweats..and some thong sandals. He looks...like an idiot. So he goes and gets Melissa and tells her they are going to cook. Cue in the bitchy glare. Melissa doesn't know how to cook. She's about as helpless in the kitchen as a 2 year old. But I bet a two year old knows how to get a POT! She wandered around the kitchen sipping wine, pretending to be helpless, giggling about how "they" were cooking! Joeho can't cook and he at least is trying. He asks her to get him garlic. She looks in the fridge and says she doesn't know what garlic looks like???!?!?! WTF.


So then they sit down to dinner...food looks like "dog ****" according to Melissa and she admitted she was waiting for "the real food" to come along. Joe assured her...there wouldn't be! He tries to make conversation and asks her what she would do with the millions...she proceeds to tell him this...


"I would bathe the children in the third world countries, I'm kind of a mersinary (sp) like that"


Now I really meant to spell Mersinary (the kind that goes out and shoots people. She is completely DUMB ASS and meant to say Missionary or something! So apparently the biggest problem of the children in third world countries are that they are DIRTY!!!??? BAWAHAHAHA and she is going to go over there and shoot them.

And what did Joeho say?? Nothing he didn't know anything she said was wrong. He didn't catch the difference. He thinks she's a great girl!!!!


So then there were two other dates...and now I'm tired...if you want to here the rest let me know and I will type it.


You should really watch this...its down to 3 more episodes!

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