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I found a BIG mistake!


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Look at these two pictures from TPM and AOTC. The column behind Mace has mysteriously had a big bit added to it! It even looks like they have just added Obi and Anakin to the scene because the council members are sitting exactly the same way.





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They are not the same in both pictures. Look very closely at Yoda's robe. You can see it folds over much lower on his shoulder in the Eps I pic. I think they are supposed to be sitting axactly the same way. I mean, what would the point be of artificially making that shot when they'd stilll have to actually do all of it for the all of other shots?


And as for the pillar, maybe they probably just made some renovations, it's been ten years. Or maybe Coruscant passed new building safety regulations and they were forced to put the pillar in. ;)

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Looks like the same shot, except that the second one has been digitally graded to look a lot lighter - if anyone has the 4 or 5 DVD pack of LOTR, then you should've seen this......



It can look a little different, due to the different lighting, butt that is definitely some high quality blue screen work by Hayden and Ewan..........

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Firstly, it's very unlikely that you're right. It's very cool that you'd be so observant to notice something like that, but it would in all likelihood have been more expensive for them to have done that, since they already had the sets and the actors there to film it w/out the added effort involved in meshing the two.


Secondly--and I mean this in the most respectful way possible--let's assume you were right. Would that really qualify as a "Big Mistake." A. It wouldn't have been a mistake. and B. I wouldn't consider it big, by any stretch of the imagination.


But keep watching those movies. With a keen eye like that, you're sure to notice some stuff that we won't! Kudos.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

They are not the same in both pictures. Look very closely at Yoda's robe. You can see it folds over much lower on his shoulder in the Eps I pic. I think they are supposed to be sitting axactly the same way. I mean, what would the point be of artificially making that shot when they'd stilll have to actually do all of it for the all of other shots?


Yep true, very true... But, in Ep.II they made Yoda completly animated, in Ep.I, there was an actor...

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See the light in Windu's seat, it comes from a differetn focus. And Mundi's bald is shiny in AOC.


ANd i think all jedi have their seat-pose (plo koon always has his fingers crossed for example)


Plus we can see shots of the council with different members from AOC. Anyway with the marvelous technology of ILM all can ba possible.

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Maybe ILM decided to change the digital backgroud design? I think most of the background and pilars were digitally added, so maybe they just changed the design for Episode III?


Who knows? With so much digital frames and shots I gather it'd be easy to overlook something here and there.


Good observation though.

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That's right, they have admitted that they have reused certain scenes. An example is that Adi Gallia is not supposed to be in AOTC but a few ppl spoted her and wondered why there was no mention of her on the official site in the AOTC section. They updated the site to include her after it was pointed out. Click Here.


It is obvious to me that those two pictures are the same scene re-cycled. They have digitally put Obi and Ani onto an old ep1 scene. The pillar has been updated for whatever reason (regeneration?) and Yoda has been changed because he does most of the dialogue in that scene.

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Maybe i'm goofy, or maybe i'm Groovy. But Yoda looks much different in the second pic. You are probably right, that scene is probably one of the more difficult ones with the background traffic and the way the light shines in, and what not. But who says you could not be sitting in the exact same position 10 years later. I sit at my computer the exact same postion every single day, so I fail to see how this could be a mistake.

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It is a mistake because I noticed they re-used a scene and noone was supposed to notice. It is obvious to anyone with a bit of common sense that those two pictures are one in the same with a bit of tinkering.


You lot believe whatever you want to believe, but like I said, they have already admitted they re-used scenes from ep1 in ep2.

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