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I Hate You All!!!!!!!!!!


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Someone has to say this, might as well be me.



Why the heck did you make this thread? Can't you pout and whine in any of the other 20 threads you've made in the last weak?



I've seen more threads like this than i can count, and in the vast majority of them the person never actually intends to leave, he just wants attention and/or sympathy. You'll get neither from me.

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ok guys, I have noticed a trend of almost always bashing Ackbar whenever he posts...frankly, I'm surprised he stuck around as long as he did. The Sim City 4 thread is an example, instead of having it closed, he was bashed for creating it, anyone else making a seperate thread would have been told to post in the original....and he made a good point about the LOTR threads, they do seem to run rampant arond here...give the guy a break! He seems like the favorite target since Lord Fergie was first posting...I don't agree with posting an "I'm leaving" thread, but it seems to me like he has legitimate grievances here. He wants to leave, let him...just lay off him for once

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This may be harsh, but I don't care.. You kinda bring some of this "Buggin" on yourself, (I mean who can forget the "u have no sence of humor" debacle?)


Its not always another person's fault, I seem to be getting the opposite from you..


If you want respect or any of that nice stuff, you have to earn it, not demand for apologies that would be half-assed anyway..


I know I'll get an influx of "Be nice" messages, but I put "Be Honest" before "Be nice"

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Okay I just want to make a few things clear. We have mods here. Those mods are supposed to handle all the problems in this forum. If there's one thing I don't like to see, it's members ganging up on one that is considered a nuisance. That's childish bickering. Don't try to handle the problems yourself - let the mods do it, and stay out of it. It's the only way we can keep this community nice.


As for Fergie. He's a mod, and should be able to handle the problems. However, I don't see the problem with NL_Ackbar's latest thread. He made a fine point: there are thousands of LotR threads around and no one complained about it.


On to NL_Ackbar. You didn't do anything wrong this time, but you should still review your attitude. You're probably a young person, and that's fine... it's just that you should stop trying to attract the thunder of other members.

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wow...this jumped out of proportion...

Ackbar, I was just joking when I posted back there. Sorry if it came off a bit harsh though. You had posted many times about SC4 and well yeah...I am sorry it got you that upset though...


As for all you guys, there is no reason to do that. If you want to do that, do in Private messages not on the boards. What you say on the boards is for all to see and is public and nobody diserves a public humiliation unless they've done something horribly wrong. I've apologized. I am sorry Ackbar if I wronged you. But I do hope some others of you will apologize. There is no reason to wreck a person's fun that bluntly.


Again Ackbar, I am sorry.

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ok , thanks darth fergie :)


but everybody always continus


thake for an exsample the sim city thread


darth fergie posted 1 time

then dash rendar comes in posting aigan something

then i reply to stop


but then artoo comes aigan and just continu


artoo why???




only 2 thread about sim city 4 ever made....


lets just all be frends

and if you do not like my thread then why post in it?

just to bug???

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I was adding to teh funny while criticizing you constructively. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Anyway you obviously didn't leave and this was obviously a blatant hit-up for sympathy, like Clefo said, the half-assed way.



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