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I'm apparently single again


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Yeah, remember that gal I "Took a chance on"?


Well yeah we went out, but are now like not. Reason? Well frankly Jack **** was accomplished in the relationship, I mean both of us were kinda too timid to do ANYTHING!


But hey, live and learn eh?


(By the way she broke up with me, not vice versa)

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Originally posted by Clefo

The preceeding posts were brought to you by the Redundency Department, where Redundent Redudency thats Redudent is our Redundent forte


Wow, I work for the Department of Redundancy Department, too!

Which buildings are your offices in?


And it's good too see you have a positive outlook...I had a much harder time when I broke up w/ my first gf....of course, she also did it through one of those "Dear John" letters...stupid litte........uhm...I'm not bitter...

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Well atleast you got some expierence out of it. Every relationship that you have always teaches you something you didn't know before. You may not know it but you learned in subconcisouly. ;)


Atleast you took that chance man and had the balls to see what happened unlike other people who are to afraid and never do anything about it.


Give it some time and you'll find another girl again.



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Dear John letters.... *shudder*


Good thing you didn't get one of those, you guys still being friends after your little experiment? or are you sorta at an awkward silence when you see each other?


It's definately good to see you taking it well. :)

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