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Favorite Quote


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I know some of them are in your signatures, but for fun, what is your favorite quote? It can be from a movie or whatever, just thought it'd be a neat topic.


My favorites,


"When you reach for the stars, and you don't quite get them. You won't come up with a handful of mud either." - Leo Burnett


"First you don't succeed, failure may just be your style." - Quention Crisp

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'i've got better things to do tonight than die'


'you, who are without mercy, no beg for it?'


''til all are one!'


'they've got more sharkticons than we've got photon charges!'


'may the force be with you'


'wipe them out, all of them'


'so be it, jedi!'


'i am a jedi like my father before me'


'i call it aggressive negotiations'


'they invade our space and we fall back, they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back, but the line must be drawn here, this far, no further!'


'i feel a great swell of pity for anyone who comes to that school, looking for trouble.'


'stop your grinnin' and drop your linen, i've found em!'




cookies for anyone who can identify them.

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"The point of war is not to die for your country, but to get some other poor bastard to die for his"

- Gerneral George C. Patton


"American soldiers in battle don't fight for what some president says on T.V., they don't fight for mom, apple pie, the American flag ...

they fight for one another."

-Lt. General Hal Moore


“You know what I think? It don’t really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head politics, and all that $hit just goes right out the window”

- Sgt. Hoot (Black Hawk Down)


"Only the dead have seen the end of war"



"To secure peace is, to prepare for war"




Fear attracts the fearful…

The strong…

The weak…

The innocent…

The corrupt…


Fear is my ally.

-Darth Maul


At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, At last we will have revenge!

-Darth Maul


These are my very favorite quotes. ;)

I always like to use them time and time again.



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Originally posted by mace_sundancer

'i've got better things to do tonight than die'


'you, who are without mercy, no beg for it?'


''til all are one!'


'they've got more sharkticons than we've got photon charges!'


'may the force be with you'


'wipe them out, all of them'


'so be it, jedi!'


'i am a jedi like my father before me'


'i call it aggressive negotiations'


'they invade our space and we fall back, they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back, but the line must be drawn here, this far, no further!'


'i feel a great swell of pity for anyone who comes to that school, looking for trouble.'


'stop your grinnin' and drop your linen, i've found em!'




cookies for anyone who can identify them.

Sorry to double post but I know a few of these.

'may the force be with you'

- Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, Han Solo have said this just to name a few


'wipe them out, all of them'

- Darth Sidouse to Nute Gunray (Ep I)


'so be it, jedi!'

- Emperor Palpatine to Luke Skywalker (Ep VI)


'i am a jedi like my father before me'

- Luke Skywalker to Emperor Palpatine (Ep VI)


'i call it aggressive negotiations'

- Padme to Anakin Skywalker (Ep II)


'they invade our space and we fall back, they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back, but the line must be drawn here, this far, no further!'

- Captain Pickard to Lily (ST: First Contact)



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For some reason I am quite fond of an ancient Egyptian saying:


"Children's ears are on their backs, as they only listen when beaten (punished)."


Or something simillar. I think this one sticks vividly to mind because I was once ONE of those sorts of children. An to top it all off, I also come from a generation where punishing children was at one time the norm (well, in Australia anyway...).


And one more that I picked up from that accursed DARTH GROOVY:


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another of my favorites is


'ah the legendary 007 wit. or at least half of it.'




'don't touch that! that's my lunch!'


'are you familiar with the physical forms of pleasure?'

'if you are a referring to...sexuality...i am fully functional...programmed in multiple techniques...'

'how long has it been since you used them?'

'eight years, seven months, sixteen days, four-'

'far too long'


'give me liberty or give me death'


'today is a good day to die'


'there can be only one!'


'what's your favourite scary movie?'


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in all truth and actuality, Ratmjedi has, by far, the best quotes, the one that patton says, i love that, i remember hearing it long ago but forgot it, now that i saw that i don't think i ever will again, it's cool and the truth, here are some of mine


*eric draven after getting shot* "tsh.......aw fuc|<" then he falls down, i laugh when i watch it, or when he's fighting, gets shot, heals, says "ow" then beats the hell out of the other guy


Full Metal Jacket:

"God, has a hard-on for Marines!"

"How can you shoot women and children?" "Easy....ya just don't lead 'em as much!"

"You guys should do a story about me!" "Why is that?" "cuz i'm so fu*kin good!"

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