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New guy- Darth M'ackle


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Hey Darth M'ackel! Welcome to the forums.



*hands Darth M'ackel an official LucasForums welcome basket*



It was made just for you by my fleet of basket making elves. :rhett:


Now find yourself a seat on one of our many sofas, order yourself some Jawa juice and feel free to join in on any of the conversations we have going. :)

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Hey welcome to the nut house- eh Funny Farm- I mean Funky Forums or something or rather..... uh yeah! :p


Enjoy your stay and have a complimentary 6-pack of blue milk on me.



Remember that 99% of everything on here is rubbish,


Remember to look both ways before stepping in front of a bus,


Remember to always tie both shoes, but not together! :D

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Welcome M'ackle! nice to see a fellow Darth on the forums, our numbers are too few (around here at least)


Hands M'ackle the Official unofficial welcome basket made by my 20 Basket-weaving Llamas and 410 elves* obtained from Rhett



Have fun, stay safe, and don't listen to anything Chase says. :)







*=NOT child labor!

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Welcome to forum #6. We'd like to give you a complementary suvenier cup, but we havn't made any yet, but you can still say thank you for it. We'd also like to wish you a happy holiday celebrating the wonderful traditions of ground hogs and also we'd like to welcome you to munchin land! *runs away eating a lollie pop*

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