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N Korea threatens US with first strike

Boba Rhett

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North Korea is entitled to launch a pre-emptive strike against the US rather than wait until the American military have finished with Iraq, the North's foreign ministry told the Guardian yesterday.

Warning that the current nuclear crisis is worse than that in 1994, when the peninsula stood on the brink of oblivion, a ministry spokesman called on Britain to use its influence with Washington to avert war.


"The United States says that after Iraq, we are next", said the deputy director Ri Pyong-gap, "but we have our own countermeasures. Pre-emptive attacks are not the exclusive right of the US."



:eek: Scary.


Link to the full article.


Wow, if that happened there wouldn't even be a chance that this could be resolved peacefully. North Korea would quite literally blown off the face of the earth in a very short amount of time. :o

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Well this is encouraging...Korea just can't leave well enough alone...communists are dieing out and the ones that remain just keep getting worse and worse images. I mean the communists should just sit back and enjoy it instead of tring to worsen the communist stereotype. Really though, I doubt they would do it. If we attack it'll call their bluff, but who knows...they may not be bluffing and may be willing to sacrifice their nation and communism for Iraq. (if Korea uses nukes that KILLS the popularity of communism...as if it needed another shot)


I don't like it as much as anyone here, but alot of nations are getting nukes that arn't friendly with the US and really...what can we do to stop it? Ask them nicely to please stop and submit to American/UN authority?

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Well, Korea only said this because they seemed threatened. We just need to assure them we aren't going to invade them immediately after Iraq and they should back down whether they are bluffing or not.


Korea isn't the kind of country to attack us completely unprovoked, tehy are smarter than that.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Do what STTC said. Point some of our Nukes towards them if they point some towards us. . . .


First of all, if the US points nukes at Korea, that's going to tick off China and the UN. The US likes to use nukes as a last resort and likes to avoid Civilian causalities, if possible. I do believe North Korea bluffing and if they did launch a Nuke it would never make it to the US.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Do what STTC said. Point some of our Nukes towards them if they point some towards us. . . .


I personally think we've already prepared for it...we've got nukes and we've got their coordinates and we've got planes in the air, subs in the sea, and ground launchers all with the ability to fire the nukes...If we need them, they will come...

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Guess we have to point our nukes straight back at them....?


What we could do is place half a dozen nuclear missiles on Highest Alert and target North Korea (without firing). Not even during the Cold War the USA ever placed their nukes on Alert. It should scare North Korea a bit, but on the other hand, it might also scare them into acting irrationally.

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This is where the philosphy of M.A.D. (Mutaually Assured Destruction). This is why the cold war never turned hot.


With in seconds of launching their warheads, Norad would pick them up, minutes latter our will be launched in response.



Scary thought:


N. Korea launches warheads at us. We retaliate with some of our own. China then launches theirs at the US. Once again we strike back. This cycle then continues on an ever spiraling set of destruction. In the End Nuclear Winter envelopes the Earth and mankind no longer exist.

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