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Putting out an A.P.B!

Havoc Stryphe

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Has anyone seen Young David lately? It's been quite a while since I've even seen him browsing the forums, let alone posting.


His profile says his last post was 3 days shy of a month ago! :confused:


Did we lose another oldbie? :(


Also, Sherack hasn't been around lately either, of course no where as long as YD's absence, but close to a week nonetheless!


Anybody know where these two disappeared to?

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Have you guys tried to email him?

That might work.


All I can say is that he is not in California right now. Me and STTCT have sweaped every Residence, Business, gas station, Inn House, Out House, Dog house, and Waffle House and have come up with nothing.


We need an article of clothing and a bloodhound here.



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Silenthunter reporting that YD has also been absent from MSN Messenger. And I have also searched in every Residence, Business, gas station, Inn House, Out House, Dog house, Waffle House, Dutch Bros.(I coffee place) and every other place a Dutch person might be, and I can tell you he's not in Oregon.

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well i do know YD personally. but we missed eacother at school.... cause about a month or 2 ago he had practice at this company... at least his whole class had it at all sorts of companies for about 4 months.. and the day he had school again.. my class went on practice at companies... so i didnt get a chance to talk to him..


and he seems to be lost on MSN aswell...


hmmmmm i have a school day coming up in the mid February.. i may get to see him there. Ill ask him.

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Sorry guys, but lately a lot of things have been happening to me which leaves me little to no time to post in here. My posts will be few and far in between, at least until A) things calm down or B) The semester ends (May 16th). If you want to talk to me, just know that I'm on MSN Messenger whenever possible... in fact Havoc, it's been a LONG time since I saw you online there!


Haven't seen YD around either... I hope nothing bad happened to him :(

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

If you want to talk to me, just know that I'm on MSN Messenger whenever possible... in fact Havoc, it's been a LONG time since I saw you online there!


Yeah, well, I'm always posting anymore from work, and I can't use MS Messenger here. When I'm at home, my life is not my own. ;)


We are looking at houses, going to lamaze and prepared Childbirth classes, doctor's appointments, etc...


So, I'm never online at home, anymore. :(


But I'm always here 8 1/2 hours out of the day anyway, just don't tell my boss! :p

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