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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*ressurects topshot*

topshot: I'm alive, I'm alive!

*runs topshot through with the Reaver*

topshot: Damn you Kain!

*watches topshot fall limp to the ground*

Kain: Vae victus...


topshot is dead for 1 post


*explodes into a huge flock of bats and flies out of harms way(only cuz if you kill me now, given my rate of return-and-post, it wouldn't bug me anymore. Talk about mad buzzkills, eh?:()*

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*pats Homer on the shoulder*

Good work, old man.

*rams his hand through Homer's chest*

Hard of breathing, recently?

*drops Homer's lung onto the ground*

Hey, Crow!

*electrocutes Crow violently with his lightning*


Homer is gasping his last breaths and dies for 2 posts


Crow is the added to the deep-fried list for 3 posts*

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*unattatches the C4 and throws it at Kybur as it explodes ontop of him*

*gets into a sword fight with RockerD, Reaver vs Frostmourne*

Very unimpressive, RockerD...

*smashes Frostmourne out of RockerD's hand and rams the Reaver into Rocker's chest*


RockerD is down for 2 posts

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Starts to drive ATAT outside toward bar. :atat: HAHAHA! (Unfortunately the guns were jammed and the atat shot itself from the inside. Fortunately shrapnel covers the bar in a medium thick layer over the bar causing the inside to loose light.) Every1 is temporarilt blind for 5 posts.

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((Um, mastern64. Just a quick tip: you can't knock every one out. It's one of the rulez. Knock out someone of your choice, but not everyone.))


*Returns from the grave.......in the full living flesh. Searches for Joe and rips out his brain.*


[Joe is dead for 1 post.]

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*Jimps in front of mastern64 and fights back the people trying to tell him what rule he broke*


Stay back! He's only a newbie!


*pulls out curved samurai sword and slices off Orca's head, but accidentally swings too far and stabs self in heart.*


Joe is on the floor dead for 2 posts, and Orca is groping around for her head for 1 post.

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Originally posted by Kybur

*gives joe a pie*

Joe: Thanks!


*pie explodes in joes face because it had a grenade hidden in it*

joe is scrabling for his head for 2 posts


I'm dead. Wait until I'm back up again before you kill me. :D


EDIT: Okay, I'm up, but you're down! MUHAHAHA

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Hmmm, I haven't used this in a while.......


*Pulls out the guillotine.*


Now for a test subject to see if the blade is still sharp......


*Pulls a random viewer from the crowd. It appears to be Darth Homer.*


Now, mr. Homer, you have a choice, either get......on second thought, you DON'T have a choice.........


*Preps Homer's head for the proper decapitating.*


........other than to die!


*Lets the rope go and closes his eyes to protect himself from the utterly horrid and gruesome-ness of a not-too-pretty-sight.*


[Darth Homer is dead for 2 posts.]

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