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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*nova_wolf is trying to reach his fallen g/f, but someone sick bugger has littered the place with make shift caltrops!*




*spots Lexx and g/f in cat fight.... ;):p:rolleyes: *


Nice... Heh - what the...


*Continues to watch as Lexx beats g/f w/ handbag*




*In a blink of an eye, g/f is now at bar supping a Guiness*


:confused: :confused: :confused:


Well, shes safe. Now to business....


*Wanders over to Lexx, sportsbag in tow*


Like handbagging do you? Try this...


*Swings sports bag at Lexx, knocking her through the single remaining pane of glass in the building*


Lexx is out 3.

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*Still in ghost form:holosid*


being a ghost, it is my duty in this cantina is to haunt it by stealing and drinking alcoholic beverages and put the bottles in some random person`s hand so he has to pay for it, and so I shall have some fun right now


*Darth Zaius sneakly goes to the bar tenders tab and fills a mug with duff beer and drinks it, then puts the used mug in $am`s hand, the bar tender comes up to get the pay of the duff, $am relunctly declines and then is chased by the bar-tender*


*as $am is being chased, an evil laugh can be heard in the distance*


*$am is chased by the bar tender for 3 posts untill the bar tender get`s tired from running*

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*gets up, grabs double-bladed saber, & ignites it*


Ok, Groening, you asked for it!!


*runs after Groening, catches him and comically slices him in half*



Matt Groening is down forever +1 post


*Upon seeing Homer's deed, every Simpsons fan anywhere comes after Homer*


Homer is out indefinitely while battling Simpsons Fans

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*CorranSec walks in and looks around the bar confusedly*


What in God's name has happened here?


*After hearing no response, Corran shrugs and meanders over to the bar*


Bartender! Can I get an iced water, please?


*The Bartender glowers at Corran for ordering a non-alcoholic drink, but gets it anyway*


*Corran meanders over to a booth near a broken window and quietly sips his iced water, while at the same time categorizing possible threats from the bar's denizens*

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[music plays in the background]


*Phreak walks in while the band playing the music follows*


"Ok gentlemen, that'll do."


*Walks to bar*


"Ok, I'll have a . . . geeze, is there anything besides poisoned water? Just get me a Pepsi."


*Walks to an empty seat*


"Now for the show."


(You can continue to beat the crap out of each other)


Oh yea, [/music]

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*Corran downs the rest of his iced water, gets up and meanders over to Phreak*


Phreak! Wow! I haven't seen you since.... hmm.... it was the Ominous Music Debacle, wasn't it? Anyway, what do you say we go looking for some trouble? Just like old times?


*Corran suddenly realises his iced water was poisoned. His voice seizes up and he begins to choke. His right arm begins to spasm, slapping Phreak around a bit. He slowly slumps down until he lies unconscious next to Phreaks table. His arm begins punching Phreak*


Corran is down until someone wakes him up and finds an antidote


Phreak is down until someone restrains Corran's spasms

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*Hekx picks himself up, and grins knowing that the window was actual made out of cardboard since the Cantina owner spent the rest of the money on 'entertainment'. He walks back into the Cantina, ducking a flying beer bottle in-time to see Corran pass out.*




*He goes to fill-up a bucket of water, and attempts to wake Corran up by pouring water over him, but to no avail. The out of nowhere, a flying bantha knocks Hekx through the Cantina into the back of the bar, before flying through yet another window.


Hekx is out for 2.

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*Walks through the barren streets of an average Tatoonie town. A large crashing noise radicates from a nearby cantina. Tom approaches the site of action*


Suddenly a beer can flies straight towards Tom. Unfortunately for the kid he wasn't fast enough to dodge the glass (owwwww).

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JediNyt sees Darth Zaius ghost annoying the the hell outa everyone with his cheap tricks and calls in the Ghost Busters. The Busters strut in, turn on their proton packs and unleash on the unsuspecting ghost. Zaius freaks as the proton beams wrap around him and lower him into the trap. Unfortunately the Ghost Busters neglect to pay attention to where their guns are pointing and in the midst of capturing Zaius they fry poor Pnut_Master to extra crispy :D. Pnut is out for 4 and Zaius out for 3 until he gets his body back.

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*finally safe at a cnadle lit table for two with SmartDragon, feels happy to relax*


Happy darling?


*SmartDragon smirks back*


Waiter - I will have the mized Kebab, and my partner would like the Surf & Turf platter.


[sUSS]I am sure I recognise that waiter from some where...[/sUSS]


SmartDragon - Relax - the fight is the other side of the road... We're safe here.


*waiter returns with my meal, alight all the way*


[sUSS]Katarn07 - is that you?[/sUSS]


*suddenly realises ordering the kebab was a bad idea....*


Katarn07 - Yes - here for your first strike against me...


AHHH - Man - thats sharp....


*Looks down to see two full kebab skewars mounted in central of his chest*




nova_wolf slumps to the floor for 3 posts


*Katarn07 suddenly realises a steadly growqing shadow enveloping him*


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.....


*SmartDragon repays the favour, forcefully implanting the candlesticks into various oriphusis.... WAX BURN!*


Katarno7 is out until he can find some water to place his smoking & wax-corked hind quarters in!

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*still in ghost form:holosid:*


*steals beer bottle from the bar, without Katarn07 or the bar-tender knowing*


here katarn, hope this helps


*Darth Zaius opens then uses the beer on Katarn07`s hind-quarters*


*after the beer pouring Darth Zaius puts the drunken bottle in Pnut_Masters hand, the bar-tender comes up to Pnut_Master, to get the pay for the drink, Pnut_Master declines drinking it and refuses to pay and is chased by the bar tender with a rusty nail in a 2 by 4*


*as this is happening Darth Zaius dissapears and goes to a different part of the Cantina, laughing evily:devburn:*


*Katarn07 is back, and Pnut_Master is chased by the bar-tender for 3 posts untill the bar-tender gets tired*

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Zaius you posted 2 posts early and you need to find your body.


Anyways, JediNyt spots SmartDragon and nova_wolf having a nice dinner across the street and thinks it would be a great change from the caos in the cantina. As he walks over across the street $am spots him and runs after him with his chair leg. Nyt picks up a speeder with the Force and slams it into $am. $ams chairleg flies out of his hand and strikes JediNyt in the back of the head really hard sending him through the restaurant window and across nova_wolfs and SmartDragons table. He lays sprawled across the table for a moment then looks up with a dazed look at Katarn07 whos cooling his ass from the last scuffle with SmartDragon. Sorry for the mess. Can I see a menu? Thanks. Now whats good today?


$am is out for 3 posts.

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*Rubes his crest* Ow, I must've been out longer than I though.


*Sees a lifesize cardboard cut-out of Jango Fett, spins around ignites his sabre and decapitates the figure.*


Much better.


*Looks over and sees Darth Homer beating up bryan2766, and runs over to dismember bryan2766's arm.*


*All of a sudden, Jango Fett fans run in and chase after Hekx, causing him to run off again, and dive through a window.*


bryan2766 is out until someone builds him a new arm. :D

Hekx Noxu is out for 3.

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* still in ghost form:holosid:*


umm JediNyt I used the jedi (sith in my case) death trick, my body disappeared and turned into a ghost, and anyways i am a ghost, i can just possess somebody instead of finding my boody (well in this case I dont have a body, please read my posts before you do something to me for now on ok) I am INVINCIBLE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (well i can be subjected to mental pain and can be temporarily sucked into a vaccume cleaner, like thats going to help destroy me hahahahahahahaha)

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