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Tarkin for Episode III?

Boba Rhett

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I saw it mentioned over at AICN that James Marsters, the man who plays Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer would make a good Tarkin. After comparing the pictures I'd have to say I agree. I'd like to see what you guys n' gals think. Here are two comparison shots I made for you to look at.

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Whether he's in it or not, I really could care less. There's no real reason that Tarkin should be in the prequels, so why put him in?


And besides, since when is it a requirement that an actor has to look like the character to play it? Or sound like him? I think you guys are being a bit picky, but whatever floats your boat. :)

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

Whether he's in it or not, I really could care less. There's no real reason that Tarkin should be in the prequels, so why put him in?


And besides, since when is it a requirement that an actor has to look like the character to play it? Or sound like him? I think you guys are being a bit picky, but whatever floats your boat. :)


Yeah... why don't they just hire an obese chinese woman to play the part? Or am I still being too picky? :rolleyes: We don't want to get totally ripped out of the SW world when we're watching the movies so it's important to many people that these people have resemblances tot he originals. Tons of people want to see Tarkin in the next one! He rocks. :D

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An obese chinese woman? I think you took my post a little too literally.

All I meant was that he doesn't have to look and sound exactly like Tarkin to be able to play him. Sheesh, Rhett - don't bust a blood vessel. ;)


And whether he rocks or not, there's still no reason for him to be in the prequels. People wanted to see Chewbacca in the prequels as well, but like Tarkin, there's just no plausible reason for him to be there, so why put him in? I'd prefer the story to make sense and that they spent time on stuff that matters, rather then Lucas wasting valuable Ep III time on a young Tarkin. Just my .02.

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Yes, but the plot doesn't revolve around Chewbacca, Han, and Tarkin in the prequels. The prequels are about Anakin's fall to the dark side and Palpatine coming to power, not to introduce Han and Chewbacca.

If there's some creative way to work them into a plot that's mostly about Anakin, Padme, and the Jedi, I'd like to hear it.

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I think he'd make a good Tarkin. the only problem is his nose isn't hooked enough.

Your nose and eats never stop growing; I'd say he looks pretty good for a young Tarkin. His brittish accent on Buffy is excellent (I thought he was a brit until I saw him on a talk show), but a little less dignified than Peter Cushing's.


And I also think Tarkin would fit fine into the Prequels. I can't see how he could raise to the rank of Grand Moff if he didn't distinguish himself in battle, and right now we've got the biggest freakin' battle the SW galaxy's ever seen going on. And it'd fit with Anakin's story (which Han and Chewie wouldn't, as far as I know)--how the heck did it happen that Vader was SUBORDINATE to this guy in Episode IV?!



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