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Help "getting into" EMI


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I absolutely love MI1, MI2 and MI3 but for some reason I just can't can't seem to get into or get going with EMI. I've had the game for well over a year now and have returned to it many times but for some reason it just doesn't capture my imagination.


I desperately want to fall in love with this game and immerse myself it, but its just not happening. I'm not sure if its the graphics (which I really dislike), the puzzles, the story or what ?


Has anyone else found this ? Any advice on how to "see the light" would be much appreciated ! BTW - I'm at the bit, quite near the start where Guybrush is trying to prove that he didn't steal something or another.





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I would have to agree with Remi. If you think a game sucks, then it does and trying to cheat yourself by pretending to like it although you don't doesn't make much sense either. Yet I want to point out that there are games which have a lame start but which get better as you go. For example Gothic which bored the hell out of me during the first few hours but which got me really into it afterwards. This won't work with EMI though. You love it? You hate it? You love to hate it? Whatever, but stick to your personal opinion.

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As a game it wasn't particularly bad, there's far worse anyway. But it didn't feel like the other three games to me, it just felt like a generic, boring adventure game. It had nothing which stood out.


At least it had a great soundtrack, especially the cut-scenes. :D

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I must've played the first 3 MI games through dozens of times, but I only played EMI once. I probably won't play it again.

There's something about steering a low-poly character though vastly empty and untextured prerendered backdrops that I find strangely unsatisfying.

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i personally like the game although i knew it wasn't as good as the others. really, if you don't like it, don't play it (i'd suggest you do as i like it, but if you don't, then dont waste your time).please note, not even ron gilbert has played it yet so it's not exactly vital to do so if you want to love MI

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Thunderpeel and Jayel share my sentiments exactly.


I've played the first two games through countless times, and CMI at least three times, probably more. However, EMI is completely boring second time round, the puzzles seem to be instantly rememberable and I don't really have any favourite moments to look forward to.

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the only thing i looked forward to in efmi was the 'Ultimate Insult' cutscene near the end and even then it was only the last part. but apart from that, after playing it once, it seems a little repetitive to play it again, and some bits are annoying. i especially dont like the fact that ti takes ages to get from noe place to another when on cmi all you have to do it double click (or was it right click, i've oplayed so many point 'n' click i can't remember)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it just me, or does the interface in MI 4 seem "off" compared to the version in Grim Fandango? It seems to make playing EMI much more of a chore than the interface in previous versions, or even Grim. Possibly the game was "dumbed down" somewhat so those with the PS2 version might be able to follow what was going on*, though there seem to be too many in-jokes for that to be the case.


Despite that, a friend and I, who have played most of the MI games together, played though this one, and had a pretty good time. It's probably my least favorite of the games though, with MI 1 being the best to my mind.


*by which, i mean PS2 players who have no previous MI knowledge, not those previous MI players who decided to get the PS2 version

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I noticed how everyone included CMI along with the first two as what they liked. At one time, everyone hated CMI. While it doesn't fit exactly in with Mi1 and Mi2, it did something that EMI did not...he tried to be its own game and succeeded. You can play and enjoy CMI on its own, without having played the others. You can not do it with EMI. Too bad. It's fine on its own...the creators obviously didn't want to mess with the questions that Mi2 left behind. It may not be a true Mi3, but it was a great game.


As for EMI, it's my least favorite, but I'm wising up to it. It just doesn't deserve the Monkey Island title.

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i dont think the story line to emi was monkey islandish enough. ithad the ultimate insult which can almost beput into it, buy a coorporate land developer buying up land in a lucrative environment while you get governmet contracts for carla and otis and find deeds to a house from lawers, that's just completely out there, at least try and stay true to the time as even monkey island did despite the grog machines and so on.

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Originally posted by Udvarnoky

CMI tried to be its own game and succeeded. You can play and enjoy CMI on its own, without having played the others. You can not do it with EMI.


Hmm, I thought that CMI was largely stolen from the earlier games, and EMI tried to be more it's own game, but on reflection, I think you're right. In a sense, CMI is much more "traditional" Monkey Island. It's pretty much by the book, but almost all the characters and places you encounter are new to that game, so both vets of the series and newcomers alike can enjoy it easily.


In EMI, a large amount of MI knowledge is required to get the best out of the game, and the new islands and new characters often just don't quite fit with the Monkey Universe that we've all come to know and love. It's a GOOD game. But it's a Monkey Island game in name only sometimes.

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if they'd used the same graphics as 1 and 2 at the time, very few people would have bought it. but yes, CMI was very independant of the rest which is good, i actually played it before playing MI2 (actually MI2 was the last one i played, couldn't find it before that) and it made almost perfect sense (big whoop and so on)

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I personally ADORE MI4, but that's just me.

Really, if you don't like a game very much then no-one can change your mind (unless you're held at gunpoint and the assassin says that if you don't like Escape from Monkey Island then you'll die a horrible death. But that's just Me and My Twisted Mind. *pats herself on the head, saying 'good doggy' in a soothing voice...*)

Hehe ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a matter of taste etc. EMI is sort of middle of the road for me, i dont like it but then again I dont hate it. I don't think it's got the same replayability value as the others, to start off with i liked the graphics then I realised how low detail they were 3d wise (apart from perhaps jambalaya).


I just hope if MI5 is in 3d they really exploit the possibilities to the max and go for alot more detail, atmosphere and memorable places that you want to revisit.


Gameplay wise they should do alternate ways of getting through the game, that would increase playability by alot (think indy FOA).

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i'm not strictly against a 3D MI5 as it is bound to happen. but at least make guybrush a little more like guybrush. and slightly less blocky. also more expre4sion than that damn goofy smile he always had. even the limited graphics of cmi and even somi had good expressions on guybrush's face. i think that a 2d guybrush in a 3D environment would be difficult, but effective. i mean no a completely 3d environmet, the same environment as efmi, but more cartoony like cmi (but 3D, if you get what i mean, i'm sure some of you animation or anime buffs out there will know)

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