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Worst SW Species.


Which is the worth species in the Star Wars Saga?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the worth species in the Star Wars Saga?

    • Ewok
    • Gungan
    • Jawa
    • Rodian
    • Twi'lek
    • Ugnaught
    • Hutt
    • Geonosian
    • Yuuzhan Vong
    • Other

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I thought I'd make the opposite of the favourite polls everyone loves. :D

Since there doesn't really seem to be many polls in the Swamp at the moment.


This poll is for the worst species.


The species in the Poll are all from the StarWars.com Database.

I'll put some links down for the species. :)


Ewok (Wicket)

Gungan (Jar Jar Binks)


Rodian (Greedo)

Twi'lek (Bib Fortuna)


Hutt (Jabba the Hutt)


Yuuzhan Vong


..and of course Other. (Please post if you choose this. ;))

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I was going to include 'Human' :D


I think if people vote for Gungan, they most probably hate Jar Jar and GL for creating him.


If people vote for the Vong, they maybe hinting at they dislike for the EU. :)


I voted for Ugnaughts. They're funny, but warthoggy.

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

Wes shall be tortured for voting against the vong! I shall sacrifice your body to the Gods you snivelling infidel! *MWHAHAHA*


I voted for the Gungans, we didn't need them plus they're not original -_-'


*rings Saraneth*


You can't sacrifice me if you're under my control.... :p

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Twi'leks. Yeh can' trust 'em.


You can trust the females to give you a good time. :naughty:


I voted Geonosian. Cowardly, Ugly, Bug-like. I mean, a bunch of bugs building battle droids...wtf...


The Yuzhann Vong are so cool! They add something different and fresh into the SW universe.

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