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Avatar / Sig Pic Competition!


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Time for a bit of healthy competition. There are some really great avatar and signature combinations here in the swamp, so I thought it was about time we had a little competition to get the creative juices flowing.




1. Your vote can be for an avatar/sig combination that a person has had in the past, not neccesarily the one he/she has now.

2. You must vote for only one person.

3. All votes will be counted on 7th March and the winner will be announced by me.


If you havn't got a picsig yet, I'm sorry but that's not my fault. You can still vote though.


Let the competition commence!! :D

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this is my sig pic for here whenever i get the points...also, i have another one at EB...check it out...here is my sig here...sig.BMP i know it isnt much, but if i had photoshop 7 and not 4 i could do better...i might try to do better and change this...



edit: this is one i finally got to upload, along with the av...

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