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Tetniss Shots Hurt...


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I never got this shot during my physical before freshman year, and got the dreaded thing last Thursday. It hurt for an hour or so until my friend came over and decided to snap a rubber band on my upper arm... He left shortly after to get his after I told him if he tried that again, I'd kill him.


Well, I slept on that arm that night and it ached on Friday. But it was on Saturday I had to help my grandpa move into an apartmenet connected to the nursing home my grandma is in, and it was killing as I was forced to move the couch in and out of a horsetrailer (Wisconsin, no U-Hauls I guess...). Some Ibuprofren took that out for a bit, but it hurts again.


How long will the pain last? It is killing me. I am right handed but sleep on my left arm, so it hurts every morning... I'd like to get on with my normal life without the pain coming back everytime I stretch my arm.

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It should only last for a day or two at most. It's really not that bad. You get the shot in your non-dominant arm so that you're not hindered in your everyday activity. You shouldn't do any sort of heavy lifting while you've still got the effects of the shot. That won't help at all.


And by the way, it's spelled tetanus.

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Heh, you should try being pregnant, you get every kind of test and jab know to man, and I've been through it twice. One time, it was a trainie nurse and it took her 5 goes to get it right. If I had drunk a glass of water afterwards, I would have looked like a fountain.

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Good old Tetanus shot, I don't know why it has to be such a large needle. Last time I had shots was to cover me just in case for Singapore and Turkey when I went OS in late 2001. Hep B shots, amongst the couple that I got.


Only time I usually have shots is when I need an operation - the jabbing and prodding to place in drips isn't fun, thankfully I was under when they put it in when I had my knee op last year. They didn't do that great a job when taking it out though....

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ahh stop being a skirt. try breaking an elbow and wrist in one go. that hurt. plus i got scars to prove it. or try getting 60 cms of FO cable down your throat. that hurt too. or getting both your big toes cut to shreds and parts of the nails removed. or jamming wood right through your whole finger. if taking fingernails off while skateboarding. or dislocating your thuimb skateboarding. they all hurt, a farkload more then a shot i can tell you.

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I hate shots. The only shots I've ever had in my life were a blood test to deterine my blood type when I was born and several at the dentist for pain. I hate them so much that I have the dentist drill without shots now. I've had a pipe through my leg and I'm scared of a little needle. :D

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The pain is gone...


It was my stupid uncle's fault for making me carry a stupid couch. Not only was it a couch, it had a fold out bed. That is why it was so heavy....


Well. Its better now. But why does that one hurt like it does? Flu shots, the shot that forms the bump, and blood tests don't hurt the next day.

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I'm gonna quote someone in a movie:


"Don't be such a Barbie" :D


I've had a couple of shots. It doesn't hurt that long. Just don't watch them and whatever you do DON'T make the nurse mad... there are many ways to make it really hurt.


When I had my "T" shot and others, it only really hurt for about 2 hours then for the rest of the day, it just tingles if I move it around too much or lift too much weight.

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OK, this is a Tetanus shot, which is only supposed to hurt for an hour or so.


But it didn't. It hurt for 3 days, and after moving a couch, the pain was unbearable (oh, and leXX, I am privleged to be a guy in not having to be pregnant, or other stuff for that matter....)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I hate shots. The only shots I've ever had in my life were a blood test to deterine my blood type when I was born and several at the dentist for pain. I hate them so much that I have the dentist drill without shots now. I've had a pipe through my leg and I'm scared of a little needle. :D


How old are you and what planet do you live on? :D In the US we have to have around 15 shots before we get to the age of 13 lol.



2 Hep B

2 Hep A

Tetanus (twice)



and a TON others...

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