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Pros and Cons of an Online Life?


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Is having an online life like this necessarily a good or bad thing? Or perhaps it's a bit of both. Would you have been happier right now if you'd never come onto the net and spent the time you do on here?


Sometimes I wonder whether it would've been better for me. I wouldn't have spent so much time inside away from everyone close to me. Then again, I've made some great friends on here, and learnt so much from them:)


What are your views on your online life?

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Well, I've done a little bit of both.....being at the advanced age I am at. :p I am extremely happy to be here.....I was telling Reb earlier that it is a nice escape from reality. There really are a lot of good people here. It makes my time here very enjoyable.


I'll be here for a while....what I am trying to do now, is balance the time better. I used to spend waaaaayyy to much time when I first came here to the swamp that I wouldn't hang out with any of my friends. So for me, it's all about balance. I don't regret a single moment online at LF though. :)


It's been fun. :)

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Well, I have enough friends in real life and I'd like to hang out with'em more but seeing as I live nowhere near them and I have yet to get my licence, there's nothing for me to do here. Besides, online life helps real life, I talk to my friends online and I make more friends on here. Why sit around bored when I can just come online and talk? :D

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Well, easily the cons of an online life (OL) is the consumption of time, but really "so what"?


If you enjoy it, do it. It does keep you in sometimes, but many things do (ie. games, tv,).


The pros of an online life IMO is meeting people who won't judge/catogorize you at once (except for newbie or troll :D ). Also meeting interesting people is a definite pro of an OL. And people are from all over the Globe online, so it really gives me new views on the world. Also you can have plain fun online (swamp), or you can really engage your mind (senate chambers).


Overall, a healthy balance is needed, because people should have exeperiances with people firsthand, face-to-face. Just exploring the world around you is something vital to living IMO.


Anyways, I am glad that I have ventured online and met all you guys. It really is worth it.

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Talking to people on here has really helped me build up my confidence in real life, it's quite amazing. If I'd never found my way here last year to look for new skins for JKII multiplayer, I would've turned out to be a completely different person I'm sure. Although there is some degree of uncertainty about people on here, I feel that here you can express yourself as a person better. Basically, people get to learn the real you, which isn't so easy offline sometimes:)


The cons are apparent to me right now: It's 12:54am, I have school tomorrow, and I'm still up posting. So that is my cue to say Good Night ^_^


*passes out on bed*

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i beleave that the net can be the best and worst thing that ever happened to the world. the good thing is that people who never met eachother and are from diffrent parts of the globe can come to gether and talk about common intrests. the bad part is people who take advantage of it not that im mentioning any names *chough*jedi2k2*cough* :rolleyes:

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i think its great...so long as you dont get carried away with it. Personally i think people who go about tryin to find girls online...its more or less a waste of their time...unless you live in some big city where the chances of finding somebody near you are greater I wouldnt bother. As far as mesage board communities, I think its great that were all cool with eachother (although there are hostilities sometimes, but hey..that happens in real life too)

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I'm a shy nobody in real life, but the first day I was here I warmed up to people. I feel happy being here. I think I've made some friend here, don't know if they feel the same way about me, but I feel it's been good. The guy you see as Skate Boy is not the one you would see if I met you in real life tomorow.

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Probably because I wouldn't have Qui-Gon with a lightsabre staring me down in real life. :p


Anyway, I wasn't shy in real life, but I suppose coming here has made me less shy. Or, maybe it's just 'cause I'm not the in the lowest grade in my school anymore.

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Having no outside life causes many to become suicidal and depressed. After all, yes...you have many friends online....but you know you'll never be able to actually meet them...that you're alone, stranded on an island....knowing you'll never be able to truly not feel alone...until you die.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Having no outside life causes many to become suicidal and depressed. After all, yes...you have many friends online....but you know you'll never be able to actually meet them...that you're alone, stranded on an island....knowing you'll never be able to truly not feel alone...until you die.


Nahhhh I was suicidal and depressed before getting internet :p

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hmm, i sorta mis the fresh air


*looks trough the curtains*




uhhm, nevermind :sweat:




kinda like darky said, it takes way too much time, i probably should be out doing stuff with my friends, but instead of that, i'm in here behind my computer

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