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Tired of this war

Young David

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I'm actually pretty tired of this war ... and especially the number of topics and so called debates. The two dutch forums I visit have 1 or 2 topics concerning the war ... and the rest is all the regular stuff ...


So please ... stop making war topics. There are lots of other things ...


Like working at macdonalds:



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It's not really about the war ... it's about the discussion here. It seems that it's the only thing that people can talk about.


When I turn on the news, only Iraq (where's all the other news?)

When I start up my startpage, Iraq

When I listen to the radio, Iraq


I know what's happening there, I know what people think about it ... drop it (and by drop it I'm not referring to any weapon of mass destruction ;)). I'm on this forum for fun, if this is gonna be some stupid american debate forum, then I'm outta here.



After typing this I've found out people are discussing war things again ... STOP IT! Use the other topics.

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While I completely agree with the war, i'm also very tried of so many war threads. One or two or three or four or five might have been enough, but 15 or 20 are way to many.


Speaking of which, i'm frustrated with the people on this board. All intelligent conversation seems to deteriorate into mindless rhetoric and cliches mixed in with Bush bashing or America bashing or French bashing, and i'm talking about people on both sides. Quite frankly i'm sick of it and don't want to talk about it anymore. The debate is over, the war has started, i think we should just keep open a news thread about it or what not and close all the others, they aren't doing any good.


Of course, what else is there to talk about?

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I agree YD, this is the first time in like a week I have come to visit the forums because I WAS SICK OF THE TELEVISION AND THE WAR!! So I escape from the baby and the war to come to this forum and read about WAR. Oh well...at least nobody is complaining about the lack of topics! ;)

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@ acbar: first it is Loempia's.. and that is the dutch word. in english it is: Egg role. at least i think so.


@ YD: i abolutely agree with you. i have been watching it 48 hours now.. and when i get on what forums on LF its about the war. i open MSN and some guy askes me what i think of the war.

i got a bit angry but he understood.


DROP IT (scoop)

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