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Beta 3


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Beta 3 hasn't started yet the last I heard... So those lucky souls should hear soon.:D But to start, I believe they are testing what teh server can handle. So they start out with 5,000 people and will slowly move up to 50,000 testers to wear the servers and test their bountiful duribility with all of us fans drooling in their bandwidth.;)


I would guess bandwidth for a server, but I am no expert on computers, but bogging down the speed of data transfer with so much info passing through the servers... That's bandwidth right? Or am I a complete dip??? ;)

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No, you are not a complete dip;)


Ok, the deal is that is they let 50 000 new players in on the servers, and they broke down, they wouldn't learn a thing from it. However, they'll gradually let more and more players in, and thereby they will try to see how much strain the servers can take, how the ingame community is affected etc.

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Wow, and I get yelled at for going off topic. ;P



Anyway, to prevent the accusations of SPAM....



Beta 3 here we come. I wish everyone the best of luck in the selection process. Hopefully all of the regulars from these forums wil get in......eventually.

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When will they lift the NDA? I wanna hear the juice from people in Beta if I don't get in...
Now this is from the holobits:
The fact is that we do not want to lift the NDA until we feel comfortable doing so, until we can be fairly judged on what the game is supposed to be like, not what it is in an incomplete state.


So there's your answer. Will the choose people for beta3 based upon their participation in the official forums or from other forums as well. 'Cause I remember I started posting there way back in the day and then I just stopped and started posting on the Lorenetwork and now here. I'd have plenty of posts on the official forum if I was patient and willing to put up with the rediculously amount of flames and people complaining like it's their job. I find the atmosphere at the official forums quite rude- I like it here better!! :)

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Well, UC, that is the reason most of us are here. When I was a fledgling SWG researcher, the official forums were hostile to me and many others like me. Many travelled here, or to various other forums that I cannot mention. Wraith 8 kindly took each of them under his wing, as well as many of the veteran posters such as Thew Rydur, Jan Gaarni, etc., etc. I learned much of what I know about SWG from these kind hearted and just all around nice individuals. Hats off to all of our forum goers that offer their wealth of knowledge and experience to our new members each and every day.


To answer your question though, I am almost certain that some of the more prominent and patient stand-outs in the official forums will be hand selected for Beta 3, but in all honesty, is it worth the abuse to post there? Select few of us post there on a regular basis to assault the attending idiots, flamers, SPAMmers and FIRST posters there. I suggest you post one or two well thought, well planned and all around well written posts to be noticed. Start a topic no one has thought of before, that grabs attention. Even though they may not admit it, I am sure they have the power to hand select a few intelligent, dilligent, positive contributing posters from those forums. I doubt they check other forums often, if even at all, but it is possible that they wander to fan sites every now then. It's a possibility.

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i agree with D_S.. :D (thanx BTW)

I went there in the arly days.. when the site was just up... tried to blend in with the rest.. back then there couldnt be more then 5 topics on a page.,. and there were no sub forums yet. i posted a 'hello' thread.... got some nice responce.. but my threads was on page 20 the very same day. i tried to keep up.. but it was a time robbing event. so i left.... i came back after a year... tried to blend in again.. but whil i was posting.. the thread i posted in a minute ago was now on page 3.. and there were about 25 topics on one page. i also tried to follow some country man around... but also futile.


i left... now i sometimes go there and check some things out.. other than that... this is my home ;)


-Wraith 8-

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i got banned from hte official forums because i flamed at some poeple who were giving crap to some people so i havent been able to post there for a while but i dont like those forums anyway

The trick is to not raise your voice when you deal with such people. In other words, don't flame back. :D

Just nicely ask them to pipe down, but be calm about it. :)

If they are idiots, they're the ones that will start Bitching at you telling you to shut up and stay out of it and all that crap. You still keep it calm, but be more determind than before, and then report them if they continue to bother you. :D


I did that with one guy ones, but I never got as far as actually report him, cause he kinda reported himself. :D

He said he was gonna report me for "threatening" him. I told him: "Dude, go ahead, but I'm not the one that are having my posts deleted" :p (he was being edited by the Mods at this time :D )

And I didn't see him for a whole month after that. :D Wonder why. :D


That was the most fun I've ever had with a flamer. :p

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