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WTF of the Week

Boba Rhett

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Yes, it is here again, my friends! This weeks sexay edition of WTFotW is about...



[align=denter]Tornado Safe Beds[/align]








Tornado Shelters May Never Be the Same!


Introducing the DAMAR Tornado Safe Bed Shelter - the world's most revolutionary Tornado Shelter ever! Quite simply, the DAMAR Tornado Safe Bed Shelter is a steel tornado shelter mounted underneath the mattress of your bed. The Tornado Safe Bed replaces the box spring portion of your bed. With the mattress on top, it normally serves as a bed, But in case of an emergency, simply raise the lid, crawl inside and lie down. Now simply latch the lid and ride the storm out! This is one of the most convenient, most durable tornado shelters ever!





I...I...I...... either this is beyond stupid or it's so amazingly genius that it just blew my mind. I'd prefer it not be the latter. :indif:


Link to website. You know. In case you wanna buy one.

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Originally posted by Artoo

So what keeps it from flying away? :confused:


I think it's suppose to fly away and you ride inside.


Reminds me of those high school projects when we had to find a way to drop an egg of the roof without it breaking.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

Back home we call those coffins!

Fancy coffins, but coffins none the less.


Exactly what I was thinking.:)


Originally posted by Rogue Nine

It'd be a great space saver for college.




Hey! Both storage AND tornado protection!!!


hmm...what happens if you can't empty the thing in time? Or maybe the tornado picks it up with both you and the stuff inside...ouch...one word...blender

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That'd be great to keep all of those elves of Rhett's that are escaping through the Underground Tornado Bed Railroad ...hiding various corpses ...lots of toys in. :D

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i think it'd be a great conversation starter. you could stick it on the coffe table in the living room so people would ask about it. if i had one, i'd keep my little brother in it. wait, it looks big enough, how bout both of 'em?

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