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do you think the rerelease of the original trilogy was a good thing?


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When they finally come out with the DVDs of the OT, I hope they do something like Spielberg did with the release of the E.T. DVD, which is to include a disk of the original cut, as well as the digitally updated one in the same case.

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It was alright but since i never saw the originals :( maybe on the dvd they may have it???

And plus lucas said it was needed to be done since the negative was eroding and if it had not been done we might not be getting this future dvd release ;)

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I do think it was a good thing. I was excited to see all of them in theaters......just the funest time! I also think that GL's reasoning for doing it was to stir up excitement for SW again - just in time for the prequals to come out into theaters. He's a smart man like that! :)


One thing I would love is if some local theater just played all 6 movies all day like on a Saturday or something. That would be one way I'd love to waste a day. :)

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

I do think it was a good thing. I was excited to see all of them in theaters......just the funest time! I also think that GL's reasoning for doing it was to stir up excitement for SW again - just in time for the prequals to come out into theaters. He's a smart man like that! :)


One thing I would love is if some local theater just played all 6 movies all day like on a Saturday or something. That would be one way I'd love to waste a day. :)


Say why don't the majority of us plan to meet at Havoc's house and and watch nothing but SW all day when the DVDs finally come out? Havoc does afterall have an HDTV and such. ;P

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The new dance scene in RotJ had no purpose what-so-ever. I have seen the oigionals so many times that I can tell what was changed and what wasn't. My father still has the origionals on VHS. Some of the new scenes were O.K. ANH, showing all the ships over Yavin 4 and the new lift-off scene was good. ESB, the scenery was nice. It was no longer boring, now it's a city. I loved the Besbin fly-by.


I though Han shot first, but Greedo...


It would be nice if the OT was added into the Enhanced version DVD, if George plans to make the first trilogy into DVD's.

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I personally love the Special Edition stuff. I'd seen the originals a zillion times before and when I went to see these on the big screen...fun time had appeared. SW got a gigantic boost in fanbase and I had a ton of people to preach the gospel of EU to.


I loved the new effects added and new scenes...the only thing I didn't like was that they DIDN'T PLAY THE ORIGINAL EWOK CELEBRATION! (yub yub, eech-ap, yub yub, toe la toepitikee, da loop ta day new waaa!*)



*translated into English sounds of course

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i think overall it was good.


the clean-up was good, including the new explosions. the extra background effects on tatooine & bespin was good.

the scene where han runs into a hanger filled with stormtroopers on the death star in ANH was excellent. the finale of ROTJ was ok.. it was cool seeing coruscant.


greedo shooting first suck big time and the jabba scene in ANH was just plan bad.


i hope for the dvd they'll redo the jabba scene. i don't think they'll change the greedo scene back, although i really wish they would.

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i think the best is the widescreen vhs tapes out there that were kinda limited of the original trilogy.


i have the regular trilogy on tape and i watch them from time to time.


i hope when he puts out the DVD he puts the original cut and the rerelease or a box of six.

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I have not seen the originals. This is what usually happens with me. If something has come out I buy it, but AS SOON AS AN UPGRADE comes out I don't use it becuase I know a better version is coming out. Why am I using this crap?!

Also if something has come out and I don't buy it, if I hear an upgrade is coming out I decide to buy that instead, so I my first-time will be one with more features.


When LOTR came out on DVD I bought it. When LOTR: Extended Edition came out I panicked and sold my old version, then waited for about 2 months.:rolleyes:

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