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Back from the US...


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well, if you were wondering what i was up to last week;


i visited your beautiful country !

That's right ! Had a music conference going on in Nashville, TN and stayed with some friends while i was over there !

Imagine my emotions, watching Saddam's statue fall live while cheering with hordes of Americans in a restaurant area..


It's had an impact for sure. And so was Michael W. Smith prodding us all to sing the Star Spangled Banner.


Imagine THAT.

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Awesome! Welcome back to your home land. It's great to see you had a wonderful time in our beautiful country, Leon. :) I got the chance to stay in Nashville a few months back. I didn't get to attend anything that cool though. ;) Did you get to see anything else while in Nashville?

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Originally posted by Silenthunter

Welcome back, and glad you had a great time Leon!


Now we Americans need to go visit the Netherlands! :D

well you can all come to my house :D.. there you will see that what foreigners know from Amsterdam and Rotterdam are SO not true in the rest of the country :p
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Originally posted by Wraith 8

well you can all come to my house :D.. there you will see that what foreigners know from Amsterdam and Rotterdam are SO not true in the rest of the country :p


Naaah ... he'll show you a piece of the Netherlands where they don't even speak dutch!

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that's right. once you figured out how to speak dutch, we confront you with one of our seven main dialects. Each totally incomprehensible to the untrained ear, of course..


i picked up the Nashville slang again. Came into the office yesterday with a 'How're ye doin' y'all ?'



Anyways; great times had ! And i picked up materials that'll last me well into the fall !

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Originally posted by Young David

Naaah ... he'll show you a piece of the Netherlands where they don't even speak dutch!

HEY.. i resent that remark.


1st.. i wasnt born in friesland....

2nd i dont talk fried

3rd. most people in sneek dont talk fries


so there HAH :p;)

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

that's right. once you figured out how to speak dutch, we confront you with one of our seven main dialects. Each totally incomprehensible to the untrained ear, of course..



Heh, once I was bored so I decided to memorize John 3:16 in Dutch from a Gideon Bible...It took a little while, but I did it :D

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It's good to hear someone actually enjoying the US. Just...stear away from Boston, unless you have to. It's disgusting. Nothing's clean...not even the air. Thank god I live in the middle of Massachusetts in a town... it's so quiet, no actual traffic. So how is it in the Netherlands?

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

It's good to hear someone actually enjoying the US. Just...stear away from Boston, unless you have to. It's disgusting. Nothing's clean...not even the air. Thank god I live in the middle of Massachusetts in a town... it's so quiet, no actual traffic. So how is it in the Netherlands?

Errr... right.

You can't have traveled much to the other major cities around the country, otherwise you would know that Boston is one of the smallest, cleanest major cities as far as such things go.

Spend some time breathing the yellow air of L.A. and you'll appriciate Boston.

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Originally posted by edlib

Errr... right.

You can't have traveled much to the other major cities around the country, otherwise you would know that Boston is one of the smallest, cleanest major cities as far as such things go.

Spend some time breathing the yellow air of L.A. and you'll appriciate Boston.

oh my god, the boston subways are a dream compared to nyc!

SOOOOOOO much cleaner!

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Bad traffic? HAH! You havn't lived until you've been behind a Tractor going 3mph down the highway.


Well next time you're in the US come on down to Arkansas. You'll see loads of great tourism sites, such as: lakes, national parks, woods, mountains, farms, and even CITIES! You can see one of our five state cities and tour the exihbits on modernizing Hicksville, USA. Very very nice museums on snakes, fishing and hunting too. So come to Arkansas...The Natural State.

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Originally posted by edlib

Errr... right.

You can't have traveled much to the other major cities around the country, otherwise you would know that Boston is one of the smallest, cleanest major cities as far as such things go.

Spend some time breathing the yellow air of L.A. and you'll appriciate Boston.


I really haven't been to other capitals...but where can a 15 year-old go? The only capitals I went to was Boston, Washington D.C. and Sacramento...plus the time I went to Boston was very crowded...

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actually, my arms WERE tired....from carrying a load of stuff.


Anyways, I have actually visited Boston the first time I went over in 1996...a friend of mine got married nearby and we spent the day shopping there. Nice town, with a very nice shopping area downtown. I can't help but liking it and it reminded me of some Canadean cities, even..

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