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ugh it has truly begun


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Well, to be honest, we should have expected this. I mean, JA is putting even more control into the hands of the player, with a few more RPG-type elements, so there is likely to be an even wider audience for this kind of thing.


I have absolutely no problem with people who want to roleplay - except when they try to shove it down everyone's throats on FFA servers. If you want to play by a different set of rules, then all I ask is that they confine it to their own servers - which should be clearly marked as such.


I actually managed to have a half-decent time online today - didn't get the usual bucketload of connection interrupts, and I found a server where everyone was just playing FFA...you know...properly. A few saber fights, then you whip out any kind of gun and go blasting, plant some mines, use a bit of the Force...and not a single person complained. In fact, no one even said anything, except for me. It was a damned good blast for a change.


The only problem was finding a server where people were using guns - most of them seem to be saber only for some reason, or locked. It's a crying shame, IMHO...

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Originally posted by Rumor

most of the gunning clans have quit playing jk2


Then Raven definitely need to take steps to fix that. As I've said in other threads, they need to come up with specific MP modes to keep the RP'ers happy, so the rest of us can get on with fraggin' and baggin'. ;)

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I don't have a problem with people bowing in duel servers, but in FFA the taunt is the initiation of a duel so bowing after that is stupid. what's really annoying is when you're dueling some guy and he turns his saber off in the middle of the fight and says "how much life do you have?" omg! I hate that. I just DFA him:D . so my point is, if people want to play with all their little pansy rules, good for them. but watch out for me, cause I don't stop when you turn off you're blade:p

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Then Raven definitely need to take steps to fix that.

if there was a firearms selection system like in sof2 (pick your weapons, can't hold too many), gunning would be much more enjoyable...


oh, and if the bolts didn't take a minute to reach their target...

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

if there was a firearms selection system like in sof2 (pick your weapons, can't hold too many), gunning would be much more enjoyable...


oh, and if the bolts didn't take a minute to reach their target...


I totally agree with you. :thumbsup:


Item number 1000000 on Raven's to-do list, methinks. ;)

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Originally posted by Prime

Absolutely. Especially those rockets. You can pretty much out-walk those things...

if they went any faster you would not be able to defend against them very well. esp with homing rockets they go faster as they approach
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Originally posted by Prime

Absolutely. Especially those rockets. You can pretty much out-walk those things...


heh yeah i always love pushing those away

i think they put them that way for when its used up close but when your far away it does seem to take a week for them to reach their targets


and i did find the lasers to be a bit slow but it was nothing major

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I think a cool option is the ability to allow the player to control the rocket's flight. Something like the sniper rifle bullet in Max Payne, but to a deeper degree. For example, you would find a place, fire a rocket, and then have the option of viewing from the perspective of the rocket. You could guide it, make it go up and down, fly in circles, etc. Any force powers used on the rocket (ie. Force Push, Pull, etc.) would affect the rocket much in the same way as Force powers affects players (ie. if Force pushed you move backward, Force pulled you move forwards, etc.).


Dunno, just thought it would be a nice addition. :D


IMHO, its little features and additions like these that will make a new game stand out from the tried and true past games of this genre.

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Originally posted by wassup

I think a cool option is the ability to allow the player to control the rocket's flight. Something like the sniper rifle bullet in Max Payne, but to a deeper degree. For example, you would find a place, fire a rocket, and then have the option of viewing from the perspective of the rocket. You could guide it, make it go up and down, fly in circles, etc. Any force powers used on the rocket (ie. Force Push, Pull, etc.) would affect the rocket much in the same way as Force powers affects players (ie. if Force pushed you move backward, Force pulled you move forwards, etc.).


Dunno, just thought it would be a nice addition. :D


IMHO, its little features and additions like these that will make a new game stand out from the tried and true past games of this genre.


And while you're in rocket-view mode...someone is sticking a lightsaber through the back of your skull.


I don't think that's a very good idea...

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Perhaps the above system could include a proximity detector of some sort- when other players/bullets get close enough to you, rocket view stops. Of course, that sort of thing is very much like flying. Just imagine the "Rocket-Flyers"-a clan. There would be rulezz- NO SABERZZ!! ROCKETZZ ONLY!! And everyone would have to fly around using rocket mode to kill unless tey wanted to be kicked. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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Originally posted by boinga1

Just imagine the "Rocket-Flyers"-a clan. There would be rulezz- NO SABERZZ!! ROCKETZZ ONLY!! And everyone would have to fly around using rocket mode to kill unless tey wanted to be kicked. :


:rofl: ROFL That's so funny! :D


Er...actually...it's not. I can just see that kind of thing happening. :eek:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

And while you're in rocket-view mode...someone is sticking a lightsaber through the back of your skull.


I don't think that's a very good idea...


Lol...true, buts thats the risk part of the idea. ;)

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Wow it seems that every thread in this forums is turning into a 'making even more suggestions for JA that raven won't even consider'-thread :D


But emotes are strange, only saw 1 or 2 servers where you could do /amspin or whatever... I usually don't see many RPGers and I use guns whenever I want to, it's very easy to play as a gunner in FFA, just blast them in their backs, woohoo!!

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Originally posted by StormHammer

And while you're in rocket-view mode...someone is sticking a lightsaber through the back of your skull.


I don't think that's a very good idea...

I agree. Plus, it is probably overdoing it for trying to add something new weapon-wise. The rocket launcher is pretty good the way it is. I just wish it would move a little faster...
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Originally posted by Prime

The rocket launcher is pretty good the way it is. I just wish it would move a little faster...


Yes, the speed of a lot of projectiles does not seem fast enough, so they could all do with some adjustment. :thumbsup:


Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

All we can do now is wait. We honestly do not know if all the suggestions are being taken into consideration by Raven, but if JA is going to fall down the same path as JKII... This could get brutal.


I tend to agree with you. Raven have stated that they took on board a lot of feedback from JO, so I'm sure they've tried hard to give us all a better gaming experience this time around. The problem is that some gamers will never be satisfied unless the game plays exactly the way they want...and I can very much see another scenario where people start making polls and discussion threads to get X, Y and Z changed because they think they're lame. I can only hope that this time Raven will not try to fix everything to please everyone. Changing gameplay dynamics instead of simply patching bugs only serves to divide gaming communities, IMHO.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

All we can do now is wait. We honestly do not know if all the suggestions are being taken into consideration by Raven, but if JA is going to fall down the same path as JKII... This could get brutal.

I think Raven is pretty good for listening to feedback, so I expect a great game.
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