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Who killed this innocent man?


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I stood there on the hill,

Watching the man on the cross,

It overwhelmed me with a chill,

It was as if I felt a loss,

The man of innocence and mercy,

An unguilty man charged for a crime,

A man who was dying for me,

I had to speak, it was time.

I yelled, "Who put this man on this cross?"

"Who put the nails in His feet and hands?"

"For us to gain from his loss"

"Come! Face me like a man!"

The crowd around me mocked me,

"Oh God, I don't understand..."

I then turned around and looked down,

and saw the hammer...in my hand.

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Here is my poem,


I watched him in the street,

Eyes following his feet,

Matching his speed,

He soon stopped to feed,

He looked up to the sky,

And knew that he would die,

Who are you he asked me,

But before I could answer he turned to flee,

There was a thunderous Bang!

I'm Lost, The Hitman.



Bwa ha ha, I know its crap, I do have a decent poem though, its about near death if you want me to post it just ask.

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here's another one:


One fine day in the middle of the night two dead men went out to fight, they stood back to back and faced eachother, took out thier swords and shot eachother, the deaf policeman heard thier crys and went and shot those two dead boys. Now if you don't belive all this true ask the blind man he saw it two!

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

"Who put the nails in His feet and hands?"

The nails don't go in the hands, but in the forearm a few inches before the wrist, between the ulna and the radius. If they did put them through your hands they would rip out between your fingers and you would fall. If nailed properly the ripping would stop at the wristbones which would then support you.


It's a common misconception about crucifixion. There's rhyme and reason to the nails, rope would work as well but nails just add that little extra kick in the nuts.

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dude...I already know that. Physically impossible to be in the palm. Would have shreaded his hand from the weight.


It's a poem for crying out loud


I yelled, "Who put the nails in His feet and in the forearm a few inches before the wrist, between the ulna and the radius?"



I already know the facts.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

dude...I already know that. Physically impossible to be in the palm. Would have shreaded his hand from the weight.


It's a poem for crying out loud


I yelled, "Who put the nails in His feet and in the forearm a few inches before the wrist, between the ulna and the radius?"



I already know the facts.



If you already know the facts, then you would also know that with crucifixion, they also placed a wedge underneath their feet, to support their weight and make the suffering last longer, so they can place the nails wherever they like, since most of the weight bearing is done on the feet....

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

If you already know the facts, then you would also know that with crucifixion, they also placed a wedge underneath their feet, to support their weight and make the suffering last longer, so they can place the nails wherever they like, since most of the weight bearing is done on the feet....

The wedge you speak of is called a suppedaneum, and was used as an anchor when nailing the feet so to fix them to the cross. But it was rarely used, and used after the time of christ. To prolong the suffering of the crucified a sedile was used, which is a horizontal piece of wood located midway down the cross. It was used as a seat or a saddle. Most of the weight bearing was done by the arms or the legs, not the legs alone. As I said earlier, the nails are placed in the forearm for a reason, as that is a strategic place for them to produce the maximum amount of pain considering the design and purpose of crucifixion.



In Rp's defense, jesus even indicated that he was nailed through the hands, even though no crucifixion was done as such, and even the shroud of turin indicates they were in the forearms. But who's to argue with jesus?

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guys..it's a poem. I KNOW the facts.


The nails were driven just below the wristbone. Believe me, my father is a pastor, and I've gone through EXTENSIVE studies on the Bible.


Stop trying to turn this into a debate. If you know so much about these facts, what color was the sky before the flood, and how many layers of oxygen were there? :p (and yes I know the answer)


Also, eve's name before she had children was adam. The Bible says that He called THEIR name adam, in the day they were created.


Also in Psalms, a not to commonly known Name of God is "Jah", but the J is silent, so it's more like a harsh "ah" quick sound....you have to give your own life (breath) just to pronounce His name properly.


Also, 3 dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible, also hinting towards a possible fourth.


What surrounded the Earth before the flood, and where did all the water come from, seeing there was no floods or anything before the flood. (Possibly no rain either?)


Why did the life of several hundred years drop down to roughly 100 and now to 70ish today?


yes I know all of the answers to all of these...but... that's not the point of this post.



The point of this post is....






a poem






thank you

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Crucifixion was a real part of history. I don't think I could possibly care less about the imagined facts from an ancient piece of fiction.


I am past the poem. I appreciate your attempt to tell me to stop discussing, but I like to think that I can do things without your permission.

Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

If you know so much about these facts

Just 'cause you make something up in no way makes it a fact. Is that why you asked all those questions? So you can get a hard on by telling me to stop debating when I reply to them?
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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Stop trying to turn this into a debate. If you know so much about these facts, what color was the sky before the flood, and how many layers of oxygen were there? :p (and yes I know the answer)


The water and oxygen pressure was high enough to squash Adam and Eve like a bug, that's for sure.


If the water was suspended as vapor, the heat would roast them. If it was suspended as ice, it'd do the same, due to the effect on the earth's gravity.


Any water above the ozone layer would not be shielded from ultraviolet light, and the water molecules would therefore break apart.


There's no evidence of a massive, global flood in neither ice cores, tree rings, the ocean floor - and the fact that the polar ice caps are here makes such a flood flat out impossible.


Also, 3 dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible, also hinting towards a possible fourth.


Can you give the location of those 3-4 dinosaurs? I'm very interested in this.


What surrounded the Earth before the flood, and where did all the water come from, seeing there was no floods or anything before the flood. (Possibly no rain either?)


I'm kinda interested in this as well, seeing as if there was no rain before the flood, very few species could have lived before, or during, the flood.


Just chiming in ;)

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Crucifixion isn't that bad.... not as bad as something I just thought up


Lol, has anyone else seen the life of brian?


Roman: Crucifixion?

Prisoner: Yes

Roman: Good.. Line on the left, one cross each, Next. Crucifixion?

Prisoner 2: Yes

Roman: Good.. Line on the left, one cross each, Next. Crucifixion?

Prisoner 3: Nah, Freedom

Roman: What?

Prisoner 3: They said I hadn't done anything so I was to live on an island somewhere.

Roman: Oh theres nice, well.... off you go then.

Prisoner 3: Nah, Im only joking Its crucifixion really

Roman: Ooh, very good, very clever. Line on the left, one cross each. Next!



Lmao, that film was great.


Hail Monty Python!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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