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i assume you are all SW fans... Did you enjoy episode 1 and 2?


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I loved TPM and AOTC. I'm a SW fan so how could I not like them. I just love the back story that has been told on how things came to be. I know the writing isn't good........at all really, but I think in 15 to 20 people will look at the prequals as people look at the OT now. :)

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without getting too into it because I'll get mad and it's not worth it...

I LOVED 6 the best... really liked 4 & 5.

1 was BORING. REALLY BORING. It could have been condensed and had so much more. 2 wasn't much better, the only thing that saved it was the end. And Yoda fighting may have been the biggest "OH SH*T!" SW moment ever.

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The original trilogy was way better, except graphic wise. The stories were really original and interresting unlike ep 1-2, well i dont really know why, but the stories in ep1-2 were just normal i guess.


X-Wings are cooler than naboo starfighters

Tie Fighters are better than droid ships

Lightsabers fights were more powerful and sentimentaly evocative in ep 4-6


And I find that the characters in ep 4-6 are more interresting and better represented by the actors than in 1-2


In my opinion anyway:jawa

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When I saw TPM for the first time, I thought that it was THE best SW (because of the Maul fight).


Then I looked at the OT again, and I was really disappointed with Ep1. I don't really agree with another_trooper when he says that the lightsaber fights were more powerful and sentimentaly evocative in ep 4-6, but I like X-Wings and TIEs more than naboo starfighters by a lot (an ugly yellow ship... bleh).


Ep 2 was better than Ep 1 by far, but it doesn't have the powerfull story of the OT. But its still interesting to see what was anakin before becoming vader...


IMO, the absolute best SW movie is ESB. Great story, good action scene and a nice ls duel a the end.

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I know it sounds crazy, but I love TPM. And I pretty much despise AOTC.


That's not to say I think they're better than the OT, though. I'm still trying to decide which one of the three I liked best. ;)


TPM didn't seem boring to me. I was too busy being overwhelmed at all the new stuff Lucas was throwing into the SW universe: Jedi slicing battle droids, Nemoidians (sp?), Darth Sidious, Naboo, gungans, underwater bubble villages, etc. And it had the TPM duel. Nuff said. The only part that bothered me was Jake Lloyd.


AOTC had its moments......the Coruscant chase, Jango Fett, arena fight. But I couldn't find myself believing Hayden and Natalie. Hayden's tone was way too monotonous IMO, I thought I was gonna fall asleep. Then there was the fireplace scene.......


I also didn't like the final battle on Geonosis. It wasn't given the proper introduction it should have had. Both armies appeared as if from nowhere and just start blindly shooting each other. It had no purpose. In TPM, they had to get Gunray, kill Maul, and knock out the control ship. ANH, the Death Star. ESB, provide cover for the evacuation. ROTJ, the second Death Star (and Palpatine). In AOTC.......they had to shoot each other. I also had no fear of the characters dying in that battle either, because they were meant to win. I wasn't as tense as the other battles in the other movies.



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As many of you might know, I put emphasis on the ships of star wars. The original trilogy had amazingly detailed models that were used in the movies. The Star Destroyer literally BRISSLED and you could easily tell why...the ships were made of random battleship kits, etc. The space combat of the original trilogy is spectacular. ANH gives simply amazing fighter to fighter combat with designs of ships that LOOKED beleivable. ESB gives startling manuevers of the Astroid fields and shows off the powerful mind of a smuggler with his various plans. ROTJ, the cream of this crop, gives a startling fleet to fleet battle that easily harkens to the Naval battles of WWII. Chaotic and vibrant the scenes of the ROTJ battle are simply overwhelming. My favorite craft are flying everywhere on the screen and even new B-Wings, TIE Interceptors...and of course the big cruisers. Gotta love it when the big guns are finally thrown into an amazing display. Wow.


What have the prequels offered us so far?


TPM- Amazing unrealistic battle in the middle of a wide open field...ranks upon ranks lined up in tight formations...what is this? The American Civil War? No. This is two advanced civilizations going at it. Each side posesses powerful weapons with the TF having a tremendous advantage with their quick repeating blasters, heavy tanks, fighters, and bombers (the latter two should have been brought to bear since out in space it seemed like the one squadron of N-1 Starfighters were HEAVILY outnumbered...and that was only one Battleship out there...no support vessels...since when do you remove 90% of your forces from a hostile planet that just got taken over...feh). Instead of useing realistic tactics we see pathetic and "showy" tactics. The Gungans should have been waging a guerilla campaign from the swamps to put up the maximum resistance...not standing out in the middle of a friggin field asking to be slaughtered...which both sides should have been slaughtered...warfare like that with advanced weapons...bloodbath...or partsbath...whatever applies.

TPM get's a big Fergie FEH of disatisfaction not from this crap, but from the space combat. WHY IN THE WORLD DID IT HAVE TO SUCK THAT BAD? JEEZ! These naboo pilots weren't anybody you would want to be affiliated with...they were more dorks than anything with a horridly pathetic job of making even close to entertaining...it SUCKED! "Let's try a barrel roll...that's a good trick." OH GEEZ!!! SOMEBODY PLEASE SAVE ME! The manuever was executed in a straight line...talk about an easy tag! As previously mentioned...the large battlefleet featured earlier in the movie has dissapeared. Their hoards of back-up fighters and turbolasers are nowhere to be seen. Only the Control ship remains in orbit...huh? Plus it gets taken out by a squadron...12 ships...12 N-1s...well less actually considering some where shot out of the sky quick. And guess where it gets taken out...in the reactor that is in the hanger bay...WHAT?!?! "Let's try this button!" *sigh* Why do I even bother?


AOTC- First off...the asteriod battle between the starfighter and Slave I...what happened to Jango being a bounty hunter and actually knowing how to dogfight? Oh sure he can pilot really well...props for the great piloting...but when he went through the astroid I always wanted him to fire off one of those mines again...but hey...I always root for the cool guys anyway ;)

As for the main battle? Well I was still somewhat dissapointed with the tactics used...but I must say the usage of the dynamic cameras saved it a great deal of my wrath on this one. Plus there was tactical air support on both sides...INGENIOUS! A big gripe is where is the New Republic fleet? Did they only send landing ships, nothing to counter the TF Battleships? As we see as Dooku is escaping there seems to be nothing out there threatening the large TF fleet of battleships in orbit at all...no explosions, no lines of red/green tracing their way through space, nothing...The TF/Confed are able to get away thanks to their forces...but when you consider that they could have bombarded the planet from orbit to smash the masses of New Republic troops from orbit...If you have Air Superiority like that...use it. And lastly the gunship scene near the end of the movie with the transporting of the commando force to take down Dooku was disturbing...no more missles? You've got those friggin huge lasers brissling all over...including on the rear of the ship...give a token defense at least. I didn't like that bit at all and I'm sure Lucas put it in there on purpose to emphasize the expendability of clone troopers, but still...it just really bothers me.


So far the space combat in the Prequels has sucked BIG time. The ships designs were all TOO imaginative...TOO well thought out. The Naboo air force is too refined and it just doesn't bear the appeal of the X-Wings and TIE Fighters of later date. It has a solid coat of paint, no bumbs, no personalization, nothing. It just doesn't look like it fits at all in the SW universe...it belongs in the idealized alien cultures in many human minds, but it seems far too out of place. The Jedi Starfighter is absolutely rediculous. The wedge design...ugg...forget it I don't even WANT to talk about it...so pathetic.


I have a faint hope that Lucas will follow his template so far. TPM-ANH commando raid on ship. ESB-AOTC ground battle showouts. ROTJ. If they can make a great combination of Slugfest Fleet Battles and Ground Warfare then I'll forgive Lucas for all of the wrongs previously mentioned, but it's riding on this next movie...everything is in the air right now and I can't wait to see if my dreams were fulfilled or badly popped...we shall see...

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think empire is the best myself.


i like the movies quite a bit, and i dont think the scripting, and sometimes acting of 4-6 is as good as people think it is.


i think it is just tempered by memory and fondness.


i think if you watch the commentary tracks for 1 and 2 you will come to appreciate them more for what they are meant to be.

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