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This one time at band camp...


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This one time at band camp...


... I was on my way to a job interview and a car splashed me right where it's looks like I'd wet myself. I had to sit through the whole interview totally embarassed and I could tell the interviewer wanted to burst out laughing.

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Well a year or two ago my Biology Teacher was real ugly. She was old, wrinkley, had warts and what not. So she was talking about natural selection, then my friends bursts out natural uglyness would be funny. And I said if its Natural Uglyness why is the teacher still alive. O man i got in trouble but I made a kid pee his pants:p


Here is the worst one I was in 1st grade and It was international rice day. So my teacher brings out this mondo bowl of rice and sets it in front of me. And it so happens to be picture day. This girl gets up to blow her nose and she knocks it all over my pants. And these pants happened to be red sweatpants so it left a huge wet spot in the area where it looks like you just took a wiz. It was captured in my picture and it was very embarrassing. But my beautiful looks and stylin physique drew attention away from the spot:D

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This one time during diving practice, I dived off the top board and made my way to the edge and got out of the water. I looked around and everyone was staring at me, and I mean everyone. It was totally freaking me out. I went up to my friend and asked him why everyone was staring at me, including him. He said "your boob is hanging out". :/

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well i got an interview story..


a few years ago. it was one of my first ever interviews and i was really nervous. during the interview something strange happened, i started saying the word 'obviously' alot. and when i say alot, i mean 3 or 4 times in one sentence. there would be one to start the sentence, one or two in the middle and one to finish it. i couldn't stop it, it was like a form of torettes. it made me sound like a right idiot.

well needless to say i didn't get that job, obviously!

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A year and a half ago, one of my frineds and I wanted to go to our other friends house. We took a shortcut, leading to the back of the house, so we jumped his fence and went to his window. We started knocking, and whispering his name so we wouldn't wake up his parents. After a while he didn't open up, but we saw his light on. We then decided to go around to the front of the house, and when we turned the corner a voice yells "Put you hands in the air!" flash lights start edshining on us, and my friend got soooo friggen scared! The cops were called by my friend, and in the end it was all worked out, but still......

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hmmm.....now then....



ok this one time at band camp (and i do mean band camp, i actually go to those things) up in Manhattan Kansas for the Masonic All State High School Marching Band i was first chair french horn, and anywho, one evening im walking back from the student union to the dorms that im staying at, and suddenly i see one of the female flute players (they are a odd bunch of people)running across the campus stark naked! the good thing is, she didnt look that bad.

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The other day, my daughter came running to me saying there was a wasp in her room. Now I'm really scared of wasps/bees, so I told her to get her father to deal with it. Now he is just as scared as I am.


We both peeked around the corner of her room and anytime it got remotely close to us, we would run for our dear lives. I told him to be a man and deal with it :p, so he put on his coat, put his hood on and his gloves ... lol :lol:, and prepared to go into the room to open the window wide so the wasp could fly out of it. He kept stalling and I kept saying go on before it flys out of the room, so he eventually braved it and ran into the room, head down, opened the window as fast as he could and ran back out. All this time I'm laughing so hard it hurts. Thankfully, the wasp flys free, so I tell him to quickly close the window before it can fly back in. He goes to close the window, and just as he is about to close it I scream :dev9:, he's jumps out of his skin and tries to rush back outside the room and on his way he trips on a toy and falls flat on his face! I'm laughing so hard right now just thinking about it again, it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. :rofl:

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one time i was helping my dad dismantle an old shed. i stepped on a 6 inch nail and it went through my foot. i was calm and brave, i pulled the nail out and then went indoors.


then my mum came in and said,

"wow, you should see all the blood outside..."


*thud* ...i passed out



i guess you had to be there, but it was pretty funny.

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man lexx sounds like a fun place at your house when a wasp gets inside,


youd hate it here in kansas, we got bees, wasps, hornets, and lots of them.


im sorta the designated bee/wasp killer, i simply walk up to them, say "time to die biznatch!" and smack them with a shoe.


then i leave its dead body on the steps to show the other wasps.

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ooooh I just thought of another….


The day I almost had two heart attacks


Last summer I was sitting in my room playing on my computer. It was a nice day, I had the window open and was enjoying playing some computer game. All of a sudden two small birds flew into my room and buzzed me. I ducked and bolted, screaming like a little girl. After about an hour I creped back into my room, relieved to see they had flown back out of the window.

I shut the window and sat back down and my desk to resume playing my computer.

As I was just getting myself settled and getting my heart rate back to normal, I was oblivious to the fact my brother had come into the room and was standing just behind me.

“hi!” he said, and for the second time in so many hours I jumped out of my skin.

I needed a lie down after that.

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Originally posted by leXX

This one time during diving practice, I dived off the top board and made my way to the edge and got out of the water. I looked around and everyone was staring at me, and I mean everyone. It was totally freaking me out. I went up to my friend and asked him why everyone was staring at me, including him. He said "your boob is hanging out". :/

LOL!! Holy crap you must of turned STRAIGHT red.

Hmm...lemme think of mine...

I was sitting at my friends house. He was tossing a needle type dart (NOT THE PLASTIC!!) and he happen to chuck it at me. It lodged IN my skin on my right side of the head. A little more to the left and I could of been killed!! At the moment he through it I closed my eyes and when I opened them I looked and saw a freaking dart sticking outta my head. I went in to shock. =/ I ran downstairs and was scream "I HAVE A DART IN MY GOD DAMN HEAD!"

The kid's dad came in and took it out. Soon enough they were checking my head for anything bad, skull puncures...yada yada yada. And then I passed out, I woke up on the floor and a nasty headache. *NOTE* I didnt feel one ounce of pain, pulling it out it going in. None. I think about this now and LAUGH my ass off.

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Alright, I was in Year 5 (when I was about 10 ish), and we were all in the classroom at school. The whole class were making collages for a project, I can't remember what, something to do with rainforests. Anyway, I was there stapeling sheets of paper together for my folder when the stapler slipped suddenly. Now I'm as scared of staplers or any kind of stationary as it is. I had a little round cut on the edge of my finger, and cos I couldn't find the staple (and being 10), I thought the staple had gon into my finger.


Well, I started walking around panicking like hell. I got really hot and walked back in the classroom, and before I knew it, everything went dizzy and whirly ^^. Next thing I knew I was on the floor with a hundred heads peering over me. I'd passed out with shock and hit my head on the table before falling flat on my back. Anyways, I went home after that and wouldn't leave my room for a few days. Turns out I hadn't stapled my finger; it had just scraped the edge.


Pathetic, no? ^^; lol

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this one time, me and a few of my friends were walking around at my friends neighborhood*he lives on the otherside of town*. Well, we're stuck at this busy street and I say that it'd be straight ****ed up if some drunk guy popped the curb and hit one of the people i was with. Not 3 seconds later an accident happens about 15 feet from us. My friends eyeballed me for about 5 minutes before I finally muttered 'Hey...the streets clear...'

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Well one time we got shot at in my school bus. We were in the inner city and we passed by an alley and it just happened.... real quick.




Well, I have a story that happened just an hour ago


I was talking to Kjolen on the phone (We live in the sma city, go to the same school , best friends yadda yadda) Anyways, I just made some spaghetti and some nice sauce with Meat and all the goodies...and Well, the spaghetti slipped and dropped on the floor and sprinkled all over the kitchen, and the phone with Kjolen on fell too, leaving the whole thing spaghettied...ugh. Well, the phone is now ruined too I think, i mean it works, except it wont dial any #'s :(

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Well, when I was a sophomore I was at a regional tennis tournament my friend thought it'd be funny to pull down my shorts and leave me standing in my boxers in front of a group of people........but he grabbed my shorts AND my boxers and pulled em both down, leaving me completely exposed to everyone.......

I thought it was hilarious, and it didnt' really bother me.....except there were a couple of little freshmen boys who STARED at my......self........that was weird.......


Especially when I had to play against one of them the next year and he remembered me as the guy who got depantsed.....I almost said "Yeah! And you're the little perv who stared at my package too!" But i didnt.........

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Well, when I was a sophomore I was at a regional tennis tournament my friend thought it'd be funny to pull down my shorts and leave me standing in my boxers in front of a group of people........but he grabbed my shorts AND my boxers and pulled em both down, leaving me completely exposed to everyone.......

I thought it was hilarious, and it didnt' really bother me.....except there were a couple of little freshmen boys who STARED at my......self........that was weird.......


Especially when I had to play against one of them the next year and he remembered me as the guy who got depantsed.....I almost said "Yeah! And you're the little perv who stared at my package too!" But i didnt.........


And I'll bet your mighty 1 incher was proud of all the attention aswell. :D :D ;)


*Runs very very fast*

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Yes Hellfire it was blacks... and sadly thats where all the racial discriminating comes from. :( Those few people who decide to do something wrong sets an image for a whole race. :( Terrible.


And no, noone was hit and the person must have been a really bad shot for it just grazed our bus.

How many people said "Holy Sh!t"

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