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Originally posted by ZBomber

Lol, same for me AG. My dad walks in, and I minimize or scrools away formn the ads right away. :p


Yep. It sucks being a young teen. :p Well, not really. But still, if I was older, I wouldnt want these ads. They're a load of crap. And, they're annoying too! Damn UGO! :mad:

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

All ya gotta do is say you have nop control over the ads and they're fake anyways. That what I told my parents.... after my dad was nosey and came to see what I was doing....... it was awkward for a few mins..... :-/


but still.... There are really young people that come here and shouldn't know about... condoms and that stuff... yet.....


Lol, I always feel akward when theres stuff like sex on TV and I'm with my parents..... Espicially the viagra commericials. :p

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Lol, I always feel akward when theres stuff like sex on TV and I'm with my parents..... Espicially the viagra commericials. :p


I dont care about Viagra commercials with me parents...It kinda weird when I see


"Tampax new Tampons" and "Trojan Maaaaaaaaaaaan!" Ugh...:rolleyes: They disgust me! :p

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  • 2 years later...

Yes, I know I'm reviving a 3 year old thread, but I think the new ads are mostly relevant to this.


To me, the new ads are too much. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of seeing 'She's waiting for you' or 'Satisfy the impulse!' And now a new one, 'A.M. or P.M.?' crosses the line. :disaprove I'm probably a bit old-fashioned for a teenager these days, and yes, the site needs ads to generate a profit to keep running, but could you consider toning them down?

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Does UGO just have no standards?


It's kinda irritating that I have to minimize LucasForums when someone walks in because there's a topless girl in some kind of pose on the side of the page.


Agreed. But, he I honestly have no problem with it, but some people may give the forums a bad impression seeing the ads have have nude female on the side.

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