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You can't choose your characters name in JA


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As a spinoff to the Gamespy interview thread, it has come out that:


from Gamespy


Christopher Foster: You choose your race, gender, and appearance, and the game gives you your name.


I feel pretty disappointed about this. After being given all these great character creation options, they don't give you the option of giving your character a name. I think this sucks :mad:


Am I overreacting about this?

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if you have a given name then maybe the cut scenes and characters you meet will be able to speak your name


i think that would be nice



what i think would kill the game and the feel is if you were able to make your name JeDi HuGeBaLLz or something...


you can see the problem there right?

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

if you have a given name then maybe the cut scenes and characters you meet will be able to speak your name


i think that would be nice



what i think would kill the game and the feel is if you were able to make your name JeDi HuGeBaLLz or something...


you can see the problem there right?

I know what your saying, but the issues with a user-made character name and spoken dialog has been handled in other games, like Baldur's Gate II. Besides, the MP game will likely allow you to create a name, just because of the amount of variety you'll need. And that's where the you are more likely to see names like JeDi HuGeBaLLz. It isn't such a big issue in SP.
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At first I was dissapointed when I read it, but when I really think about it, I don't think it is going to make that much difference to me.


What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

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i was going to name my charictor, "you will kill me" or "Your a God" because when a charictor says something, he would first use you name, so like if luke was talking to me, instead of saying kyle come here, it would be like "You will kill me, come here" lol, i could have fun with that, oh well

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Originally posted by leXX

At first I was dissapointed when I read it, but when I really think about it, I don't think it is going to make that much difference to me.


What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


Maybe it's not a big issue in the long run...it's not the sort of thing that would prevent me from getting the game...but it is remarkably odd to me that they are opening up the options for the rest of the game, yet restricting your choice of name.


As I said in the other thread, there are ways to get around having to use particular character names...using a more generic 'Padawan' or 'Jedi' is one method...another is to ignore names and titles altogether, which is how Baldur's Gate and NWN worked.


If I'm getting away from playing the character of Kyle Katarn...then why do I have to have the name of my new fully customisable character dictated to me? It just doesn't make sense in the context of allowing such customisation of the character in the first place. Even SOF2 allowed you to specify your own 'code name', regardless of the character you were playing. I just think it would be ice to be able to pick a name as well as a race and gender...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

...but it is remarkably odd to me that they are opening up the options for the rest of the game, yet restricting your choice of name.


As I said in the other thread, there are ways to get around having to use particular character names...using a more generic 'Padawan' or 'Jedi' is one method...another is to ignore names and titles altogether, which is how Baldur's Gate and NWN worked.

It is so odd, in fact, that I'm wondering if this is confirmed by another source.
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It doesn't really matter to me......I agree with what Stormy was saying about a generic title for your character anyways. It's not going to take away from my enjoyment of the game at all! :)


Now if they didn't have this option for Kotor, I would be kinda pissed. :)

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Trust me on this you guys, choosing your character's name for singleplayer would suck. JA is an FPS, not an RPG. Therefor, in concentrates on character development. It's hard to develop a character when you don't have the name and when there isn't much that's unique about them.


Cutscenes will probably be done like Elite Force. If you choose female, it gives you a female name, if you choose male, you get a male name. E.g. Elite Force's character was Alex/Alexandria Munro.

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Originally posted by leXX

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.



ergh.... lexx, please.... any more shakespearian quotes you want to pull out, put them in spoiler tags so I can choose not to soil my brain by reading them :p

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Actually, you could choose your name in Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith (and Dark Forces as well, though they never refered to you by that name in Single Player).


In JK/MotS they called you Kyle in the cutscenes, but your player name was said every time you died (onscreen text).


They could even have "text reading" technology to manually sound out your name (leading to hilarity in some cases).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

They could even have "text reading" technology to manually sound out your name (leading to hilarity in some cases).


I'm still waiting for that kind of tech. And it could work well if they used phonetics for pronunciation, rather than straightforward spelling. :)

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Of course it isn't going to prevent people from getting the game, but for me it is just a little disappointing, that's all. I was just excited that finally I would have a game where I could make my own Star Wars character. And choosing a name is part of that :)

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The technology exists (see for example http://www.readplease.com) and its improving.


However I haven't seen it (yet) used in a game, other than the "letter only pronunciation" I have seen in arcade games (when you enter your initials for the high score, it "reads" your initials back to you).



Now that I think about it, they could make it so that in each dialouge scene where your name is mentioned, it would play a wav (or mp3) file for your name (which it probably does anyway). All you would have to do is make a file recording of your name being spoken, and swap that file into the pk3, so it would be read each time.


The only problem would be that it wouldn't be in the voice of the voice actor's that would say it in game.


Also, if a lot of different characters say your name, that would be a lot of different voice files to do. But as others have suggested, it could have been dealt with another way, as other games have done.

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My daughter's actually have a couple of games with the text reading technology. I entered my daughter Jade's name and it said "Hello Jade". I got the shock of my life! lol. I think it only works with common names atm, because it didn't work for my daughter Kia, much to her dissapointment.

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I'm not too miffed by it, at least the in game characters will be able to adress you with the name that was given you, and possibilities are that there will be say a different name for each skin tone so you'll have some variety of names, but even if it was only one name for each gender of species I'd still be content. Because in plenty of other games where you can choose your name they either stay clear from voice acting or stay clear from letting the characters ever adress you with his/her name. So in any case, I'm content, I'll give my character a different name in multiplayer. ^_^

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The technology exists (see for example http://www.readplease.com) and its improving.


However I haven't seen it (yet) used in a game, other than the "letter only pronunciation" I have seen in arcade games (when you enter your initials for the high score, it "reads" your initials back to you).


Heh...thanks for the link. Sorry I wasn't clear...I meant I was still waiting for the tech. in games. ;)


I think the reason why it's not been used up to now is because the voices can still sound a bit robotic. That's okay for everyday reading - but not so good for games where the character acting is mostly done through voice. I'm sure that once they've solved the problem of more natural sounding voices, we'll be seeing it appear in a whole range of games. :thumbsup:

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