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How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by {TK} M.D.B [AS]

A question: How many moderators will it be needed to delete one post by another moderator?


Not even worth comprehending. That particluar situation would rewrite eveything that was written in history, and the whole universe would collapse in on itself.


Very funny Rhett;)Though I think The_One is right:plol

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Lexx: Okay.


How many forum members does it take to change a lightbulb? None--we have helper monkeys whose tiny little hands can reach into electrical sockets and get at the bulbs more easily. On the delightful occasion that the little darlings are electrocuted due to simian mishap, we are free from prosecution of animal cruelty due to extensive legislation intended to protect testing on monkeys by pharmaceutical companies. Also, the sizzling monkeys give off a nice aroma.


Better? ;)

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Very well. I choose to address the matter or the relevancy of my topics. :) It seems that the matter has come up in public, now, eh?


I would argue that very often, my posts are related to the matter at hand...although it may call for the reader to think a bit, at times, to see my point. Like the humor of Monty Python, frequently some people just don't get it. Take, for example, my comments on 'ripping up the floorboards' in another thread--my suggestion involved one doing just that in the literal sense, which was the entire gist of the joke.


In this case: my original post in this thread involved winning the love of Martha Stewart. *Sigh* Any fool realizes that the key to winning Martha Stewart's heart is proper lighting. :D Forgive, please, if this post was on the abstract side. Spam or not spam? Hmm...gray area.


Gray areas are why we have rules. ;) I have checked the forum rules posted on this matter, and of all the JK2 forums, Yoda's Swamp is indicated as that in which forum members are allowed to chat (as opposed to discuss.) Is this not, then, the forum in which a member can relax their guard a bit when it comes to staying on-topic? The discussion in this thread concerned light bulbs (of all things) which inspired me to mention my plans to use Klingon technology to win dear Martha; occasionally a public conversation will involve even the insane who spout their thoughts even if no others can follow their train of thought. Some of us value what they have to say, if just for a chuckle at the apparent norelevance of it.


Actually, taking the quantum level into account, where all things are manifestations of the one cohesive reality, absolutely everything is relevant to everything else. Two subatomic particles, separated by any amount of space, will exchange quantum information--in zero time--with each other when change is inflicted upon one of them. Bearing in mind E=MC2, which means that nothing, not even quantum information can travel faster than light, this proves handily that the only other explanation--that everything is a seamless whole--must apply. Therefore I am one with every lightbulb, every pair of glow-in-the-dark pants, the distant planets, monkeys, and even dear, sweet Martha Stewart. The distinctions from one thing to another are imposed by the perceiving intelligence; however, those separations are ultimately an illusion, and for one to realize the ultimate truth one must let go of them and let go of nonrelevancy as well...




Anyway. :) I'll see to make sure my posts are more clearly worded so their relation to the discussion at hand is more apparent in the future. Thank you for your time.



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Perhaps we should refer to them as a "vacuum-sealed low-watt domiciliary illumination device." If used outdoors, of course, that becomes a "vacuum-sealed low-watt environmental illumination device."


We could even just call them "VSLDIDs" in handy techno fashion. :D



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Originally posted by Evil Spock

Perhaps we should refer to them as a "vacuum-sealed low-watt domiciliary illumination device." If used outdoors, of course, that becomes a "vacuum-sealed low-watt environmental illumination device."


We could even just call them "VSLDIDs" in handy techno fashion. :D




Or you could just pull your head out of your arse :p

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