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Beta Test

Dr. Zaius

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The criterias are:


Ha! Can't tell you, and frankly we won't tell you. No one knows but us elite members :D




I suggest a Mod just close this. He isn't gonna get mouch real info... then again, I guess they can speculate, and we can laugh at how wrong they are :devburn::p

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Right now they'll probably look at your cpu specs, and determine it from that. They are probably close to deciding the minimum req. Also, it's luck too. Since it's open beta they are probably just pulling names out of hats too. One other thing, no doubt the people who they chose first were people who posted a lot at the official boards. But now I don't think as much.

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Well I have been on the list for a very long time. I have a pretty decent computer. It was top of the line when I applied. :lol: I also have a cable connection to the net.


Anyway..... I still haven't got into the BETA and I vary rarely post of the official forum. I never saw much to talk about on there. So take what you want from that. :rolleyes:

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I can tell you one thing because I remember seeing it in the normal FAQ. The number of posts you have does not help you. I only posted like 2 times on the official forums. The process is totally random for people that meet minimum. The devs sometimes pick a few people from the "crowd."


13.03 How do you select Beta participants?


There are many factors in selecting potential beta testers. In the process of trying to make the best possible use of test, we start by hand-selecting people from our community. Beta selections are not based on number of posts, but instead by quality of involvement in the community and demonstrated ability to think critically. Additionally, we randomly take a selection of our beta applicants who meet additional criteria.


13.04 What is your "criteria" for selecting random testers?


So people don't alter their Beta applications just to tell us what we want to hear, we aren't saying what our current criteria is. For the most part it depends on what our Quality Assurance department deems necessary for a complete test (meaning the criteria does change).

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Jackrabbit, I don't think they pick based on the number of SW games because I signed up for Beta as well, and I haven't gotten the invite. I also have played every SW game out there from Nintendo to SNES to N64 to PS2 to CPU to Gameboy... you get the idea. It's kind of a sick addiction. Anyhow suffice to say, I think it is luck. I had a friend just go and sign up on a whim and he got in. He's a beta tester and he says he doesn't even play it anymore because he would rather play UT. Crazy huh?

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Lol, yeah caveman that's a thought. I think I have just resigned myself to wait. If it is my desinty to be selected a tester, then I will be, if not I'll play the final version. Either way... I'll be playing, sooner or later.

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Don't let them fool you, no one really knows what the criteria is. And it changes. Some random, some hand picked, just like they say in their responses to this question.


On a side note....


Wraith? Over 9000 posts? WTH man, you got a life or anything? Seems to my that's a cry for help! Maby an intervention, what do you think guys? :D :D :D

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We (BETA 3'ers) are given a tiny bit more information about selection than those not in BETA (even if I told you it probably wouldnt help much if any), but for the most part I'm guessing it's mostly random at this point. The reason I say that is because I cant imagine them hand-selecting people by the thousands- they have better things to do than that. I would guess that most people still have an equal chance of getting in, so dont lose hope.

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Originally posted by Jackrabbit

I used to think they picked people because of their previous experience. Now I'm not so sure...


Maybe they pick people by the number of Star Wars games they've played.

Well I have been in 4 Beta tests that's not alot, but I have a good idea whats going on in them. The good thing about being in the Beta is you know to by the game or not. I havent bought any of the ones I tested.:rolleyes:
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yeah, it probally is random, I would not be suprised. I wish the machine would pick me. :) I also wish that people who posted here a lot (aka Wraith and Jan) would get in because they really deserve it. Also, I wish that the developers looked at this forum, because it seems more of a tightly knit community then the main bored. I mean, ive never seen anyone post a *first!* on this website. It seems that on the main forum, you are treated as a number, because there are so many people, but we definately have a community going here. I am proud to be part of it.

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Originally posted by MadMardigan

On a side note....


Wraith? Over 9000 posts? WTH man, you got a life or anything? Seems to my that's a cry for help! Maby an intervention, what do you think guys? :D :D :D

actually after a mistake by an admin yesterday.... i lost 700 posts :p


so its abouy 9700 :p but who os counting.. im still number 4 in the member list top 20 :p

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Originally posted by cosmos Jack Well I have been in 4 Beta tests that's not alot, but I have a good idea whats going on in them. The good thing about being in the Beta is you know to by the game or not. I havent bought any of the ones I tested
So what games did you test for?
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