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Another Dream Thread

Darth Groovy

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OK, Jedi220 posted this about a year ago, and I have good reason to post this again.


Anyways I realize that certain dreams are supposed to be symbolic of principal things that happen to be going on in your life. For example dreams about dying represent a transitional period in your life, and dreams about falling mean....er....something else.


Well I had a dream that I cannot explain.


I dreamed that when I woke up, (I work nights, which means I sleep during the day, when most of my family is awake.) my mom had purchased serveral cardboard cut outs of Joe Piscopo, an actor/comedian that phizzled out of existance in the late '80s.

Here is what he looks like:





Anyways she bought all these cardboard cut outs, and had decorated the halls with them, the guest bedroom, her living room, and even the front yard. I am walking around with my jaw open and my mom is like, "I got a good deal on these cardboard cut outs", all I could say is "why Joe Piscopo?" and my mom is like: "Well I like Joe Piscopo.... don't you like my decorations?" At that point I was so repulsed I just said; "um, I'm going back to bed..." Then when I woke up again I was completely covered in cardboard Joe Piscopo cut outs, and my mom was just laughing at me and said "Sorry but I ran out of room, I will have them out of there soon", I woke up screaming...


Why in the Hell would I have a dream as rediculous as this, and what the blazes does it all mean anyways?:confused: And no, my mom is not a Joe Piscopo fan that I can recall...

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Why in the Hell would I have a dream as rediculous as this, and what the blazes does it all mean anyways?


It doesn't mean anything.


Dreams are just psychic garbage. What you're dreaming about depends on what's been on your mind lately, though sometimes it makes no sense whatsoever.


If you read into it too much, you could just as well start reading people's futures in your trash can.

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if I dreamt that I was an Orc from Warcraft 3

only I had become all Zen like and like a Samurai

and I was fighting Keebler Elves inside nasty

Anime Mech walking robots, what does that mean?


actually Joe Pistashio played the evil rival Kung Fu school seafood in Sidekicks a funny Chuck Norris film. man Kato's performance in that was classic. he rana Kung Fu dojo called the 'Frying Dragon' his performance in the competion is worth digging this old movie up just to see that. plus the funny kid\Norris parodies were funny.

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Ah, a dream thread. I feel so at home right now. :D


Holy smokes, that guy is scary. :eek:


Nothing I can do to interpret that. If you got Rhett in here, he might serve some purpose. :)

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It's a sign that Joe Pishyname is spying on you..... open your blinds or look out the window, lok deep into the shadows.....


He's Watching you.


Just watching......

Deep in the shadows.....






Exits thread in an eery way

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